Well, I'm here in the Seattle area, on the shores of Lake Washington at the Hyatt Regency, where our 2022 Annul Conference will be held. We are having a planning committee meeting. So I thought I would repeat our call for papers for our special issue of Water Resources IMPACT - see my pitch from my 19 June blog! https://bit.ly/3QzU0fJ
Here are Elaine's BBs as PDF and Word documents:
PDF: Download EJH_Bulletin_MEC_Boards_27June2022
Word: Download EJH_Bulletin_MEC_Boards_27June2022
Note: If a link does not work, try pasting the URL into your browser.
The articles displayed herein are selected by Dr. Elaine J. Hanford. I do not necessarily agree with the viewpoints expressed and the article descriptions that precede each link.
Geoscience Bulletin Board – 27 June 2022 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Philippine NRI claims Bataan Nuclear Power Plant safe for rehabilitation – ignores existence of “potentially active” Mount Natib volcano near the plant & Lubao fault
Sheet piling to stabilize riverbank along Te Puke Highway has been completed in New Zealand
2,080-ft long Randselva Bridge constructed in Norway using only 3D models – no drawings
Romancing the River 4: Meanwhile back in the Anthropocene – a time of exploitation
Celebrating career of Tanya Atwater & contributions to continental drift leading to Theory of Plate Tectonics – awarded Wollaston Medal
Geologist Daniel C. Robinson, missing for a year, will be honored with “Day of Remembrance”
Fluorescent stones on the shores of Lake Michigan
Review of “GeoLogic” puzzle
3.9M Stillmore earthquake is strongest in Georgia since 2014
- https://www.statesboroherald.com/local/stillmore-quake-strongest-georgia-2014/
- https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/at00rdnyh2/executive
- https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/weekend-earthquake-destabilizes-hutchinson-island-dock-westin-parking-garage-ferry-service/ar-AAYHYEv
More water in subduction zones may explain distribution of ore deposits
Cassandra Fenton PhD lives and works in “Dinosaur Disneyland” on Colorado
Geological history of rocks atop Mount Everest
Expanded exploration program at Jackpot Lake Lithium Brine Project
Dams amplify moderate & large downstream flood stages
- https://fronterasdesk.org/content/1788738/some-dams-might-worsen-flooding
- Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-30730-9
Deposit of lithium-bearing crystals at Plumbago North in Maine may not ever be mined – former mine is now a Superfund Site with cleanup costs estimated at $23M to $45M
The unique trappings of CO2-rich rift volcano Mount Erebus
- https://eos.org/articles/unlocking-the-magmatic-secrets-of-antarcticas-mount-erebus
- Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-30627-7
Where and why rivers avulse
Visualizing maritime shipping lanes
Visualizing the tallest mountains and longest rivers
- https://www.visualcapitalist.com/historical-infographic-map-compares-worlds-mountains-rivers/
- Image: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/mountains-rivers-infographic-map.html
Explaining a “heat dome” – not a new meteorological phenomenon
Hydrologic control of lithium isotopes in rivers and seawater
- https://phys.org/news/2022-06-hydrology-lithium-isotopes-rivers-seawater.html
- Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-31076-y
Vampyronassa rhodanica – Jurassic cephalopod was likely an active hunter
- https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/06/220623110943.htm
- Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-12269-3
Hackmanite, tugtupite, and scapolite change color from white to purple, pink, and blue under UV light
First ovum-in-ovo titanosaur egg found in India
- http://www.sci-news.com/paleontology/dinosaur-ovum-in-ovo-10927.html
- Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-13257-3
Continental extension likely had significant impact on Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Megalodon ate whatever it wanted
- https://www.spacedaily.com/reports/What_did_Megalodon_eat_Anything_it_wanted___including_other_predators_999.html
- Paper: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abl6529
Symbiotic relationship between Stylobates califer sea anemone & hermit crab Pagurodofleinia doederleini in waters off the coast of Japan
- https://www.spacedaily.com/reports/An_amazing_symbiotic_relationship_in_the_deep_sea_999.html
- Paper: https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.1086/719160
Plant colonization of land masses some 500 million years ago
Paper: https://www.cell.com/trends/plant-science/fulltext/S1360-1385(22)00143-1
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 27 June 2022 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Finally beginning to recognize that “net-zero” is not attainable – but “green” policy agenda is ruining nearly everything
- https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/net-zero-carbon-goal-is-unattainable/ar-AAYElpy
- https://denvergazette.com/opinion/editorials/editorial-bidens-green-agenda-ruins-nearly-everything/article_e6b3af77-d4fd-56d8-bb33-e576c50d8edd.html
Estimate many years & more than $1B cost to repair/rebuild infrastructure in Yellowstone National Park
Attempting to clean up homeless camps in Berkeley, California – removed 75 tons of trash & hazardous waste – closed 16 “large & dangerous encampments”
Hoping the NEJM would address real issues of pollution & health - not politically motivated but I was wrong as they belabor GHG emissions causing “global warming” – US portrayed as “the country that has the greatest cumulative emissions historically” when US now emits less than half the GHG emissions of China
- https://insideclimatenews.org/news/16062022/climate-change-health-new-england-journal-of-medicine/
- https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2206300
- https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMra2117706
Axolotis salamanders in Lake Xochimilco, Mexico, area need protection
Groundbreaking for $320M multi-metal recycling plant in Augusta, Georgie
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, wants another $50M in federal money for futile $750M east-side “flood control” system – if 2022 WRDA is passed into law
Multiple human miscalculations, inaccurate models & other errors turned “prescribed burn” into largest wildfire in recorded history in New Mexico
- https://apnews.com/article/wildfires-fires-new-mexico-climate-and-environment-e7df5c861f5ce7d0ab308d4f31c3452c
- USFS Report: https://www.wildfirelessons.net/HigherLogic/System/DownloadDocumentFile.ashx?DocumentFileKey=b6bc7e71-ecca-a7b3-16fb-22b5d69855ae&forceDialog=0
Residents in Louisiana “Cancer Alley” now fighting for clean air – skeptical of ‘carbon capture’
Dams actually increase flood risk by altering the makeup & structure of lowland riverbeds
- https://fronterasdesk.org/content/1788738/some-dams-might-worsen-flooding
- Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-30730-9
Heaviest (215-pound) invasive Burmese python caught in Florida – carrying 122 developing eggs
Fire still raging in Synagro Technoloties open-air waste pit near Hickley, California - complaints of new health problems, animal deaths & noxious air – long history of violations
Environmentalists & landowners sue local water district over proposed $2.5B expansion of Pacheco Reservoir in Santa Clara County – exemption does not follow California EQA
Preparing to launch another pandemic
Tourists in Grand Canyon experiencing norovirus-like illness
Perspective: The Iditarod has been romanticized – in reality it is 1,500 miles of grueling competition “built on dead dogs” – allegations of animal cruelty
Nevada Supreme Court ruling new precedent in managing groundwater – in severe drought CMA groundwater plans can deviate from longstanding senior water rights priority doctrine
Dorrigo National Park investing $56M in Gondwana-era walk
New South Wales, Australia investing $206M in sustainable farming practices
- https://www.smh.com.au/politics/nsw/six-figure-cash-bonus-for-farmers-who-take-on-sustainable-practices-20220617-p5aumq.html
- https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/research-and-publications/our-science-and-research/our-research/social-and-economic/natural-capital/sustainable-farming-program
Fish falling from the sky in Texarkana attributed to bird regurgitation
Perspective: Policies can wreak severe impacts when not based on facts or science
Add Colorado to list of states that are subsidizing e-bikes
A to Z soil health – National Soil Health Day
- https://nrcs.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/index.html
- NSH Day: https://www.chefs-garden.com/blog/june-2020-1/national-soil-health-day-honor-healthy-soil-with
Tule Lake, part of Klamath Water Project, drying up under Bureau of Reclamation “drought plan”
- https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/as-tule-lake-vanishes-so-do-lives-and-livelihoods/ar-AAYMfpT
- History: https://encyclopedia.densho.org/Tule_Lake/
EPA spent $4.3M in COVID relief funds on environmental justice & climate change programs including tree planting, “pruning workshops” & achieving “greater acceptance of trees” in cities
Wind turbine snaps in half and collapsed in Northeastern Colorado
Possible Civil War-vintage landmine discovered in topsoil at Howell recycling plant
Juul Labs e-cigarettes now banned from US market
- https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/it-s-official-juul-e-cigarettes-are-now-banned-in-the-us/ar-AAYJWmQ
- https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-denies-authorization-market-juul-products
Visualizing a decade of population change in the US by county
Using GPS tracking to monitor and save species
Detrimental health impacts of household air pollution
- https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/06/220622113153.htm
- Paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160412022002173?via%3Dihub
Potential cancer-causing dangers of epoxy resin BADGE in woodworking & art supplies
Garment-driven economic boom in Bangladesh led to patchwork slums & death of Buriganga River
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board - 27 June 2022 - compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Iconic Jumbo Floating Restaurant towed from Hong Kong, capsizes in Paracel Islands – survived Godzilla
- https://www.yahoo.com/news/hong-kongs-iconic-jumbo-floating-152902924.html
- https://coconuts.co/hongkong/lifestyle/relive-memories-of-jumbo-floating-restaurant-with-these-5-classic-movie-and-music-video-scenes/
3.9M earthquake rendered parts of Hutchinson Island, Savannah GA, unstable - including ferry dock
- https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/weekend-earthquake-destabilizes-hutchinson-island-dock-westin-parking-garage-ferry-service/ar-AAYHYEv
- https://www.statesboroherald.com/local/stillmore-quake-strongest-georgia-2014/
- https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/at00rdnyh2/executive
Update: Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel Expansion Project in Virginia
“Living shoreline” part of effort to restore Jamaica Bay marshlands in New York
UAE plans to build new Red Sea port in Sudan as part of $6B plan to also include free trade zone
Floating city in the Maldives
Record numbers sharks and whales in Maritime waters of Ireland – need MPA designation & protection
France will relocate planned naval manoeuvres further away from Irish EEZ
Analyzing the value of coastal restoration projects along Mississippi-Alabama shores
California Coastal Commission orders San Diego to tighten rules on ADU parking near the beach
Will new models improve predictions of coastal change?
South Florida expanding two coastal pumps stations as part of resiliency plan
- https://www.wlrn.org/news/2022-06-21/south-florida-water-managers-expanding-two-coastal-pumps-to-battle-sea-rise
- Plan: https://www.sfwmd.gov/our-work/sea-level-rise-and-flood-resiliency-plan
Like many land predators, sharks are “urban adapters” and thrive in waters near coastal cities
- https://www.cbsnews.com/news/shark-study-coastal-cities-urban-development/
- Paper: https://www.int-res.com/articles/feature/m691p001.pdf
Growth of coastal shellfish farms in Maine – more oysters than ever
California Coastal Commission approves trash-snaring vessel to clean Newport Beach waters
Bald Head Island ferry to remain privately owned
Coastlines respond quickly to changes in wave-driven coastal erosion
Large portion of fish catch in New England goes to waste or exported
Researcher marking turtle nests finds WWII military explosive in dunes in Indian River County
Collisions have occurred over geologic and modern time at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay
"Don’t say we aren’t doing anything at the college! In a couple of weeks after considerable deliberation, we’ll issue a statement that doesn’t offend any of our alums or state legislators." - @ass_deans
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