World Bank Water: Three Publications on Groundwater Quality - click here or download below:
1) Policy Brief: Groundwater Quality - A Strategic Approach
Download Policy Brief - Groundwater Quality
2) Practical Manual on Groundwater Quality Monitoring
Download Practical Manual on GW Quality Monitoring
3) Seeing the Invisible: A Strategic Report on GW Quality
Download Seeing the Invisible: Strategic Report on GW Quality
Here are Elaine's BBs as PDF and Word documents:
PDF: Download EJH_Bulletin_WW_Boards_1Aug2022
Word: Download EJH_Bulletin_WW_Boards_1Aug2022
Note: If a link does not work, try pasting the URL into your browser.
The articles displayed herein are selected by Dr. Elaine J. Hanford. I do not necessarily agree with the viewpoints expressed and the article descriptions that precede each link.
Geoscience Bulletin Board – 1 August 2022 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
NOAA “Voyage to the Ridge 2022” found sublinear sets of holes in sediment near submarine volcano
Technological hazard: Big Tech pushing to do away with the leap second that adjusts for irregularities & slowdown in Earth rotation
Missouri DNR publishes report on distribution & characterization of glade-producing rock formations
- Report:
Youtube videos on geology of northern Utah
Auroralumina attenboroughii – 560 myo animal predator
Earth magnetic field “bounced back” about 550 myo due to change in the core
Mineral Resource exploration results within the Penco Module Project near Concepcion, Chile - REEs
M7.0 earthquake in northern Luzon, Philippines – hundreds of aftershocks
Long-term stability of Thwaites & Pine Island Glaciers on West Antarctica
- Paper:
“Wave number 5” & “omega blocks” in Jet Stream associated with heat waves
PETM – global warming event that lasted 170,000 years
River chemistry & water quality change over time – long-term chemistry of rivers in contiguous US
- Paper:
Single-channel & braided stream networks reveal nature & evolution of river channel belts
Using fleet of balloons to sense earthquakes from the stratosphere
Updated more accurate reconstruction of volcanic eruptions to model climatic impacts
- Paper:
A permeable reactive barrier (PRB) for enhanced in-situ groundwater remediation
2D open-source hydrodynamic flood inundation model
Return of groups of southern fin whales documented in historical whaling grounds in the Antarctic
- Paper:
Fossils of small plesiosaurs found in 100 myo river system in what is now Sahara Desert in Morocco
Whale shark is largest omnivore in the world
Ausichicrinites zelenskyyi - the first Upper Jurassic comatulid (feather star) from Africa
- Paper:
Insufficient evidence for 3 Tyrannosaurs species
- Paper:
Warm-bloodedness in mammals dates to 233 myo
EarthCARE being tested at ESA ESTEC Test Center in Europe – lidar plus radar for climate data
Synthetic infrasound explosion signals used to “train” computers to detect explosions
- Paper:
Fluid storage & movement in Archean Crust may explain continental formation & ore deposits
- Paper:
NOAA contracts high-resolution imaging oil spills, marine debris & marine life
3 climbers die in Glacier National Park – 2 found dead & 79-year-old falls
Large-scale geothermal heating study in Whitby, Canada
Origin of linear holes found by HOAA Okeanos Explorer vessel near MAR still being investigated
Geothermal sinkhole opened up in Whakarewarewa on North Island of New Zealand – woman rescued
Predicting earthquakes in Alaska?
Unending search for missing Arizona geologist Daniel Robinson – one year later
Off-axis high-temperature hydrothermal vent field discovered at East Pacific Rise
Greatest migration on Earth – trillions of zooplankton migrate in daily event
Contemplating use of horizontally drilled fracking wells for storage of natural gas – infographic
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 1 August 2022 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
28 July 2022 was “Overshoot Day” – humans have now consumed “sustainable” level of resources for the year
Brand new $588M 6th Street Viaduct Bridge in Los Angeles now closed until further notice
Legal battles raise caution flags on “green energy” push in Nevada – emerging reality is that environmental impacts would be significant and far-reaching – “nothing in the record establishes a public interest in, or a compelling need, for this particular project”
Announcement that section of Border Wall near Morelos Dam at Yuma, Arizona, that is “one of the most popular spots” for illegal immigration will be completed
Progress report on channel dredging and construction of new lock at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Table Rock Dam in southwest Missouri
Plan to update monorail at Minnesota Zoo
Saudi Arabia plans SIDESCAPER – 75-mile long $1T – that is oh so sustainable but where will the water come from for the estimated 5 million people?
Ranking power sources by number of deaths per terawatt-hour – fossil fuels generate about 85% (coal = 35%) of electricity worldwide while solar & wind together generate about 10%
Terrorist Antifa organization makes a very bad decision
Oak Fire is third wildfire this season in proximity of Yosemite National Park – not naturally caused
Why some people do not get infected with covid
- Preprint:
Pedestrian border crossing at San Ysidro to remain closed indefinitely - migrant camp removed
“Congress will need to provide billions more…to fortify infrastructure” in Yosemite – but should it $billions be thrown at rebuilding or should the Park be left as Nature made it?
Property owners opposed to proposed 5-state carbon capture pipeline & bullying tactics
Planning $1B transmission line from central toward northern Minnesota to bolster grid assuming renewable energy will replace traditional coal-fired plants
Proposed open-pit sand & gravel mine in Santa Clara County would cause irreparable harm to sacred lands of Amah Mutsun Tribe and wildlife & environmental health of the region
Technological hazard: Big Tech pushing to do away with the leap second that adjusts for irregularities & slowdown in Earth rotation
“Pig belt” in Germany “like a giant sewage plant” impacting air & groundwater quality
Trying to ram “Wildfire Response & Drought Resiliency Act” through the House – blocked debate
Countries declaring “climate emergencies” are wholly symbolic – not substantive
NASA flip-flops on man-made global warming
- Changes in orbit - not fossil fuels:
Planned 60B yuan Yinjiangbuhan Tunnel will drain water from Three Gorges Dam to Han River
55% fewer “clean energy” project installations compared to a year ago
Monkeypox & smallpox vaccinations – what they do & don’t know
California Governor trying to revive the tunnel concept to move water from Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta to Los Angeles – would cost billions
- DEIR available for comment:
- DEIR project:
Flooding along rivers is a good thing – floodplains provide important ecosystem services
- Paper:
Risk of death rises when extreme heat & air pollution combine – understanding heat exhaustion
FDA moving toward banning menthol cigarettes
Visualizing how much fossil fuel the average person consumes in an average lifetime
White children more likely to be over-diagnosed & over-treated for ADHD
Visualizing the concept of de-extinction – potential process needs reliable DNA – remember the mistakes in Jurassic Park
Visualizing the percentage of land controlled by the US Military in each State
Visualizing the land of waste – American landfills by state – most waste in MI – least waste in CT
Everglades have been described as “River of Grass”
Melting of Theodul Glacier has moved the Italian-Swiss Border
Second ex-FDA tobacco scientist takes job at tobacco giant Philip Morris
Two viruses & genetic predisposition linked to new hepatitis cases in children
Increasing opposition to renewable (“green”) energy in rural America
Vax boosters ordered by government from 2 Pharma companies – Moderna contract for 66M doses worth $1.74B – also ordered 105M doses from Pfizer – spending your tax dollars
Death toll slowly rising as flood waters slowly receded in Eastern Kentucky
Solar panels catch fire on Plano, Texas, Bank of America building roof – cause being investigated
Policy hazard: Maryland utilities in charge of $B with no public oversight or input – prime setup for major fraudulent spending of IIJA dollars
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 1 August 2022 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Construction services contract for Sellafield nuclear power plant in the UK
- Sellafield:
$40M coastal home was built in 1918
Two proposed windfarms off Texas & Louisiana coast in the Gulf of Mexico to cover 546,645 and 188,023 acres, respectively – all to produce only about 17 GW of power
Egypt broke ground for El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant on Mediterranean coast – 4 pressurized water reactors – 1200 MW each
California sets target of 20GW offshore wind by 2045 – California uses 191,000 GW generated in state and 40,500 GW imported from NW and SW states
Senegalese islanders use stakes padded with coconut tree fronds as “Stumps” to preserve beach
Coastal carbon removal using so called “blue carbon” habitats is uncertain & unreliable
- Paper:
Union Carbide wants to exit land deal for coastal spaceport in Camden County, Georgia
Port of Skagway, Alaska, at risk of catastrophic landslide
- Report:
$132M over 5 years to protect & restore 28 estuaries of national significance under NEP
Peljesac Bridge opened connecting Croatian mainland to peninsula
Marine geophysical survey off coast of Mid & South Copeland to help determine suitability to host Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) for higher activity radioactive waste
US Senate approved bill to authorize estimate $31B Ike Dike project
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