Our next AWRA Webinar will be on 16 February 1 - 2 PM EST and feature Erica Gies on 'Water Always Wins - Thriving in an Age of Drought and Deluge' .
Floods and droughts are growing more frequent and intense not just from climate change but also due to our development patterns. But today -- in California, Peru, India, Kenya, and elsewhere -- people are asking a revolutionary question: What does water want? We've erased many of water's slow phases in wetlands, floodplains and forests. What water wants is
to reclaim that space. Practitioners of what I'm calling the "Slow Water movement" -- inspired by ancient geology, microbes, beavers, older cultures, and cutting-edge science -- are now making space for water within our human habitats.
Learning Objectives
- Accept that we are causing many of our water problems.
- Explain the Slow Water movement.
- Change our relationship with water to one of collaboration
Enjoy! Register here.
Help wanted - Lake Powell. Interesting ad in Delta County, Colorado’s High Country Shopper. Not sure if we’re supposed to take this one seriously.
Click on the graphic to enlarge.
The links below represent the week's water news as represented by my Tweets. I do not pretend that this survey is a comprehensive survey of the water news; it's my attempt to keep my readers informed to the best of my ability and available time.
Scroll down to 'Positions Open' and 'Previous Weeks' Positions Open' to see the jobs. All my individual job Tweets are archived at #JobWaWi. Previous weekly summaries are archived at: #WaWiNews or click here. If a link does not work, paste the URL into your browser.
Top Twenty-Five (More or Less)
Next @AWRAHQ #WebinarWednesday! 16 February 1 - 2 PM EST: @egies on 'Water Always Wins - Thriving in an Age of Drought and Deluge' tinyurl.com/yspyh7y7#globalwater #water4climate
The @AGU_Eos 'Buzz' Newsletter-4 February 2022. Mountains Sway to the Seismic Song of Earth; Mapping a River Beneath the Sea; Mining Threatens Isolated Indigenous Peoples in Amazon; The Role of Magma in the Birth of the Atlantic Ocean; More! tinyurl.com/3zuxpxs5#scicomm
Joint Associations' Letter to EPA: 'Accidental Release Prevention Requirements, Risk Management Program under the Clean Air Act' bit.ly/3uq2dL6#scicomm #water4climate
Water Alternatives 15(1), February 2022 bit.ly/3s97fst#scicom #globalwater #water4climate
From @KALW: A new study predicts a huge increase in catastrophic hurricanes for the northeastern U.S. tinyurl.com/ycpe3245#NEWater
In @CA_Water_News Republicans introduce Senate Bill 890 to ensure millions of acre-feet of water is stored during wet years instead of being flushed out to sea. tinyurl.com/2p8cte43#cawater
From @winknews: Research by @FGCU at Lake Okeechobee could help protect against algal blooms in SWFL tinyurl.com/yrcbha4u#FLwater
In @DurangoHerald: New legislation would address abandoned mine pollution in Southwest Colorado. tinyurl.com/2kscuevx#cowater
Community of Women in Water - Februart 2022 Newsletter tinyurl.com/2p92m4wa
Paper from @EGU_HESS: 'Evidence for high-elevation salar recharge and interbasin groundwater flow in the Western Cordillera of the Peruvian Andes' tinyurl.com/2p9d98x7#globalwater
Letter in @ABQjournal: New Mexico’s top water official should be a licensed engineer. tinyurl.com/2vtnaaea#SWUSwater
From @WBFO: @GLCommission unveils interactive online resource for tracking algal blooms. tinyurl.com/3j6t9p22#NEWater
From @WUSF: Florida gets another $404 million for climate change prep. It needs billions more. tinyurl.com/48em893z#FLwater
From @WPLGLocal10: Race is on to save the Great Salt Lake: Will it be enough? tinyurl.com/yc42xt3a#SWUSwater
In @KREM2: Washington still hasn't recovered fully from summer drought. tinyurl.com/386n6std#PNWater
In @TB_Times Florida gets another $404 million for climate change prep. tinyurl.com/3xcy4u4h#FLwater
From @AP: @EPA acts on environmental justice in 3 Gulf Coast states. tinyurl.com/2p84au8w#envirojustice
From @BNNBloomberg: Los Angeles Is Building a Future Where Water Won’t Run Out. tinyurl.com/4ye9npx8#cawater
From @ConversationUS: What does climate change have to do with snowstorms? tinyurl.com/yde4dzwj#scicomm
In @highcountrynews Tribal nations are locked inside the U.S. water regime. tinyurl.com/ywf7zjjs#SWUSwater
The @Oregonian's Beat Check podcast with @andrewtheen and @robwdavis: 'Why Lake Abert matters and why Oregonians should care about its present, future' tinyurl.com/ypyz75e5#PNWater
AWWA Letter to EPA: Development of Revised Definition of WOTUS in light of Sackett v. EPA. bit.ly/3GcYwdI#scicomm
Who knew? From @CNNTravel Passenger facilities at @LGAairport's multibillion $$ Terminal B are officially complete. In 2016 I said to a LGA @unitedgate agent that I'd be back in 2022 to see it done. 'In your dreams, honey.' was her reply. tinyurl.com/mb26zwrx#NYC
Books, Reviews and Related
Next @AWRAHQ #WebinarWednesday! 16 February 1 - 2 PM EST: @egies on 'Water Always Wins - Thriving in an Age of Drought and Deluge' tinyurl.com/yspyh7y7#globalwater #water4climate
CRS Report: 'Indian Water Rights Settlements' bit.ly/3rq6LPP#scicomm
Elaine J. Hanford's Bulletin Boards: 1) Geoscience; 2) Environmental Science; 3) Coastal Zone Management - 31 January 2022 bit.ly/3s2P9IB
In @NatGeo: Extreme drought creates unlikely farming allies in the Arizona desert tinyurl.com/2hecfuxk#SWUSwater
From @WYPR881FM: How will sea level rise impact Baltimore? tinyurl.com/yckkswaz#NEWater
Bottled Water, Beer, Drinking Water/TapWater
AWWA Letter to EPA: Development of Revised Definition of WOTUS in light of Sackett v. EPA. bit.ly/3GcYwdI#scicomm
Bullshit and Crap Detection
Letter in @ABQjournal: New Mexico’s top water official should be a licensed engineer. tinyurl.com/2vtnaaea#SWUSwater
In @CA_Water_News Republicans introduce Senate Bill 890 to ensure millions of acre-feet of water is stored during wet years instead of being flushed out to sea. tinyurl.com/2p8cte43#cawater
From @KVPR: State gives thumbs down to most San Joaquin Valley groundwater plans. tinyurl.com/mv9s5vm4#cawater
In @RecordBee: California ballot measure to build more reservoirs, water projects dies due to lack of signatures. tinyurl.com/3tkbnhnm#cawater
From @BNNBloomberg: Los Angeles Is Building a Future Where Water Won’t Run Out. tinyurl.com/4ye9npx8#cawater
From @UDJnews California drought: Sierra Nevada snowpack falls below average. tinyurl.com/2ef5wrst#cawater
From @UCDavisWater: 'The Journey to Science Friday' tinyurl.com/2vaj2s3h#cawater
From @kcranews: Groundwater plan approved to help reduce climate change risks to NorCal's water supply. tinyurl.com/a6vfh9a3#cawater
From @CanadianWater: 'The Droplet' Newsletter - 31 January 2022. Brewing up support in Kawartha Conservation’s watershed; Don’t miss ECO Impact 2022, ECO Canada’s annual learning series & networking event; More! tinyurl.com/3n9cu8fa#scicomm
Climate, Climate Change, and Meteorology
From @USATODAY by @janetwilson66: Climate Point - 3 February 2022. Solar leases for free on public lands?; Cockroaches of the sea: Mercury regulations restored and more! tinyurl.com/2p9bs3yk#water4climate #globalwater
From @WUSF: Florida gets another $404 million for climate change prep. It needs billions more. tinyurl.com/48em893z#FLwater
From @ConversationUS: What does climate change have to do with snowstorms? tinyurl.com/yde4dzwj#scicomm
From @WYPR881FM: How will sea level rise impact Baltimore? tinyurl.com/yckkswaz#NEWater
In @DurangoHerald: New legislation would address abandoned mine pollution in Southwest Colorado. tinyurl.com/2kscuevx#cowater
In @The_News_Record: Wyoming @GovernorGordon seeks fed funds to fix ailing dam, wrangles with water developers tinyurl.com/4wu3fycx
In @csgazette: Plan to send San Luis Valley water to Douglas County hits opposition. tinyurl.com/4uh4afmz#cowater
Conferences,Webinars, Workshops and Calls for Abstracts/Paper
Next @AWRAHQ #WebinarWednesday! 16 February 1 - 2 PM EST: @egies on 'Water Always Wins - Thriving in an Age of Drought and Deluge' tinyurl.com/yspyh7y7#globalwater #water4climate
The Colorado River Compact: Navigating the Future', 17-18 March, @SJQuinney College of Law, @UUtah, Salt Lake City. tinyurl.com/53evuea4#cowater
Conflict, Cooperation, and Security
By @R_EricKuhn & @jfleck: A century ago, Colorado River Compact negotiations begin #cowater tinyurl.com/mus8whpm
Disasters: Droughts, Floods, Wildfires and More
From @KALW: A new study predicts a huge increase in catastrophic hurricanes for the northeastern U.S. tinyurl.com/ycpe3245#NEWater
In @KREM2: Washington still hasn't recovered fully from summer drought. tinyurl.com/386n6std#PNWater
From @UDJnews California drought: Sierra Nevada snowpack falls below average. tinyurl.com/2ef5wrst#cawater
In @NatGeo: Extreme drought creates unlikely farming allies in the Arizona desert tinyurl.com/2hecfuxk#SWUSwater
From @WYPR881FM: How will sea level rise impact Baltimore? tinyurl.com/yckkswaz#NEWater
Column in @TB_Times: With seas rising, let’s invest in @USouthFlorida's resiliency and sustainability research center. tinyurl.com/2p9pe8f7#FLwater
Daily Water News
California Water News Daily
California Water News Daily - 4 February 2022. tinyurl.com/yme6h459#cawater
California Water News Daily - 3 February 2022. tinyurl.com/4k4j6v52#cawater
California Water News Daily - 2 February 2022. tinyurl.com/2p8madbc#cawater
California Water News Daily - 1 February 2022. tinyurl.com/y7tjmvp3#cawater
California Water News Daily - 31 January 2022. tinyurl.com/555w8eut#cawater
California Water News Daily - 30 January 2022. tinyurl.com/3hrc92cu#cawater
California Water News Daily - 29 January 2022. tinyurl.com/5afvnvee#cawater
Colorado Water News Daily
Colorado Water News Daily - 4 February 2022. tinyurl.com/2p8mwhfu#cowater
Colorado Water News Daily - 3 February 2022. tinyurl.com/3y4cfsk9#cowater
Colorado Water News Daily - 2 February 2022. tinyurl.com/ym2yh9ts#cowater
Colorado Water News Daily - 1 February 2022. tinyurl.com/bddvxd2m#cowater
Colorado Water News Daily - 31 January 2022. tinyurl.com/346kk4v9#cowater
Colorado Water News Daily - 30 January 2022. tinyurl.com/yh5ttabr#cowater
Colorado Water News Daily - 29 January 2022. tinyurl.com/2p8ua796#cowater
Florida Water News Daily
Florida Water News Daily - 4 February 2022. tinyurl.com/3ymppa72#FLwater
Florida Water News Daily - 3 February 2022. tinyurl.com/b5u4ebj8#FLwater
Florida Water News Daily - 2 February 2022. tinyurl.com/yrdszurp#FLwater
Florida Water News Daily - 1 February 2022. tinyurl.com/bde5nt46#FLwater
Florida Water News Daily - 31 January 2022. tinyurl.com/3nb7crhf#FLwater
Florida Water News Daily - 30 January 2022. tinyurl.com/bdct9jvs#FLwater
Florida Water News Daily - 29 January 2022. tinyurl.com/wrpnhah2#FLwater
Northeast US Water News Daily
Northeast US Water News Daily - 4 February 2022. tinyurl.com/5n7vdzdd#NEWater
Northeast US Water News Daily - 3 February 2022. tinyurl.com/2p936k5n#NEWater
Northeast US Water News Daily - 2 February 2022. tinyurl.com/74zbte8u#NEWater
Northeast US Water News Daily - 1 February 2022. tinyurl.com/2p95ttmd#NEWater
Pacific Northwest Water Daily
Pacific Northwest Water News Daily - 4 February 2022. tinyurl.com/yc6ddbyc#PNWater
Pacific Northwest Water News daily - 3 February 2022. tinyurl.com/2zw35wmb#PNWater
Pacific Northwest Water News Daily - 2 February 2022. tinyurl.com/vu47wxvu
Pacific Northwest Water News Daly - 1 February 2022. tinyurl.com/4b2dkhs3#PNWater
Pacific Northwest Water News Daily - 31 January 2022. tinyurl.com/2p8ssxmk#PNWater
Eugene Water News Weekly - 31 January 2022. tinyurl.com/2espcxu4#EUGwater
Pacific Northwest Water News Daily - 30 January 2022. tinyurl.com/22htvd73#PNWater
Pacific Northwest Water News Daily - 29 January 2022. tinyurl.com/3xxuxpr4#PNWater
Southwest US Water News Daily
Southwest US Water News Daily - 4 February 2022. tinyurl.com/2p8pb4pv#SWUSwater
Southwest US Water News Daily - 3 February 2022. tinyurl.com/2kcrjrxp#SWUSwater
Southwest US Water News Daily - 2 February 2022. tinyurl.com/ycxnx79r#SWUSwater
Texas Water News Daily
Texas Water News Daily - 4 February 2022. tinyurl.com/2p9cz23s
Texas Water News Daily - 3 February 2022. tinyurl.com/2p8jhw5f#txwater
Texas Water News Daily - 2 February 2022. tinyurl.com/2p892zms#txwater
Texas Water News Daily - 1 February 2022. tinyurl.com/y36utsbw#txwater
Texas Water News Daily - 31 January 2022. tinyurl.com/2p86t2xj#txwater
Texas Water News Daily - 30 January 2022. tinyurl.com/mwuds84a#txwater
Texas Water News Daily - 29 January 2022. tinyurl.com/eb4etd5m#txwater
Education, Events, and Opportunities
Next @AWRAHQ #WebinarWednesday! 16 February 1 - 2 PM EST: @egies on 'Water Always Wins - Thriving in an Age of Drought and Deluge' tinyurl.com/yspyh7y7#globalwater #water4climate
From @OSUCEOAS: 'On the Horizon' Newsletter - 4 February 2022. tinyurl.com/yckja3d8#PNWater
From @UNEP: 2 February is World Wetlands Day 2022 tinyurl.com/mwen5ktp#globalwater #scicomm
E-Newsletters and E-Newspapers
From @OSUCEOAS: 'On the Horizon' Newsletter - 4 February 2022. tinyurl.com/yckja3d8#PNWater
From @AZWRRC: 'Weekly Wave' Newsletter - 4 February 2022. In This Issue: Project CENTRL, Colorado River, CAP, APW, Faculty Awards, Kombucha. Also: Gaining Perspective: Agriculture in Yuma. tinyurl.com/3phpprwv#SWUSwater
Elaine J. Hanford's Bulletin Boards: 1) Geoscience; 2) Environmental Science; 3) Coastal Zone Management - 31 January 2022 bit.ly/3s2P9IB
Community of Women in Water - Februart 2022 Newsletter tinyurl.com/2p92m4wa
From @CanadianWater: 'The Droplet' Newsletter - 31 January 2022. Brewing up support in Kawartha Conservation’s watershed; Don’t miss ECO Impact 2022, ECO Canada’s annual learning series & networking event; More! tinyurl.com/3n9cu8fa#scicomm
The @AGU_Eos 'Buzz' Newsletter-4 February 2022. Mountains Sway to the Seismic Song of Earth; Mapping a River Beneath the Sea; Mining Threatens Isolated Indigenous Peoples in Amazon; The Role of Magma in the Birth of the Atlantic Ocean; More! tinyurl.com/3zuxpxs5#scicomm
From @USATODAY by @janetwilson66: Climate Point - 3 February 2022. Solar leases for free on public lands?; Cockroaches of the sea: Mercury regulations restored and more! tinyurl.com/2p9bs3yk#water4climate #globalwater
The @WaterNetwork1 Newsletter - 4 February 2022. Essential Industry Trending Technology~Editor's Choice~Articles & Knowledge Exchange~Featured Jobs~Online Course~Events~More! tinyurl.com/ywpfbrp3#scicomm
It's @Nature Briefing - 4 Fabruary 2022. Highly virulent HIV variant found in Europe; UK scientists anxious over EU funding; Malaria bed nets help with long-term health; Structural secrets of Omicron’s success; Survey of gender bias in IPCC;More! tinyurl.com/yckhs8xr#scicomm
It's @Nature Briefing - 3 February 2022. CAR-T cells hold cancer at bay; First #COVID19 human challenge trial; Direct evidence of two types of water; What Omicron reveals about immunity; Anti-fraudster accused of fraud; More! tinyurl.com/2p88u2ab#scicomm
It's @Nature Briefing - 2 February 2022. Will Omicron end the pandemic?; Drug-resistant infections kill millions; UK DARPA clone poaches @DARPAchief; Richard Leakey: ‘He embraced life’; Apollo 14’s forgotten Moon trees; More! tinyurl.com/yppvwne7#scicomm
It's @nature Briefing - 1 February 2022. Best science images of the month; World hits ten billion COVID vaccinations; Wolf hunt is ‘huge setback’ for science; How to support lip-reading researchers; The physics of N95 masks; More! tinyurl.com/36wr4dz3#scicomm
It's @Nature Briefing - 31 January 2022. Debunked posts about scientists endure; Respiratory societies tighten author ban; Does the world need an Omicron vaccine? Missing ear bone helps bats to echolocate; A geologist perseveres in Yemen; More! tinyurl.com/by3y5eat#scicomm
Ethics, Gender, Indigenous People, Rights
Support Women in Water Scholarship Fund-Donate Now! bit.ly/2S63TVr
From @AP: @EPA acts on environmental justice in 3 Gulf Coast states. tinyurl.com/2p84au8w#envirojustice
Community of Women in Water - Februart 2022 Newsletter tinyurl.com/2p92m4wa
“We literally spend our whole lives working hard, but I can’t put raising four kids on my CV and get credit for it.” - Nigerian microbiologist Ahmed El-Iman
"Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power." - Lao Tzu
“The land is sacred. These words are at the core of your being. The land is our mother, the rivers our blood. Take our land away and we die. That is, the Indian in us dies.” – Mary Brave Bird, Lakota
In @highcountrynews Tribal nations are locked inside the U.S. water regime. tinyurl.com/ywf7zjjs#SWUSwater
CRS Report: 'Indian Water Rights Settlements' bit.ly/3rq6LPP#scicomm
Florida Water
In @GainesvilleSun: What are the big contributors to groundwater pollution? tinyurl.com/38d6mbxu#FLwater
From @winknews: Research by @FGCU at Lake Okeechobee could help protect against algal blooms in SWFL tinyurl.com/yrcbha4u#FLwater
From @WUSF: Florida gets another $404 million for climate change prep. It needs billions more. tinyurl.com/48em893z#FLwater
In @TB_Times Florida gets another $404 million for climate change prep. tinyurl.com/3xcy4u4h#FLwater
From @WLRN The Biden $1 billion Everglades plan: What will it pay for? tinyurl.com/yckr49f5#FLwater
Column in @TB_Times: With seas rising, let’s invest in @USouthFlorida's resiliency and sustainability research center. tinyurl.com/2p9pe8f7#FLwater
Global Water
Water Alternatives 15(1), February 2022 bit.ly/3s97fst#scicom #globalwater #water4climate
Paper from @EGU_HESS: 'Evidence for high-elevation salar recharge and interbasin groundwater flow in the Western Cordillera of the Peruvian Andes' tinyurl.com/2p9d98x7#globalwater
Groundwater and Hydrogeology
In @thesuffolktimes: Study recommends $5M groundwater recharge system for Greenport tinyurl.com/4ke65adc#NEWater
In @GainesvilleSun: What are the big contributors to groundwater pollution? tinyurl.com/38d6mbxu#FLwater
Paper from @EGU_HESS: 'Evidence for high-elevation salar recharge and interbasin groundwater flow in the Western Cordillera of the Peruvian Andes' tinyurl.com/2p9d98x7#globalwater
From @KVPR: State gives thumbs down to most San Joaquin Valley groundwater plans. tinyurl.com/mv9s5vm4#cawater
From @azcentral by @zaynasyed: Tucson digs in against Rosemont copper mine in a dispute over a water storage project. tinyurl.com/bdh63zue#SWUSwater
From @kcranews: Groundwater plan approved to help reduce climate change risks to NorCal's water supply. tinyurl.com/a6vfh9a3#cawater
Hydrofracking, Shale Gas, and Energy
Editorial in @HoustonChron: Permian earthquakes should jolt Texas officials into action on shale drilling. bit.ly/3fE0GZg#txwater
From @TiffDowell's Texas Ag Law Blog: Understanding & Evaluating Carbon Contracts bit.ly/3GYv8sV
NE Water #NEWater
From @KALW: A new study predicts a huge increase in catastrophic hurricanes for the northeastern U.S. tinyurl.com/ycpe3245#NEWater
In @thesuffolktimes: Study recommends $5M groundwater recharge system for Greenport tinyurl.com/4ke65adc#NEWater
From @WBFO: @GLCommission unveils interactive online resource for tracking algal blooms. tinyurl.com/3j6t9p22#NEWater
From @WYPR881FM: How will sea level rise impact Baltimore? tinyurl.com/yckkswaz#NEWater
Who knew? From @CNNTravel Passenger facilities at @LGAairport's multibillion $$ Terminal B are officially complete. In 2016 I said to a LGA @unitedgate agent that I'd be back in 2022 to see it done. 'In your dreams, honey.' was her reply. tinyurl.com/mb26zwrx#NYC
Personal, People, Interviews, and Quotes
"We are closing due to bad weather. That is no reason to miss class though. Make sure to meet with your classes on Zoom." - @ass_deans
Who knew? From @CNNTravel Passenger facilities at @LGAairport's multibillion $$ Terminal B are officially complete. In 2016 I said to a LGA @unitedgate agent that I'd be back in 2022 to see it done. 'In your dreams, honey.' was her reply. tinyurl.com/mb26zwrx#NYC
“We literally spend our whole lives working hard, but I can’t put raising four kids on my CV and get credit for it.” - Nigerian microbiologist Ahmed El-Iman
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." - Benjamin Franklin
“The land is sacred. These words are at the core of your being. The land is our mother, the rivers our blood. Take our land away and we die. That is, the Indian in us dies.” – Mary Brave Bird, Lakota
It has been said that a pretty face is a passport. But it's not; it's a visa and it runs out fast." - Julie Burchill (quoted in @PsychToday via @TheWeek)
'What you say is not as important as the bookcase behind you.' - @BCredibility
Mike Hamman has been named NM State Engineer by @GovMLG. He is a former @usbr area manager and @CityofSantaFe water resources director. #SWUSwater
PNW Water
In @KREM2: Washington still hasn't recovered fully from summer drought. tinyurl.com/386n6std#PNWater
The @Oregonian's Beat Check podcast with @andrewtheen and @robwdavis: 'Why Lake Abert matters and why Oregonians should care about its present, future' tinyurl.com/ypyz75e5#PNWater
Policy, Planning, Law, Governance, Economics, IWRM, and ManagementIn @The_News_Record: Wyoming @GovernorGordon seeks fed funds to fix ailing dam, wrangles with water developers tinyurl.com/4wu3fycx
The Colorado River Compact: Navigating the Future', 17-18 March, @SJQuinney College of Law, @UUtah, Salt Lake City. tinyurl.com/53evuea4#cowater
Positions Open #JobWaWi
Josh's Water Jobs and More! 1 February 2022 bit.ly/3riRQa4
Previous Weeks' Positions Open #JobWaWi
Josh's Water Jobs & More! 25 January 2022 tinyurl.com/2p8hn7zu
Josh's Water Jobs and More! 18 January 2022 bit.ly/33JFnme
Previous Weekly Water Summaries - Go To #WaWiNews
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 29 January - 4 February 2022 bit.ly/3GsspqL
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 22 - 28 January 2022 bit.ly/3gnKuMd
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 15 - 21 January 2022 bit.ly/32pOk3Y
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 8-14 January 2022 bit.ly/3I3Aof2
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 1 - 7 January 2022 15 Years! bit.ly/3n1G2Gz#globalwater
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 25 - 31 December 2021 bit.ly/3zshYSl
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 18 - 24 December 2021 bit.ly/3Epul2k
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 11 - 17 December 2021 bit.ly/30Fj3sU
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 4-10 Dec 2021 bit.ly/3rW28xp
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 27 November - 3 December 2021 bit.ly/31iVLtj
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 20 - 26 November 2021 bit.ly/3E09mU7
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 13 - 19 November 2021 bit.ly/3FwYj5h
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 6 - 12 November 2021 bit.ly/3Daii98
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 30 October - 5 November 2021 bit.ly/3BS1jXA
Reports, Publications, and Journals
Water Alternatives 15(1), February 2022 bit.ly/3s97fst#scicom #globalwater #water4climate
CRS Report: 'Indian Water Rights Settlements' bit.ly/3rq6LPP#scicomm
Science, Medicine, Health, and Technology
The @AGU_Eos 'Buzz' Newsletter-4 February 2022. Mountains Sway to the Seismic Song of Earth; Mapping a River Beneath the Sea; Mining Threatens Isolated Indigenous Peoples in Amazon; The Role of Magma in the Birth of the Atlantic Ocean; More! tinyurl.com/3zuxpxs5#scicomm
Joint Associations' Letter to EPA: 'Accidental Release Prevention Requirements, Risk Management Program under the Clean Air Act' bit.ly/3uq2dL6#scicomm #water4climate
It's @Nature Briefing - 4 Fabruary 2022. Highly virulent HIV variant found in Europe; UK scientists anxious over EU funding; Malaria bed nets help with long-term health; Structural secrets of Omicron’s success; Survey of gender bias in IPCC;More! tinyurl.com/yckhs8xr#scicomm
It's @Nature Briefing - 3 February 2022. CAR-T cells hold cancer at bay; First #COVID19 human challenge trial; Direct evidence of two types of water; What Omicron reveals about immunity; Anti-fraudster accused of fraud; More! tinyurl.com/2p88u2ab#scicomm
It's @Nature Briefing - 2 February 2022. Will Omicron end the pandemic?; Drug-resistant infections kill millions; UK DARPA clone poaches @DARPAchief; Richard Leakey: ‘He embraced life’; Apollo 14’s forgotten Moon trees; More! tinyurl.com/yppvwne7#scicomm
It's @nature Briefing - 1 February 2022. Best science images of the month; World hits ten billion COVID vaccinations; Wolf hunt is ‘huge setback’ for science; How to support lip-reading researchers; The physics of N95 masks; More! tinyurl.com/36wr4dz3#scicomm
It's @Nature Briefing - 31 January 2022. Debunked posts about scientists endure; Respiratory societies tighten author ban; Does the world need an Omicron vaccine? Missing ear bone helps bats to echolocate; A geologist perseveres in Yemen; More! tinyurl.com/by3y5eat#scicomm
Elaine J. Hanford's Bulletin Boards: 1) Geoscience; 2) Environmental Science; 3) Coastal Zone Management - 31 January 2022 bit.ly/3s2P9IB
Southwest Water #SWUSwater
Letter in @ABQjournal: New Mexico’s top water official should be a licensed engineer. tinyurl.com/2vtnaaea#SWUSwater
From @WPLGLocal10: Race is on to save the Great Salt Lake: Will it be enough? tinyurl.com/yc42xt3a#SWUSwater
Mike Hamman has been named NM State Engineer by @GovMLG. He is a former @usbr area manager and @CityofSantaFe water resources director. #SWUSwater
In @highcountrynews Tribal nations are locked inside the U.S. water regime. tinyurl.com/ywf7zjjs#SWUSwater
CRS Report: 'Indian Water Rights Settlements' bit.ly/3rq6LPP#scicomm
From @azcentral by @zaynasyed: Tucson digs in against Rosemont copper mine in a dispute over a water storage project. tinyurl.com/bdh63zue#SWUSwater
In @NatGeo: Extreme drought creates unlikely farming allies in the Arizona desert tinyurl.com/2hecfuxk#SWUSwater
From @AZWRRC: 'Weekly Wave' Newsletter - 4 February 2022. In This Issue: Project CENTRL, Colorado River, CAP, APW, Faculty Awards, Kombucha. Also: Gaining Perspective: Agriculture in Yuma. tinyurl.com/3phpprwv#SWUSwater
Streams, Wetlands, Dams, Lakes, and Ecosystems
From @winknews: Research by @FGCU at Lake Okeechobee could help protect against algal blooms in SWFL tinyurl.com/yrcbha4u#FLwater
In @The_News_Record: Wyoming @GovernorGordon seeks fed funds to fix ailing dam, wrangles with water developers tinyurl.com/4wu3fycx
From @WPLGLocal10: Race is on to save the Great Salt Lake: Will it be enough? tinyurl.com/yc42xt3a#SWUSwater
In @RecordBee: California ballot measure to build more reservoirs, water projects dies due to lack of signatures. tinyurl.com/3tkbnhnm#cawater
The @Oregonian's Beat Check podcast with @andrewtheen and @robwdavis: 'Why Lake Abert matters and why Oregonians should care about its present, future' tinyurl.com/ypyz75e5#PNWater
Texas #txwater
In @ExpressNews Remember when Medina Lake was a puddle? It's getting there again. tinyurl.com/v4we6dv8#txwater
From E-i-C @H2OWonk and @TxWRI, @MeadowsC4Water, and @TxWaterJournal: It's @TexasPlusWater Volume 5, Issue 1 (January 2022) tinyurl.com/5avk2td5#txwater
From @TiffDowell's Texas Ag Law Blog: Understanding & Evaluating Carbon Contracts bit.ly/3GYv8sV
Editorial in @HoustonChron: Permian earthquakes should jolt Texas officials into action on shale drilling. bit.ly/3fE0GZg#txwater
Visuals, Audios, Podcasts and Infographics
From @thewaterloop: Cleveland's Water Rocks! tinyurl.com/4j7mdjxw
The @Oregonian's Beat Check podcast with @andrewtheen and @robwdavis: 'Why Lake Abert matters and why Oregonians should care about its present, future' tinyurl.com/ypyz75e5#PNWater
Water/Land Quality and Contamination
In @GainesvilleSun: What are the big contributors to groundwater pollution? tinyurl.com/38d6mbxu#FLwater
From @winknews: Research by @FGCU at Lake Okeechobee could help protect against algal blooms in SWFL tinyurl.com/yrcbha4u#FLwater
In @DurangoHerald: New legislation would address abandoned mine pollution in Southwest Colorado. tinyurl.com/2kscuevx#cowater
From @WBFO: @GLCommission unveils interactive online resource for tracking algal blooms. tinyurl.com/3j6t9p22#NEWater
AWWA Letter to EPA: Development of Revised Definition of WOTUS in light of Sackett v. EPA. bit.ly/3GcYwdI#scicomm
Water Supply, Quantity, Reuse, Conservation, Infrastructure
From @thewaterloop: Cleveland's Water Rocks! tinyurl.com/4j7mdjxw
From @BNNBloomberg: Los Angeles Is Building a Future Where Water Won’t Run Out. tinyurl.com/4ye9npx8#cawater
In @csgazette: Plan to send San Luis Valley water to Douglas County hits opposition. tinyurl.com/4uh4afmz#cowater
From @Land_Desk: Interesting ad in Delta County, Colorado’s High Country
Shopper. Not sure if we’re supposed to take this one seriously? (see above)
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Posted by: sanyog455 | Tuesday, 08 February 2022 at 08:31 PM