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Word: Download EJH_Bulletin_Boards_WW_25April2022
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The articles displayed herein are selected by Dr. Elaine J. Hanford. I do not necessarily agree with the viewpoints expressed and the article descriptions that precede each link.
Geoscience Bulletin Board – 25 April 2022 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Perspective: Hanford was the right site for the Manhattan Project
Determining source of lava flows – Mauna Loa or Kilauea
“Non-earthquake event” triggered M4.0 off coat of Southern California SW of Catalina Island
Threat of glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) – Shisper Glacier
Celebrating 50 years since penultimate Moon landing
Trying to understand melting process of Larsen C ice shelf
Second eruptive phase this year of Krakatau volcano
Update on exploration in the Cometa Copper Project in western Chile
The soundscape of the ocean is changing
- Paper:
In 2016 vibrations caused by sheet pile driving were “too high” and could damage Champlain Towers South that later collapsed in June 2021 killing 98 people
Massive volcanic landslide identified on Santorini
More than 400 illegal shark fins seized at restaurant in San Antonio, Texas
New Madrid fault zone could produce major earthquake that would impact St Louis – happened in 1811-1812 – USGS says 10% chance of M7.5 to M8.0 in next 50 years
Upwelling systems in western boundary currents may play role in transporting nutrients, carbon and heat
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Davemaoite – cubic CaSiO3 perovskite may explain mantle deformation & low shar-wave velocities – weakest lower-mantle phase
1999 Izmit-Düzce earthquake data suggests whole-plate kinematic signal associated with stress release – Anatolian microplate changed direction & frequency of quakes was altered
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Vegetal charcoal in Than Formation from NW India suggests paleo-wildfires as global phenomenon & evolutionary force for biodiversity
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Higher sea surface temperatures could lead to weaker monsoon
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Bloody-belly comb jelly fish caught pooping on camera – poop sparkles
Glacier National Park preparing for rise in visitation – permits required & some areas closed
Rates of sea-floor spreading appear to have slowed down over past 15 million years
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Measuring muons allowed calculation of changes in water volume to detect mild tsunami following a typhoon in 2021 in Tokyo Bay
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Ice shards in Antarctic clouds allow more solar energy to reach surface of the Earth
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Right Whales sighted off Cape Cod
Once again, permafrost is thawing in the Arctic landscape
Archaic human habitats & species successions influence by paleo-climate shifts
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New groundwater flow study of Harney Basin aquifer system in southeastern Oregon
- SIR 2021-5103:
24 years of continuous biological soil crust survey data in Canyonlands National Park in Utah
Cubic zirconia from Mistastin Lake crater in Canada required >2,370 degrees Celsius at impact melt – hottest recorded temperature on Earth surface
Atolla reynoldsi – newly identified species of deep-sea crown jelly in Monterey Bay
Diverse microbial life existed at least 3.75 billion years ago
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Finding the “missing” apex predators in Cretaceous North American & Asian ecosystems
Using neural network model to predict site-specific impacts of earthquakes
No evidence of glacial fertilization effect in Antarctic Ocean
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Once again, the glaciers in Olympic National Park could completely melt
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Influence of strong tides & vanishing lakes on the Amery Ice Shelf in Antarctica
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History of the oldest surviving geological map of the Ancient World – Turin Papyrus Map guided mining
Plumes of semi-molten magma may facilitate movement of tectonic plates
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Railway journey from St. Moritz to the Matterhorn – Glacier Express
Urban noise used to monitor soil compaction & seismic wave velocities beneath Mexico City
Ocean estuaries flowing onto ice shelves may cause fractures & destabilize the ice
Tele-seismic wave algorithm reveals magnitude of January 2022 eruption of Hung Tonga Ha’apai
New laser light technology for seismic sensing used for mineral exploration
Karymsky volcano eruption – ash emissions reach heights up to 10 km – “red” aviation hazard
Superconducting gradiometer that detects minute transient fluctuations in gravity may improve earthquake warning
32-foot-long deepest sediment core from Puerto Rico Trench in the Atlantic Ocean
Durban, South African, at risk of landslides because of local geology
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 25 April 2022 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Humans undervalue & pollute water while using more & more of the resource to create crisis
- Report:
Norman, Oklahoma, voters said “no” to water rate increase – city not compliant with DEQ requirements for water treatment
CRS Insight: Flood Buyouts: Federal Funding for Property Acquisition – policy makes more sense than repeatedly rebuilding in flood plains
NASA warned: Stop revealing location of Earth to dangerous aliens – “Beacon in the Galaxy” is updated form of 1974 Arecibo message – need to seriously consider risk of hostile civilizations
EPA banned six uses of chrysotile asbestos – legacy uses to be evaluated by December 2024 – asbestos in personal care products
North Carolina biomass energy is faltering – targets not met & environmental justice concerns
Safety & environmental violations at coal surface mines in Kentucky – “zombie mines”
Bison are back & their ecological & conservation value benefits many other species on the Great Plains – Bison are selective grazers – increased abundance & diversity of other species
Alaska has legal funding to fight federal over-reach that limits development of resources
Perspective: Is it possible to heal the damage we have already done to the Earth?
Perspective: The false “pandemic of the unvaccinated” motto did lasting harm – “Breakthrough infections were supposed to be rare” – unjustified fear-mongering
Covid is over at the US Border, but not on planes – still a political pandemic that can “neither control events nor provide satisfying explanations”
Failure to enforce US Southern Border has caused national security & drug crisis – terrorists & drug cartels invade – Federal government not protecting the US at the Border – “American Governors Border Strike Force”
Technological hazard: Cyber-security threat of hackers to energy infrastructure
Federal judge voids US mask mandate for airplanes & other public transportation – CDC failed to justify decision, did not follow proper rulemaking & exceed authority of US health officials – government policies reflect a political issue not a health issue
Concern for water supply justifies moratorium on development in Lake Elmo, Minnesota
Ranking 12 best ways to reduce number of vehicles in European cities to reduce air & noise pollution
Evaluating cost-saving ideas to help with $1.8B project-level affordability gap for Seattle light rail transit
South Africa not well prepared for deluge of rain and deadly flooding in KwaZulu-Natal Province – landslides due to local geology
US hits lowest level of natural gas storage in three years – More Texas oil & gas pipelines needed
SNWA attempting to improve redundancy & resilience of critical drinking water infrastructure in Las Vegas - $125M Stage II Reliability Upgrades Project
North Carolina DOT created wildlife hazard mitigation program to reduce wildlife risk at airports
Biden administration challenging Washington State Law that expanded benefits to federal contractors at Hanford nuclear waste site
Number of babies born with syphilis in Nevada – State ranks in top 10 across the country
- CDC Data:
Vehicle exhaust, ag burning & in-home cooking produce most toxic air pollution in the World
Plan to cull 25,000 deer from Cairngorms National Park in the UK – part of 5-year re-wilding plan
Biden administration to rescind “conscience rule” that allows health care workers to refuse to perform certain procedures, including abortions & gender-affirming care, on religious or moral grounds – transitioning is “trendy” – DHHS “fact sheet” – pending rules
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California CARE Court is plan to push people into treatment for severe mental illness & addiction – opposition mounting against involuntary & coercive treatment
2,100 acres at confluence of Tuolumne & San Joaquine Rivers being reverted to floodplain
“America’s Most Endangered Rivers” lists the Colorado River as most imperiled
Update: Nebraska intent upon taking South Platte River water from Colorado – plans $500M canal
Data show lowest positivity rates among the unvaccinated
Rube Goldberg scheme to make urban areas even more crowded – floating modules
NFIB amicus brief calls on SCOTUS to clarify WOTUS standard
- Brief:
Naming patient zero in PFAS contamination in Maine – Stoneridge investigation of sludge
Using electric fence & baited traps to help remove invasive carp from Rice Creek in Minnesota
Biden administration to expand availability of E15 fuel will lead to increased air pollution
Federal government to provide $6B bailout for nuclear power plants at risk of closing – closing due to competition from cheaper natural gas, massive operating losses due to low electricity prices and escalating costs, or the cost of major repairs
USDOE Advanced Test Reactor overhaul completed in Idaho
4-Part Netflix documentary “Meltdown: Three Mile Island” in 1979 & national cover-up of worst nuclear incident in US history – premieres on 4 May
- Film Trailer:
Visualizing the history of shaving
Visualizing the amount of radiation emitted by popular smartphones
Podcast: Addressing water contamination with Indigenous science
Perspective: Real rate of inflation is much more than 8.5% - repeat of the early 1970s
Record number of Yellowstone wolves killed – loss of top predator will impact ecosystem
Two dead California Mountain Lion kittens found in office park test positive for rat poison
Excerpt from new book: “How to Sell A Poison: The Rise, Fall & Toxic Return of DDT” – DDT & Silent Spring: Fifty years after
Got “Lucky Charms” – you might want to think twice before eating them – 3,000+ complaints of illness
Why are lithium batteries not being recycled?
Nitrogen availability is declining in terrestrial ecosystems
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Limited number of pumped storage facility power plants – environmental & logistical problems & potential cost in billions
DOJ announces arrests of fraudsters who raked in nearly $150M pandemic funds so far
Trophy hunter shot & killed largest “tusker” elephant in Botswana
Government pledges $440M over next 5 years for America the Beautiful Campaign
180M barrel release of crude oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserve is unlawful under 1975 EPCA & harms national security
Ratio of total water withdrawals to available renewable surface water & groundwater supplies by country
Specialty recovery unit in DMC Sinai-Grace Hospital in Detroit not admitting patients because of outbreak of drug-resistant, highly contagious & often deadly Candida auris
New law enhances operations for Tohono O’odham Shadow Wolves Native American tracking unit to assist in disrupting and dismantling drug and human trafficking organizations
Slideshow: 9 most powerful nuclear weapon explosions –50 megaton “Tsar Bomba:
20M new cases of STDs reported annually across the US – “Talk. Test. Treat.”
- TTT:
Now that humans have messed up the Earth – China plans to find Earth 2.0
Governments need to start using data from private geographic information companies
Vaccination rates for MMR, TDAP, varicella dropped to 94% of kindergarteners
Former Oregon Health Authority employee charged with $1.5M embezzlement of covid funds
SCOTUS reinstated Clean Water Act regulation to limit abuse of Section 401
GAO report on political interference with public health agencies includes recommendations to improve reporting & addressing political interference allegations
$412.2M in Presidential Election Campaign Fund could be put to good use
Dozens of Wood Bison from Canada relocated to Alaska to establish conservation herds
Two men in Idaho sentenced after admitting killing Grizzly bear – shot 40 times, cub died in den
Humans interrupting 66 myo trophic structure of herbivores & carnivores and the ecosystem
Using liquid brine may be more effective with less salt for icy roads
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 25 April 2022 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
California Coastal Commission asking Orange County for enforcement to prevent people from digging out sand berm across the mouth of Aliso Creek – pollution washes into sensitive marine habitat
Coastal cities around the world are sinking – no, this is not sea level rising – sinking up to 5X faster than the apparent rise in mean sea level – likely caused by human activity (groundwater extraction)
- Paper:
32% of homebuyers fleeing coastal cities – seeking relief from high costs & inflation
Volunteers remove 24,000 feet of entangled fishing line from Skyway Pier to protect seabirds
Cleanup in the Key Largo nets three-quarters of a ton of marine garbage
Historic light house cottages for sale on Bald Head Island in North Carolina
- History:
US Army COE seeks public input on revised $1.2M West Shore Lake Pontchartrain hurricane levee
Houston wants $30B “Ike Dike” to defend against hurricanes – too little, too late
Overfishing is rapidly depleting coral reef population in Biscayne, Everglades & Dry Tortugas parks
$75M Mardi Gras cruise ship terminal was created by extending port into open water
- Background:
Perspective: Fixing abandoned offshore oil wells can create jobs & protect the ocean
Port of Thorsminde will be transformed to support & service offshore wind farm
New automatic emergency release system for offshore oil vessels
Saudi Arabia & Kuwait reaffirm right to exploit gas-rich offshore zone – invite Iran to negotiations
Suffolk communities threaten legal action over offshore wind farms
Perspective: Move Vessel Exclusion Zone markers further offshore to improve safety for swimmers
Study suggests first US offshore wind farm has had no negative effect on fish
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Historic shoreline changes along the north coast of Alaska
- OFR 2019-1146:
Controversy continues over proposed Poseidon Huntington Beach Seawater Desalination Plant
Longest submarine cable planned to transmit power from proposed Slinks Morocco-UK Power Project to Great Britain along four 2,361-mile-long segments – total project cost estimated at $21.9 Billion
Port of Virginia plans $1.3B in upgrades
Update: Ever Forward cargo container ship finally refloated in Chesapeake Bay
"I don’t know why faculty are complaining about Elon Musk buying Twitter. Elon Musk is a saint compared to the people who built this campus." - @ass_deans
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