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Check out Elaine's coronavirus/COVID-19 section in the Environmental Science Bulletin Board.
Geoscience Bulletin Board – 26 April – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Applying machine learning combined with cloud computing to develop geological models
Hiking Northrup Canyon in Washington State – geology, history & ecology
Ethiopian geology puts chance of Renaissance Dam collapse at 50% - African Rift Zone
The Rainbow Mountains of China exposed in Zhangye Daxia National Geological Park
Book Review: “Hiking in Cripple Creek, Victor & Goldfield with the Gold Camp Trail Mules”
The “Anthropocene” is overrated – it is a cultural touchstone not a geological time unit
Utahraptor State Park will protect trove of Cretaceous fossils in Cedar Mountain Formation
Heavy rains trigger landslides in Uganda – debris slumps
La Soufrière Volcano continues to erupt on St. Vincent Island in the Caribbean
Permian-Triassic extinction event lasted 10x longer on land than in the ocean
Naturally occurring “earthquake gate” limits magnitude of most earthquakes
Ocean currents modulate oxygen content in waters at the Equator
Evidence of pack behavior among T. rex found in southern Utah
- Paper:
Oklahoma may be the new “lightning capital” of the country
- Interactive lightning map:
Causes, potential predictability & historical context of rapid changes in Gulf Stream
- Paper:
Rock glaciers may slow rate of melting in the Himalaya
Decrease in salinity of Upper Colorado River since 1929
- Salinity Control Program:
Google Earth 3D Time-lapse tool visualizes Landsat changes over past 40 years
- Google Earth Timelapse:,0,0a,22251752.77375655d,35y,0h,0t,0r
9-year ban on mining projects lifted by President of the Philippines
Rare Subtropical Storm Potira takes shape off the coast of Brazil
Remember the furor over Iceberg A68a that posed “grave threat”? - A68 cannot be presented as poster child for human-induced climate change - the iceberg is just melting away
- Grave threat:
New estimates on how fast T. rex could walk & run
- Paper:
Two men died from “lightning blast” or “blast effect” on Piton de la Fournaise volcano on La Reunion Island
Azerbaijan building Mud Volcanoes Tourism Complex – groundbreaking ceremony
Submarine volcanoes release massive amounts of energy - megaplumes
- Paper:
Volcanoes that erupt without warning
Why we cannot burn our trash in volcanoes
Machine learning model generates realistic-looking synthetic seismic waveforms
Topographically-induced back-building thunderstorm lines along Mei-yu Front in China
Applying machine learning to prediction of debris flows
Understanding forensic geology – all goes back to Sherlock Holmes
Dynamic geological processes model may help assess resource potential in the Arctic
Drilling at La Paz Scandium & Rare Earths Project in Arizona suggest geology is favorable
Geologists should also be data managers
Melting of the crust in the North American Cordilleran Anatectic Belt
The “Anthropocene” remains enigmatic
Geomojis translate geoscience & geohazard terms across any language
- draft set of pictograms to describe volcanic processes. Credit: Benjamin van Wyk de Vries
Arackar licanantay – Cretaceous titanosaur discovered in Atacama Desert of Chile
Second edition of Geology Road Guide – Denali National Park & Preserve
Probing the Ross Sea in the Antarctic Ocean & honoring the work of James Clark Ross (1800-1862)
- James Clark Ross:
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 26 April – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Webinar on 29 April – Estimating GHG Benefits of NRCS applied practices
- Archival at:
In trying to conquer Nature and Death – humans have turned science into religion – “the more we investigate the universe the more rigid appear the limits to our knowledge” - Immanuel Kant would agree
Fill veins of dead body with toxic formaldehyde & encase in a vault to last a long time ... or … “terramation” human composting
- Colorado:
- Delaware:
- Return Home:
Burlington, Vermont, bans noisy gas-powered leaf blowers in summer & limits noise level to 65 decibels
Using herds of hungry goats to prepare for wildfire season in California
California wants its “fair share” of $T infrastructure spending – flooding on Highway 37
- Project:
- Visualizing $T budget:
Coffea stenophylla - Coffee with superior flavor favors warmer climate
Using satellite data to map particulate air pollution and focus on human health
USA-NPN supports discovery, human health, agriculture, sustainability & education
Visualizing extremes of US population density
Visualizing the monster modern cruise ships compared to the Titanic
Interstate water disputes on the docket for SCOTUS
60M Americans do not drink their tap water
Corporate pledges of “net-zero” emissions should be regarded with skepticism
Wolf-cam reveals some of what wild wolves do all day
Australia’s first underground waste disposal system to replace rubbish trucks
After existing over geologic time in the Sierra Nevada sequoia are now at risk from multiple threats
Joshua Tree National Park holds virtual discussion on climbing management plan
Significant human impact on ecology of Earth for at least 12,000 years – sustainable until fairly recently
- Paper:
Rhino poacher fled Kruger National Park Rangers – ran into elephant herd & was trampled to death
Impending federal government first-ever official water shortage declaration – should have seen the need for this anytime during the on-going drought – political perspective – declared in just 2 California Counties
River color monitored by satellite reflects water quality
“Mudhoney” boring machine launched in Seattle to create 2.7-mile tunnel to store sewer overflow
Road salts threaten freshwater supplies
- Paper:
Big Cat Public Safety Act would ban private ownership of big cats such as lions & tigers
Greenland used to be green – revealed by ice cores from Project Iceworm
Environmental concerns challenge new Tesla factory in Germany
Plastic particles dispersed globally by ocean waves & through the air
Noise pollution poses long-term risks to forests and plant diversity
Idaho Senate Committee approved legislation allowing state to kill 90% of wolves in the State
Nearly $80M funding for Wetland Conservation Projects & National Wildlife Refuges
$5.6M funding to control & prevent Chronic Wasting Disease
Drought Relief Working Group to address urgency of Western water crisis
US F&WS final habitat designation for about 467 square miles of riparian land to help protect migrating endangered western yellow-billed cuckoo across several Western States
Injecting politically motivated “environmental justice” into the NEPA review process
Will it be possible to infinitely recycle plastic?
- Paper:
PFAS chemicals are “forever” – pollute water and humans – PFAS from ski wax in Norway
- Paper:!divAbstract
Two rare white lions finally get to live on their own terms
Federal Judge gives Nevada F&W 30 more days to make decision of endangered species protection for Tiehm’s buckwheat desert flower at center of dispute over proposed lithium mine
“dimming” the sun to geoengineer climate (i.e., humans failing to adapt) may open Pandora’s Box of unintended consequences – ‘messing ‘round with forces beyond their ability to understand’
Drought at critical level across 85% of Mexico
Technological hazard: EU wants to ban AI facial recognition – “deep & non-democratic intrusion”
Gender reveal parties that set off explosives may cause wildfires & other damage
Coronavirus COVID-19 statistics by country (click on USA to get State statistics) & CDC tracker
- interactive map s:
- CDC Weekly Tracker:
Political perspectives on the virus … what is true and what is not versus what people “believe”
J&J vaccine still in limbo – poll says 88% of Americans agree
Virus did not care about ineffective mask mandates & catastrophically destructive shutdowns
Perspective: what epidemiologist got “wrong”
Crematoriums working overtime in India – data denial – fewer than 25% of deaths are certified
Willingness to get vaccinated remains fairly constant – eager folks have been vaccinated
How exactly does the virus infect the lungs?
- Paper:
Perspective: Time to shut down “hygiene theater” – germophobic surface cleaning not necessary – constant cleaning of surfaces, food & chairs is part of the problem not a solution
Consequences of excessive use of hand sanitizers – human health risks & microbial resistance
Herpes zoster (“shingles”) infections may be linked to vaccine
New variant shows signs of antibody resistance – variant BV-1 for Brazos Valley origin in Texas
Lack of enthusiasm to get vaccinated – “people have very legitimate concerns”
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 26 April – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Hydraulic pumps being used by more “clam diggers” will devastate California coastal waters
Genetic study of coastal pine martens could shed light on human migration to the Americas – Coastal Refugium Hypothesis
Rhode Island Dem seeking public input on raising parking fees at two coastal areas
Just when you thought the issue of off-road vehicles & Oceano Dunes was settled…
EWS proposed for coastal bluffs in San Diego – signs were up but ignored by beach-goers – futile efforts to prevent bluffs from collapsing
Flood water releases in North Carolina cause flooding in South Carolina waterways
Tracking oxygen with biogeochemical floats in the Sargasso Sea
• Paper:
Netting garbage at Padre Island National Seashore
Identifying possible earthquake & tsunami hazards in NW Columbia
Ground & satellite mapping of building explosion damage at Port of Beirut
Challenges to constructing the $330M Stad Ship Tunnel in Norway
Study predicts increased frequency & intensity of precipitation along coast of Antarctica
• Paper:
Massive chemical dumps in Gulf of Mexico and off California coast from 50 years ago – contents unknown but include toxic chemicals and radioactive waste
Re-routing Mississippi River could “save” retreating coast – but what collateral damages will occur?
Key project in restoration of Everglades to begin later this year with construction of huge reservoir south of Lake Okeechobee – will impact discharges to Gulf of Mexico & Atlantic Ocean
Guide to extended continental shelves and the Arctic – Russia makes extended claim
Cleanup in Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument lasted 3 weeks & picked up 47+ tons of plastic
Conflict over access to resources continues – Turkey pushes back French & Greek vessels
Equinor O&G output to be powered from shore in Norwegian Continental Shelf – strikes O&G in new segment
Perspective: Defending sovereign rights over the seas – defending EEZ and resources contained there/
India extending claim over continental shelf and resources
GAO raises question about government inspections of offshore pipelines
• Report:
Gulf of California may be important great white shark nursery or pupping ground
Flooding in Houston, Texas, polluted reefs more than 100 miles from shore
Multi-hazard vulnerability risk assessment of the Port of San Francisco & aging 5-km seawall
"I want to eat more of what I kill." - Former colleague of mine arguing to our dean about why he should get more overhead return from his grants.