To my USA friends and colleagues: celebrate Memorial Day today. Recall why we do so - to honor those who gave their lives in service to their country. It's not to buy a car or a TV. Or a book from the United National University in Hamilton, Canada.
Elaine brough this book to my attention: Unconventional Water Resources.
The blurb:
The world is faced with a growing number of complex and interconnected challenges. Water is among the top 5 global risks in terms of impacts, which would be far reaching beyond socio-economic challenges, impacting livelihoods and wellbeing of the people.
As freshwater resources and population densities are unevenly distributed across the world, some regions and countries are already water scarce. Water scarcity is expected to intensify in regions like the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), which has 6% of the global population, but only 1% of the world’s freshwater resources. Climate change adds to this complexity as it is leading to rainfall uncertainty and extended droughts periods, mostly in arid areas.
Increasing water scarcity is now recognized as a major cause of conflict, social unrest and migration and at the same time water is increasingly considered as an instrument for international cooperation to achieve sustainable development. Tapping and assessing sustainably every available option in water-scarce areas is needed as pressure continues to build on limited water resources.
The stark fact is that conventional water provisioning approaches relying on snowfall, rainfall and river runoff are not enough to meet growing freshwater demand in water-scarce areas. Water-scarce countries need a radical re-think of water resource planning and management that includes the creative exploitation of a growing set of viable but unconventional water resources for food production, livelihoods, ecosystems, climate change adaption, and sustainable development. Unconventional water resources are generated as a by-product of specialized processes; need suitable pre-use treatment; require pertinent on-farm management when used for irrigation; or result from a special technology to collect/access water.
Here are Elaine's BBs as PDF and Word documents:
PDF: Download EJH_Bulletin_Boards_WW_30May22
Word: Download EJH_Bulletin_Boards_WW_30May22
Note: If a link does not work, try pasting the URL into your browser.
The articles displayed herein are selected by Dr. Elaine J. Hanford. I do not necessarily agree with the viewpoints expressed and the article descriptions that precede each link.
Geoscience Bulletin Board – 30 May 2022 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
7.2M earthquake hits southern Peru – No tsunami threat in Hawaii
Concept of “climate stability” is as erroneous as “sustainability” – such wanton hubris
Elk Creek project in SE Nebraska may be second-largest deposit of rare earth magnetic elements
Anne Brontë was skilled author and rock collector
Chimney Rock National Monument open for 2022 season in San Juan National Forest
Geological projects in Uzbekistan open for further development
The value of mapping to improve understanding of Earth systems – the ocean, geohazards & river catchments
Spawning anchovies cause turbulence and play a role in ocean mixing
Wildfires and the current 23-year mega-drought in the Southwest are “not unprecedented”
Sites for existing & new nuclear power plant units in Czech Republic were selected correctly
Hunga-Tonga Hunga-Ha’api still intact after January 2022 submarine eruption – mapping the crater
Mount Nyiangongo – 2nd most active volcano in Africa – fastest-flowing lava
Oregon rocks and minerals – rich geologic history
Kavachi became known as “Sharkcano” - marine life in the active crater
“Controlling” sediment runoff from Mount St. Helens 1980 eruption
NASA to launch mission to metallic asteroid – 16 Psyche in asteroid belt between Mars & Jupiter
Massive wedge tornado in rural Texas near Morton
- Video:
Petrified National Forest in eastern Arizona
Maverick surfer Sebastian Steudtner sets new world record for surfing 86-foot wave off Portugal
NOAA forecasts above-average hurricane season for the Atlantic & Gulf of Mexico
Visualizing the 10 largest gold mines based on production – Nevada & Uzbekistan top the list with more than 3 million ounces produced in 2021
Perspective: On the importance of soil
Detecting and warning of landslide movement – sound before the slide
Rainfall detected by new automatic weather stations on the high central region of the Greenland Ice Sheet in late summer of 2021
Thailand promises to repair two out-of-order tsunami detection buoys
Giant magnetic waves have been oscillating around the core – magneto-Coriolis waves
New geothermal research alliance in Greece
Insight into how plants became established on land surface – relationship to pathogens
- Paper:
Another major sandstorm in Iraq
Human contribution of iron to the ocean has been greatly underestimated
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Using airborne scanners for faster, cheaper & more accurate 3D mapping
Rapid climate change in nothing new in the history of Earth – the system is not broken so humans should not try to “fix” it
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Paralitherizinosaurus japonicus - new species of Cretaceous therizinosaurid dinosaur from Japan
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Quetzalcoatlus & other giant Pterosaurs were short-range flyers in contrast to Pelagornis sandersi which flew using dynamic soaring
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Always changing – diatoms adjust to ocean acidification
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Proxy chemical clues to dinosaur metabolism: endothermic T rex & ectothermic Stegosaurus
Drone measures carbon dioxide levels in waters of the Gulf of Alaska
Planetary waves, cut-off lows and blocking highs influence precipitation in Southern Hemisphere
Using zircon-based thermos-chronometry to estimate intensity of ancient earthquakes
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Explaining why Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation heat transport is underestimated
200M years from now: a new supercontinent will exist, climate may be balmy or in an Ice Age, and there is only an off-chance that a post-human species will survive
“Good Earth” – geology, magnetic field strength, plate tectonics, volume of water & atmospheric chemistry keep the plant not too hot and not too cool
USGS to conduct low-level airborne surveys of Montana for Earth MRI project
Geophysical anomalies in Sekaka survey indicative of kimberlite pipes in Botswana
UN water “experts” call for taking ‘Unconventional Water Resources’ (e,g,, deep groundwater or icebergs) for human use – plugging their book while failing to recognize human overpopulation and excessive water demands aimed at ‘sustainable development’
- Book:
Unplanned, unscientific excavation causes tunnel portal to collapse in Khooni Nallah, India
Geological mapping to identify potential hazard areas in Himalayan zone of India
Investigating the Shebandowan greenstone belt in Moss Lake area in NW Ontario, Canada
Linking soil tillage, soil compaction & dinosaurs
Book Review: “A Guide to Pennsylvanian (Carboniferous) Age Plant Fossils of SW Virginia”
Illinois to get official state rock – dolostone – grade schoolers did their homework
“Tire-sized” fossil ammonite in Big Horn County, Texas
Prospecting for rare earth metals in the Klamath Mountains of California
4 geological features of the Oregon Coast
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 30 May 2022 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
The idea of “climate stability” is as erroneous as “sustainability” – such wanton hubris
Warning given to people to stay clear of fighting stallions in North Carolina – will they take heed?
Officials versus animal rights activists in Foster City, California, over pooping geese
Rice in the mortar provided the longevity of the Great Wall of China
EVs need to be “comprehensively better” – not just a car without a tailpipe – need strong battery life cycle plan – reuse, repurpose, recycle, reduce
Another gene editing experiment gone wrong: hamsters display “high levels” of aggression
USFS pausing “prescribed” burns after a burn escaped containment & is burning 300,000+ acres
Palisades Nuclear Generating Station shut down 800 MW reactor in SW Michigan
EPA Office of Enforcement & Compliance Assurance is not doing its job enforcing CWA & CAA
WHO holding meetings on outbreaks of monkeypox in Europe & North America – yup, a meeting will most certainly resolve the situation – CDC says there is no proven, safe treatment – cases in US since 2003,
WHO Pandemic Treaty – attempting to dictate to every citizen of the world – their behavior & policies during the pandemic are good reasons to not trust WHO with our fate
In North Carolina hospitals and elsewhere in the US, the fully vaxxed outnumber the unvaxxed
Call for investigating long-term impacts of using oil field wastewater for irrigation of crops
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) approved proposal for more “climate-friendly” refrigerants in air conditioners & heat pumps – more “A3” or “flammable” refrigerants
Human trial of Vaxinia – checking safety and optimal dose
Heat and sunscreen warnings issued across much of the US
Technological hazard: Highway 47 near Pueblo, Colorado, closed due to fallen wind turbine
“Greenwashing” in the DYI industry – vague terms and few facts
Man has removed estimated 3,000 pounds of lead sinkers from Snohomish River over past decade
Poisonous invasive black skeletonizer moth discovered in Napa vineyards
Oregon announces Mormon Cricket Suppression Program
Poor land use planning will lead to greater impacts from flooding
Cumberland, Virginia, facility breeding animals for toxicology research & medical experiments – hundreds died – 145 seized – USDA failure to enforce AWA
Manufacturers intentionally make it difficult to fix their products – opposed to repair, repurpose, reimagine
Artist envisions stark impacts of over-tourism in Snowdonia
Parking under overpass during severe storms is “spectacularly dangerous”
San Antonio, Texas, increasingly interested in water-saving landscapes
Humans still need to figure out how to live with coyotes
California governor threatening action that should have been taken 2 years ago to curb water use – California Water Resources Control Board issues order to stop watering ornamental turf
Change in grazing patterns on public lands prevents buildup of cheatgrass for wildfire fuel
How millions of ARP covid relief money was actually spent
Demands that we switch to “renewable energy” fails to recognize the limits of grid infrastructure
New NOAA model to predict wind forecasts – models estimate $150M in annual energy savings
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NIH under Fauci allocated $1.84M to test drugs on mice, rats and young puppies – force dosing
Bacteria may have evolved to be able to survive snake & spider venom
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Warning too much OTC loperamide (Immodium A-D) can cause coronary problems and death
Alberta, Canada, spending $580M to build Springbank off-stream reservoir to divert flood waters
“Building Back Better” than what? Lessons from volcanic eruption in Indonesia
Zimbabwe leading effort to legalize ivory trade
More than 500 animal species are considered “lost” – not seen by humans in more than 50 years
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New York DEC will begin aerial spraying for spongy moths - formerly the non-politically correct gypsy moths, but isn’t “spongy” offensive to all the sponges of the world?
Journal “Nature” once again bows to non-scientific demands of transgender activists representing 0.8% of the population
Being vaxxed offers little protection against long covid
Washington F&W says it had to “lethally remove” 4 bighorn sheep from Hanford area
Moth not seen since first described in 1912 is intercepted by CBP at Detroit Metro Airport
Title 42, the CDC, illegal immigrants, and the legal process to protect the US
Cyclic occurrence of anoxia in fresh water lakes
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Florida law will require statewide recertification of older condominium buildings
Use of permeable pavements recommended to help cope with floods in Australia
Conflict between State of Alaska & federal government over subsistence – DOJ files lawsuit
North Carolina DOT has new flood-warning system for roadways
$33M of infrastructure funds designated to begin cleaning up 277 of estimated 15,000 abandoned O&G wells on federal land
$6B plan to widen 710 Freeway in Los Angeles has been scrapped
New global commission to study the value of the world water supply - GCEW
Since individual solar projects have been soooo successful, NREL considered behind-the-meter wind applications to add only 1,400 GW to US power grid
National Parks are not wide-open spaces – they are crowded with people leaving their marks and taking selfies
Anticipating killing pet hamsters, gerbils & guinea pigs of Monkeypox patients
Supply chain crisis is hitting school meal programs – no bids to provide services in Miami-Dade
Tri-oxides detected in the atmosphere – estimated concentrations of hydrotrioxides at 10M per cubic cm
PHMSA proposed $3.87M penalties for CO2 pipeline rupture in Mississippi for 2020 “probable violations” that sent more than 45 people to hospital
Releasing pet gold fish to the environment is wreaking havoc on native species & water quality
Sonoma vineyard owner may face $3.75M fine for damage to Russian River watershed
7 animals with intricate and funky mating rituals
Worth the time to re-read and contemplate “Religion and the Environment” written in 1990 when there were only 5.3 billion people on the planet
Alligators, crocodiles & caimans all now live in Florida
Many Americans have never been infected by coronavirus – natural immunity
CRS InFocus: Regulating Drinking Water Contaminants: EPA PFAS Actions
Fastest growing cities in the US – 5 Arizona cities among the top 15
Massive factory farms – CAFOs – are detrimental to environment & property values
Hepatitis A outbreak linked to organic strawberries sold at a number of retailers
USFS admits responsibility for holdover fire that ignited Calf Canyon Fire – largest in NM history
Wildfires & runoff once again contaminating water supplies in the West during drought – treating such water with chlorine can form carcinogenic byproducts
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic tick-borne fever jumping from animals to humans in Iraq
The “Newsom model” for taking shorter showers & conserving water in California
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board - Compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Bill to close down operations of offshore oil rigs in Orange County, California, fails to pass committee
NOAA dire warning: “2022 Sea Level Rise Technical Report” threatens 100 National Park units
- Report:
What is “reasonable and prudent” with regard to offshore wind turbines?
Fish in South Florida waters have high levels of pharmaceutical drugs – limit what you eat – contain up to 16 Rx drugs including valium, blood pressure meds, antidepressants
North Sea drill rig workers stage wildcat strike – want salary increase tied with inflation
Rat culls on Sark Island could help seabird populations disturbed by wind turbines in England
Predicting more than 6,200 deaths if megaquake strikes Tokyo, Japan – in 2012 the estimate was 9,000+
- 2012 estimate:
Georgia Ports Authority to spend $430M to improve infrastructure at Port of Savannah
Erosion from late storm will delay opening of some beaches at New Jersey shore
Seawalls – friend or foe?
One dead, three injured from falling over 300-foot cliff on Palos Verdes Peninsula
Autopsy confirm 3 deaths at Sandals Resort in Bahamas were due to carbon monoxide
Paper: characterizing storm-induce coastal hazards in Western US
EPA proposing restrictions for gold-copper mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska – would bar discharges into waters
3 rescued loggerhead turtles released into the Mediterranean – 1 with tracking beacon
Seascapes of the ancient world shaped the genetic structure of Neolithic European populations
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Mortar shells found on Gulf Islands National Seashore
Rio Tinto QIT Madagascar Minerals mineral sands mine resumes production after reaching agreement with demonstrators on environmental release of water
Ports of Los Angeles & Long Beach are worst-performing of 370 maritime hubs worldwide
29% of US population (41M living in Atlantic Counties) threatens tidal flat dynamics
"In sub-Saharan Africa women and girls spend an estimated 40 billion hours a year collecting water." - @Lifewater website
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