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Saturday, 21 May 2022


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Jacqueline Jones

It is absolutely horrifying and unbelievable that only a third of the rivers in this country are mapped. Who is at the wheel and exactly what are they doing??

This is Miss Jackie, leader of Reidsville Georgia community Floods. Flooding in this area is pervasive, it's region wide. From Mississippi, into Florida, up into Georgia and ending in southern South Carolina are two aquifiers that sit on top of one another so when it rains in Reidsville the water has nowhere to go that comes out of the sky because the majority of the people in this area properties sit way lower than the roads, thereby creating a bowl so the water sits for months at a time which is unhealthy and unsanitary. The drains are 50 years old, the sewer lines are broken down. Vultures routinely fly over the water treatment plant! The air is toxic, the ground is toxic. In Collins Georgia there's a fertilizer storage facility that the Georgia Environmental Protection Division recently concluded an investigation, stating that the walls were corroded and fertilizer was coming out of the open walls onto the ground and when it rains most likely it spreads. When the fertilizer is being pulled off the train right behind the facility, fertilizer spills on the ground which once it rains spreads as well. The report also states that the facility washes out the fertilizer from the trucks on the concrete which leaves the concrete and spreads into the grass, including to the elderly woman's property next door. All of her plants and trees die since 2008. Yes the problem has been going on since 2008! There is also a high prevalence of lead paint in Collins Georgia and Reidsville g6eorgia. This data can be found on any EPA website. On top of all of that Thomas Creek and Brazil Creek are polluted! We are being slammed from all sides!

Reidsville Georgia is filled with mostly elderly and impoverished people who for the most part seem to have given up. And apparently that mindset has been passed on to their children and grandchildren. But then again you can't really worry about flooding when you are constantly worried about your next meal. Many people in this area count on church food banks in order to sustain themselves so worrying about how bad flooding is now and how much worse it will be in the future is not a priority for them but it is for me. I'm not giving up!

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