Below the video is the info I posted on 19 January 2023. The symposium was sponsored by Oregon State University and the Oregon Lakes Association.
Link to video: (c. 3:23:00 long)
Embedded. Click on the lower right to expand.
1:00 Theo Dreher, OSU & OLA: Introduction
1:10 Ron Larson, OLA, formerly US-FWS: An Introduction to the Recent Ecology, Hydrology and Conservation Status of Lake Abert
1:30 Susan Haig, OSU, formerly USGS: Bird dependency on Lake Abert and nearby wetlands
1:50 Stan & Nathan Senner, formerly National Audubon & Univ. Massachusetts: Saline lakes and the birds that depend on them in the Pacific Flyway
2:10 David Herbst, UC-Santa Barbara: Invertebrate productivity in hypersaline lakes 2:10-2:30 Break and/or Discussion
2:40 Larry O’Neill, OSU & Oregon State Climatologist: Climate predictions for SE Oregon and future scenarios for the Chewaucan Watershed
3:00 Erica Fleishman, OSU & Oregon Climate Change Research Institute: Ecological responses to climate change in the northwestern Great Basin
3:20 Adam Hudson, USGS, Denver: Paleoclimate effects on tui chub populations and lake levels in the Chewaucan basin for the past 15,000 years
3:40 Discussion
Theo Dreher
Emeritus Professor of Microbiology
President, Oregon Lakes Association
226 Nash Hall
Oregon State University