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Here are the BBs:
PDF: Download EJH_Bulletin_WW_Boards_3April2023
Word: Download EJH_Bulletin_WW_Boards_3April2023
The articles displayed herein are selected by Dr. Elaine J. Hanford. I do not necessarily agree with the viewpoints expressed and the article descriptions that precede each link.
Geoscience Bulletin Board – 3 April 2023 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Is cloning an extinct bison from 8,000 years ago possible?
Mohave geology
Does carbon form graphite or diamond? Model suggests it all depends on temperature deep in the lithosphere
USGS to measure water levels in 1,400 public & private wells in Snake River Plain aquifer in southern Idaho
Pioneering vulcanologists
- Part 1:
- Part 2:
Yukon Geological Survey anticipating more landslides in Whitehorse as spring melt begins
Perspective: the best drones for geological mapping & surveying
Robert Fournier (1932 - 2023) laid the foundation for understanding the hydrothermal systems of Yellowstone
Geology revealed in stone buildings of Marion, Kansas
AGSA “Connected Currents” exhibition of the geological history of Alberta, Canada
Geological insights gleaned from the catastrophic reactor meltdown at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant – “re-equilibration textures” in zircons
- Preprint:
3 minor earthquakes within 3 minutes in San Franciso Bay peninsula
Gold miners saved their fellow workers when trapped in slope failure in DRC - video
“The Colorado River 150 years after John Wesley Powell” – after 6 million years river no longer reaches the ocean - loss of the river due to human overallocation of water
Qingganninginfructus formosa - oldest known angiosperm fossil in China
- Paper:
Forget the media hype – formation of ocean in African Rift will take millions & millions of years
NOAA research vessel Ronald H. Brown collected samples as it sailed through Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt
Godzilla Megamullion Province in the Parece Vela Basin of the Philippine Sea
Deep-sea sand deposits
Forecasting tornadoes remains difficult
Rain falling on record-setting snowpack in the Sierras
Did T. rex have scaly lips? – not a toothy grin?
Did they really need to do this? Lab-grown cultured meat using genetic sequence from extinct mastodon
Assessing propensity of rivers to generate extreme floods
- Paper:
Complex relationships among forests, oceanic circulation & climate during Mid Miocene Climate Optimum
- Paper:
2023 Earthquake in Turkey was a doublet
- Paper:
Predicting collapse of deep ocean circulation around Antarctica
Geochronologic & geochemical data from metasedimentary rocks in Lane Mountain area in San Bernardino County, California
- USGS OFR 2022-1115:
Seabed mining might get green light in 2023 – NGOs calling for moratorium before damage occurs – International Seabed Authority did not approve new rules & regulations
Dhinesuchid temnospondyls swam like crocodiles 250 myo
- Paper:
Anak Krakatoa erupts volcanic ash tower
Energy regulator in Alberta, Canada, defends finding that largest recorded earthquake was caused by O&G injection well disposal
Retreat of alpine glaciers creates more habitat for insects, trees and spawning salmon
Call for abstracts for 4th Philippine International Geothermal Conference in late September
Impact of plastic bags on the deep-sea floor
Weir work on River Cowie exposes gold seam in clastic sedimentary rocks of Cambro-Ordovician age on Highland Boundary Fault
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 3 April 2023 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
FDA issues new warning over “tranq” – increased trafficking in deadly fentanyl mixed with xylazine – chemicals sourced from China & illegally trafficked across Southern Border by Mexican drug cartels
- FDA Alert:
What you might want to know about gene therapy – “safer” than viral vector delivery – but what are the risks and what are the ethical questions? What about consequences of accelerated approval?
Corsican wildcats could be a new subspecies
This is the kind of myopic thinking (i.e., policy) that got California in trouble when the drought began
Minderoo-Monaco Commission of Plastics & Human Health – analysis of negative impacts – killing ourselves, the environment and the economy
- Links:
- Editorial:
- Perspective:
- Paper:
UN 2023 Water Conference – making clean water & sanitation a human right – but who caused the problems? – freshwater ecosystems threatened, rapidly lost or degraded by human activities – call for less rhetoric
- IDAW 2018-2028:
- SDG6:
Another meaningless abuse-of-power effort by government in the name of “man-made global warming” – 106M metric tons over 3 decades is a drop in the bucket compared to global annual emissions of 36.8Gt
- IEA CO2 emissions in 2022:
DDT was banned, but stockpiles were dumped into the ocean (in barrels & poured straight into the water) – persistent man-made organic compound that is still polluting the environment beyond dumpsite borders
The “mRNA Renaissance” is coming… beware – long-term impacts of genetic vaxxing (and other gene therapies) is not known – “vaccines being developed for opioid addiction, to prevent smoking, to treat Alzheimer’s, autoimmune disease, and many others” – messing ‘round with forces beyond their ability to grasp
McKinney, Texas, presents preliminary findings of Draft Environmental Impact for airport
Chemical spill from acrylic resin plant upstream of Delaware River intake for Philadelphia drinking water – officials say drinking water is now safe
Second leak of radioactive waters from Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant in Minnesota
Enormous amount of debris from earthquake in Turkey contains potentially hazardous materials & pollution
Louisiana has plugged 100+ abandoned oil wells – more than 4,500 remain
Rewilding should occur – not because of “man-made global warming” but because it restores biodiversity and balance to the environment in a multitude of ways counteracting other human activities
The quest for truth about the origins of covid
- Paper:
Young Western red cedar trees are dying
Another train derailment – this time carrying iron ore across the Mojave National Preserve – rail reopened
- Video:
Successful urban water conservation in the Colorado River Basin – except for California
Politicians call for US Army COE to accelerate repair of breached Pajaro River levee in California
Cincinnati Zoo to collect & reuse stormwater for maintaining habitats
WHO says healthy adults do not need repeated vaxx boosters – booster fatigue
- Paper:
Perspective: Net Zero is a Trojan horse for the total destruction of Western society
Sowing rancor & division that got our culture to a point of killing children
Perspective: Our bottled water habit stands in the way of universal clean drinking water
- UN Report:
USDA updated Lab Data Mart website
Cold weather helps contain derailment chemical spill of liquid asphalt & ethylene glycol in North Dakota
Baltimore, Maryland, refuses 675,000 galls of pretreated wastewater from derailment site in East Palestine, Ohio
$7.7M research project to develop fiber-reinforced polymers, sensors, AI & drones for dams and levees – 4 types of FRPs: aramid (AFRP), basalt (BFRP), carbon (CFRP) & glass (GFRP) – tech & economic implications
- Implications:
Permit denial would be backdoor mechanism for shutting down 1,151 MW Rainbow Energy Center - biggest power plant in North Dakota – Midwest power grid could lose 8M MW electricity each year
Successful urban water conservation in the Colorado River Basin – except for California
PFAS forever chemicals are bioaccumulating in livestock – can levels be decreased?
Vjosa River – last wild river in Europe – now protected by National Park Status in Albania
Record-breaking human lifespan by 2060? – but human population is already 8X carrying capacity of Earth
Congressional Colorado River Caucus to address drought conditions in Colorado River Basin
Urban sprawl & agricultural development have led to decline in avian populations in California
- Paper:
Smithsonian Institute vast insect collection described as priceless resource for USDA pest identifiers
California building more & more solar parks – ugly conversions of what used to be agricultural lands
DNA patterns in dogs living in Chernobyl exclusion zone since Nuclear Reactor meltdown – rapid evolution?
- Paper:
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 3 April 2023 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Call for moratorium on offshore wind farms – invoking the Precautionary Principle
Oregon coast lava, gray whales & dead landmarks
Wagner Park in New York will be torn down & raised by 10 feet as part of $221M “climate resilience plan”
History of Vacherie Gheens, Louisiana
The challenges of offshore wind projects – anchored or floating platforms?
Marine Stewardship Council calls for long-term quota-sharing agreement for harvesting Northeast Atlantic mackerel – risk to mackerel stock remains high
Coastal restoration funding in Louisiana from the Deepwater Horizon Spill will soon run out – what then?
Concentrations of micro-plastics in UK coastal waters are up to 100 times greater than 6 years ago
US East Coast salt marshes keeping pace with sea level over past century – nature adapts
- Paper:
Potentially fatal Vibrio vulnificus infections are increasing & spreading up the East Coast
New size limits might be imposed for lobster catch – juvenile lobsters declining
US Government seeking to support & subsidize even more offshore wind projects
After H. Ian, Fort Myers Beach wants to become “functional paradise” by building taller structures
Galápagos Deep 2023 Expedition will explore biology, geology & history
Update: Long Bridge Project across Potomac River
Seabirds suffering from plasticosis
- Link to download paper:
Dominican border wall to deter illegal immigrants poses threat to mangroves
Medieval village on Norfolk coast of England being eroded into the sea – District Council wisely decided that risk to property & community was “not sufficient to economically justify building new defenses along this frontage.”
Research may help East Coast wild bay scallop fisheries
"If they don't give you a seat at the able, bring a folding chair." - Shirley Chisholm