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Word: Download EJH_Bulletin_Boards_WW_23May2022
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The articles displayed herein are selected by Dr. Elaine J. Hanford. I do not necessarily agree with the viewpoints expressed and the article descriptions that precede each link.
Geoscience Bulletin Board – 23 May 2022 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Lavaforming – architect envisions construction buildings from molten lava – “this could be the plot of a disaster movie”
13-year-old boy died when tunnel that he dug into sand dune in Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park collapsed and buried him under 6.5 feet of sand
Meet “Fiona” the oldest pregnant ichthyosaur fossil in Chile
- https://www.livescience.com/pregnant-ichthyosaur-fossil-chile
- https://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/50839/20220517/dozens-prehistoric-ancient-creatures-uncovered-melting-glaciers.htm
Mount Rainier climbers stranded on Kautz Glacier Route – one hurt in 80-ft fall into crevasse
Exploring the underwater frontier
Lunar eclipse of the “Flower” Moon correlates with Earth tide seismic activity
After the Chicxulub Meteor impact, mammals thrived
Field work can be dangerous – documenting past events may help identify patterns & practices
Modeling behavior and impacts of wildfire smoke plumes
- https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/952913
- Paper: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2021JD036249
Japan may call for accelerated work on seismic reinforcement for Shinkansen bullet train facilities
Water samples from wells in Aitkin County, Minnesota, to be analyzed for Groundwater Atlas
- https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/news/2022/05/16/well-sampling-planned-aitkin-county-groundwater-atlas
- Atlas Program: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/groundwater_section/mapping/index.html
The reason Young Sheldon hates geology
Loop Current in Gulf of Mexico may presage strong hurricane season
Hurricane season in Hawaii forecast to be slow due to La Niña
Initial 3D geological model of large zones of porphyry & gold-enriched zones at Cliff-Miles Porphyry Corridor in NW British Columbia
SW Wisconsin Groundwater & Geology study revealed widespread contamination of private wells due to septic systems and agriculture
- https://www.wpr.org/southwestern-wisconsin-officials-contemplate-next-steps-after-study-shows-widespread-contamination
- Report: https://www.wpr.org/sites/default/files/swigg_report_final.pdf
Coal auctioning in stake holder interests in eastern India
- https://www.nagalandpost.com/index.php/coal-auctioning-in-stakeholders-interest-geology-mining-dept/
“Fool’s gold” pyrite iron sulfide may have been found in Nellore district of India
Minerals in designated National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in England
- https://www.agg-net.com/news/mineral-extraction-a-key-feature-of-national-parks-and-aonbs
- Position Statement: https://mineralproducts.org/MPA/media/root/Documents/2022/MPA_Designated_Landscapes_Position_Statement_2022.pdf
Ancient sinkhole discovered in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China
- https://www.iflscience.com/environment/a-vast-sinkhole-home-to-an-ancient-forest-has-been-discovered-in-china/
- https://www.livescience.com/new-sinkhole-discovered-china
7th Geological Conference – Geoscience of the Future: Adapt, Innovate, Evolve - will be held in Trinidad from July 11-13
- https://newsday.co.tt/2022/05/12/july-conference-explores-the-future-of-geoscience/
- Conference Website: https://7thgsttconference.vfairs.com/en/
First Saharan dust cloud of 2022 crossing Atlantic on the way to the SE US – Saharan Air Layer
Probabilistic models use measurable broad-scale attributes to classify ephemeral streams
Microbial activity may influence magnetic minerals at oil spill site
Groundwater flow may influence permafrost thaw beneath Beaufort Sea
Sea ice concentration in Greenland, Barents & Okhotsk Seas may be critical for forecasting strength & longevity of Ural blocking
New synergistic mechanism for rapid formation & growth of aerosols at high altitudes
- https://phys.org/news/2022-05-aerosols-rapidly-high-altitude.html
- Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-04605-4
Water isotope concentrations differ in precipitation across climatic regions of Brazil
Improving long-range frequency forecasting of tornadoes & hail across the US due to Madden-Julian oscillation
- https://phys.org/news/2022-05-scientists-hone-long-range-tornadoes-hail.html
- Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41612-022-00263-5
NOAA testbed experiments for forecast winter storms, severe thunderstorms & flash floods
Kilometer-scale ultra-low velocity zones at Core boundary beneath Hawaiian Islands
- https://phys.org/news/2022-05-puzzling-features-deep-earth-interior.html
- Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-30502-5
Global spatiotemporal continuous land surface temperature (LST) data set released at National Tibetan Plateau/Third Pole Environmental Data Center
- https://phys.org/news/2022-05-global-spatiotemporal-surface-temperature-dataset.html
- Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-022-01214-8
Indigenous people began mining red ocher (hematite) in eastern Wyoming about 13,000 years ago
Calcite-alabaster versus gypsum-alabaster – Herod the Great’s royal bathtubs
- https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/05/220517094848.htm
- Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-11651-5
Using marine algae as paleotemperature proxy
Pandanus estellae - new species of 30 myo screw palm found in Capella region of Central Queensland, Australia
Major dust and sandstorms across the Middle East
Tungsten isotope signatures in banded iron formations provide insights to co-evolution of mantle and continents during Early Earth
- https://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Tungsten_isotopes_in_seawater_provide_insights_into_the_co_evolution_of_Earths_mantle_and_continents_999.html
- Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-30423-3
First animals developed complex ecological communities prior to the Cambrian explosion
- https://www.terradaily.com/reports/First_animals_developed_complex_ecosystems_before_the_Cambrian_explosion_999.html
- Paper: https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3001289
M6.9 earthquake in the Macquarie Island region – island is site of Australian Antarctic Division research station
Catastrophic silicic arc magmatic eruptions in northern New South Wales likely caused ocean warming prior to Siberian volcanic eruptions 252 myo
Paper: Geological significance of Late Triassic bivalves from Jurassic deep-water deposits in Tibet
Adding zeolites may improve bioretention of stormwater
- https://phys.org/news/2022-05-helping-rain-stay-where-it.html
- Paper: https://acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ael2.20060
The amazing octopus
Wind erosion at White Sands, New Mexico, is exposing footprint of mammoths, ground slots, dire wolves, camels and humans – date between 21,000 and 23,000 years ago
Why glacial ice is blue
Aira caldera on Kyushu Island in Japan may soon erupt
Seafloor metamorphosis of larval marine tubeworms – Hydroides elegans
Permit granted for geothermal pilot plant in Slovenia using patented one well concept
Under simulated Core conditions, liquid metals churn drive by convection like a lava lamp
Mount Popa debris avalanche clearly visible on Google Earth
FORGE – project uses O&G technology to mine geothermal energy
- Part 1: https://vimeo.com/696714439
- Part 2: https://www.forbes.com/sites/ianpalmer/2022/05/19/an-enhanced-geothermal-system-uses-oil-and-gas-technology-to-mine-low-carbon-energy-part-2/?sh=2a7a8b3eb500
“Ghost” fossils – microscopic imprints of coccolithophores
Perspective: Not enough people get taught Earth Science – need to understand how Earth truly works
University of British Columbia opens $1.8M Teck Geological Field Station
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 23 May 2022 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Benadryl is OTC drug most likely to cause seizures in people with epilepsy and other conditions
Radon exposure in central and eastern Tennessee is a health threat
- https://www.wbir.com/article/news/local/radon-the-silent-killer/51-77482713-9a90-4de6-9a8e-b18a9b91a50f
- EPA radon zone map: https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2014-08/documents/tennessee.pdf
Longest pedestrian suspension bridge in the world in Czech Republic resort – this is so sustainable at a cost of cost some 200 million Czech crowns ($8.3M)
Pittsburgh W&S Authority spending $470M to improve water treatment system
Citizen science detects vast amounts of micro-plastics in Catalan coastal waters in the Mediterranean
San Antonio, Texas, under Stage 2 water restrictions – Law enforcement will fine violators
US energy transmission grid needs more than $2T overhaul to handle demand of EVs and wind & solar power
US Drought Monitor indicates worsening conditions across the Southwest -98% in dry to exceptional drought
Feral chickens running rampant in Hawaii – pecking & pooping
Occupational hazard: Mis-use of building materials causes most construction accidents
CO2 pipelines unregulated – pose serious and deadly health risks
1,744-ft long smuggling tunnel from Tijuana, Mexico, to Otay Mesa, California – has rail system, electricity and ventilation to support smuggling narcotics – cocaine, meth & heroin seized
Californicating northern Nevada & Portugal
- https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/realestate/people-moving-to-northern-nevada-from-california-las-vegas-making-housing-even-tougher/ar-AAXm3HG
- https://www.yahoo.com/news/portuguese-angered-influx-californians-import-143950897.html
Getting sick from covid protects against wide range of variants better than getting a booster
USDA Handbook 296 - Land Resource Regions and Major Land Resource Areas of the United States, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Basin
- https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/USDAFARMERS/bulletins/3182bc0
- https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/soils/survey/geo/?cid=nrcs142p2_053624
Suggestions on how cities can ‘manage’ car dependency
- https://usa.streetsblog.org/2022/05/16/how-cities-can-better-manage-car-dependency/
- Link to report: https://nelsonnygaard.com/the-new-tdm-guide/
Mojave Water Agency begins transferring 5,000 acre-feet of reserve storage waters in San Luis Reservoir to Centro Basin to recharge groundwater – like robbing Peter to pay Paul
Considering alternatives to reduce traffic congestion in NW Arkansas where population grew by more than 100,000 over past 3 decades and projected for more growth over next 25 year
Now asking for “hospitality center” for illegal immigrant ‘asylum seekers’ near El Paso, Texas
Potential technological hazard: “cutting-edge” tech to make government buildings “green”
- https://www.fastcompany.com/90752628/see-the-cutting-edge-tech-turning-government-buildings-into-lean-green-machines
- GSA listing:https://www.gsa.gov/governmentwide-initiatives/climate-action-and-sustainability/center-for-emerging-building-technologies/technology-assessments
A new “largest existential threat” to humans & planetary health - pollution
- https://insideclimatenews.org/news/17052022/outdoor-air-pollution-health/
- https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/952633
- Report: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(22)00090-0/fulltext
Implying racial bias in distribution of urban flood-resistant “green” infrastructure
Lawsuit filed against So Cal Edison for Coastal Fire in southern California
- https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/wildfire/coastal-fire-containment-laguna-niguel-maps-evacuations/103-cba30c8c-10a0-4608-8ac6-f9848c2e29ac
- https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/lawsuit-filed-against-socal-edison-first-in-coastal-fire-case/2896660/
- https://abc7.com/orange-county-brush-fire-laguna-niguel-blaze/11862855/
Massive Belo Monte Dam is redirecting water from Xingu River – 80% of water flow is gone from Volte Grande in the Brazilian Amazon endangering livelihoods of indigenous people
California power grid promising blackouts over the summer – could be further strained by additional load demand from EVs
Relying on hydropower in the Western US has its problems
1975 “Morton Moratorium” on approval of tribal water laws will finally be removed
US-Canada efforts to restore the Great Lakes have resulted in some success – more to be done
Visualizing US crude oil & refined petroleum product imports in 2021
Visualizing the science behind cultured meat – do you really want to eat this stuff?
Visualizing the $3.6 Trillion science of synthetic biology – Synbio - i.e., humans playing God
And the mega-drought continues in the Western US
Perspective: Political interference with the National Park Service – new book: National Parks Forever, Fifty Years of Fighting and a Case for Independence
Widespread micro-plastics threaten typical remote cryospheric regions of Earth
- https://phys.org/news/2022-05-microplastics-threaten-typical-remote-cryospheric.html
- Paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012825222000083?via%3Dihub
Inca priests used narcotic effects of alcoholic drink called chicha to calm victims on long procession toward their sacrificial deaths
Outbreaks of monkeypox in the US, UK, Spain, Portugal and elsewhere
Foresters hoping “assisted migration” (i.e., planting trees) will preserve landscapes
Need to replace that EV Volt battery? Not cheap at cost of more than $9,200 – that is more than I paid in full for my used car!!
Lack of negative correlation between mask usage and covid cases & deaths – “moderate positive correlation” between use of masks & deaths
- https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/05/16/study-finds-correlation-between-mask-compliance-and-covid-deaths/
- Paper: https://www.cureus.com/articles/93826-correlation-between-mask-compliance-and-covid-19-outcomes-in-europe
CRS Insight: Army COE – Report on future studies & projects
USDA to partner with Wyoming to conserve big game
Gusty winds and wildfires across Texas, New Mexico & Colorado
Breakthrough in 24 km Brenner tunnel through the Alps to create longest railway tunnel
First ever spotted fanaloka (aka Malagasy civet) is born in the US at the Nashville Zoo
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 23 May 2022 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Satellite images reveal loss of 4,000 square kilometers of tidal wetlands over past 2 decades
WWI-era “ghost” railroad tracks being exposed along Cape May, New Jersey, beach
New platform shoal “Horseshoe Island” that emerged off the coast of New Jersey is popular with more than 1,000 nesting birds of various species – island closed to humans for part of next 5 years
SHORRE Act intended to make coastal communities & birds more resilient
18-year-old man digging hole killed by sand collapse on Ocean Beach in Maine – brother rescued
Public meeting held on Red Hill fuel lean & groundwater contamination crisis in Hawaii
Perspective: Coastal waters of Cape Cod are in dire state – need protection
Residents appeal Watermark permit - unjustly granted waivers for development standards under the Local Coastal Program (LCP) and California Coastal Act intended to protect sensitive local environment
Call for Oregon coastal residents to rethink wind energy call areas
Falling houses pollute Cape Hatteras National Seashore – NPS seeking solution
Codrington Lagoon National Park in the Caribbean provides sanctuary for Frigatebirds
Understanding storm surge
Abstract: Geographic patterns in highly diverse benthic communities in the Patagonian fjords
Cost estimates of replacing Bourne & Sangamore Bridges connecting to Cape Cod are escalating –original cost estimates of $1.4B to $1.65B may be close to $4B
Shipwrecks can influence the structure, chemistry & biology of marine ecosystems
Update on Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel Expansion Project – widening 4-lane segments with new twin tunnels across the harbor
- https://www.wavy.com/traffic/an-inside-look-at-the-hrbt-expansion-project/
- Project: https://hrbtexpansion.org/
- Map: https://hrbtexpansion.org/img/map-corridor-map.jpg
Shoreline erosion threatening community in Jonathan’s LGA in Nigeria
Call for protection of the Langkawi Archipelago in Malaysia
"We tell ourselves stories in order to live...We look for the sermon in the suicide." - Joan Didion (quoted in @guardian via @TheWeek)
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