Here is the recording of the AWRA Webinar featuring John Matthews and Ingrid Timboe of AGWA discussing the recent UN Water Conference in New York City.
Click on the link below but it is tempermental:
Here are the BBs:
PDF: Download EJH_Bulletin_WWBoards_8May2023
Word: Download EJH_Bulletin_WWBoards_8May2023
The articles displayed herein are selected by Dr. Elaine J. Hanford. I do not necessarily agree with the viewpoints expressed and the article descriptions that precede each link.
Geoscience Bulletin Board – 8 May 2023 – by Elaine J. Hanford
USGS & Wyoming SGS to conduct geophysical investigation of central Wyoming for mineral resources
History of USGS Volcano Observatories in began in the Hawaiian Islands
What is the Tully Monster found only at the Mazon Creek locality?
New perspectives on the “enigma” of expanding (40%) Antarctic Sea ice in contrast to shrinking (20%) in the Arctic
Administration efforts to ban O&G leasing on Native American lands are condemned by Navajo Nation
Tropical Cyclone Oma triggered algal bloom in the Coral Sea
- Paper:
Determining limits on Holocene movement of grounding line which is transition from grounded ice sheet to ice shelf in the southern Ross Sea
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Rock roughness across the fault plane make promote more earthquake aftershocks
- Paper:
Visualizing carbon emissions from gold mining – global warming alarmists beware!
The physics of rainbows
Planetary geology – A star swallowed an entire planet
500 myo Grand Canyon rock layer in Tonto Group is now named Frenchman Mountain Dolostone
Predicting a strong El Niño in late 2023
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Mathematical model of lightning discharge that produces x-rays
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Characterizing two types of surface water in hyper-arid salar salt flats
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PBS episode “Saving the Right Whale” (53 min 31 sec)
Ocean reference stations – long-term observation Stratus mooring using anchored buoys
PBS episode “Saving the Right Whale” (53 min 31 sec)
Ocean reference stations – long-term observation Stratus mooring using anchored buoys
M6.5 earthquake in Ishikawa Prefecture in central Japan caused 1 fatality, collapsed buildings & disrupted traffic
Las Vegas Loop to be bored to include 18 new stations over total of 65 miles
Retrospective on 2018 eruption of Kīlauea
Saudi Geological Survey launches unified geological diagram for sedimentary rock sequences to 541 myo
Excessive groundwater withdrawal continues to cause subsidence in Mexico City – sinking at rate of 35 cm/yr
- Paper:
Needing new theory on origins of continental crust – analyzing chemistry of garnet crystallization
Howardville, Missouri, has highest probability of New Madrid Seismic Zone earthquake – scores 134.04 on earthquake index
Fuego Volcano erupting in Guatemala
Moderate magnitude (M5.0) deep (173.6 km) earthquake near Whakatane in Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Testosterone levels in mammoth tusks may help link health & nutrition to mating
Geology beneath St Anthony Falls in Minnesota may be imperiled
Explaining the Ring of Fire
GEOMAR study of Minoan eruption provides insights into largest volcanic eruption in Europe over 10,000 years
- Paper:
Replicating geology of Quebec for façade of Library & Archives Canada (LAC) newest facility
Hawaiian-style lava flow in Southwestern Montana – the Timber Hill basalt
Learning from volcanoes – USGS General Information Product 212 - poster
Determining the age of the dinosaur Utahraptor
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Modeling the rise of the Himalay using glucose syrup
Paper: Exploring gold mineralization in altered ultramafic rocks in south Abu Marawat, Eastern Desert, Egypt
Planetary geology – understanding the journey of Martian meteorites to Earth
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Computer-generated Old Man of the Mountain in Franconia Notch State Park
Photo-essay: Red Bluff “Little Grand Canyon” located in Mississippi
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 8 May 2023 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Migration of taxpayers and businesses within the US from state to state
Landslide in San Clemente, California forces closure of historic cultural center & rail service – moved while monitoring equipment being installed
Fauci still pushing cover-up for origin of covid – took semantics lessons from Bill Clinton?
Understanding psychological traits - linking psychopathy, narcissism, and sadism – deriving pleasure from the suffering of others
- Paper:
Documents reveal Seattle Children’s Hospital encouraging medical professionals to quickly offer default cross-sex medical treatments to young patients – no mention of mental health services
PFAS forever chemicals detected in Swan Lake in Lemmon Valley, Nevada
“Chemical or advanced recycling” of plastic emits large amounts of air pollution – FTC setting new Green Guides – latest buzzword “circularity” has no widely accepted definition – converting plastic to fuel is not recycling
- Draft EPA Strategy:
China emits 94% of global annual nitrous oxide production – potent GHG
- GEI Report:
“Black eye for green energy” – mounting waste as ‘renewable’ wind & solar energy waste goes to landfills
Shooter in Texas had previously been deported at least 4 times – at least some of the family he massacred were in the US illegally
US Southern Border remains unsecured – making an already dire situation worse as border cities declare emergencies – “unprecedented surge” has continued unabated over past two years
NYC closes 4 parking garages deemed dangerous – deteriorated & pose immediate threat to public safety
Massive 1M kilowatt solar & wind project in Tengger Desert in China is now online
Australia cutting new infrastructure projects due to excessive costs
Flooding on the Mississippi River – not expected to exceed record levels
DCS drops lawsuit after DRB Commission clarifies ban on frack waste in Delaware River watershed
Number of cases of tick-borne babesiosis are increasing in the US
Drinking too much green tea could be harmful to your health – liver inflammation & failure
- Abstract:
Technological hazard: “Fact checking” has become one of the most insidious contributors to misinformation – warning that AI poses serious threat to our future is not new
- 2018:
This is beyond the bounds of sanity – choosing to identify as “transabled” and then mutilating body by allowing doctors to "treat" BIID patients by "amputating healthy limbs, snipping spinal cords or destroying eyesight" – what happened to Hippocratic Oath of first, do no harm? – “the next abyss”
Ventilation of covid patients led to deadly secondary bacterial pneumonias
CDC Director submitted letter of resignation – pushed draconian measures & vaxx during pandemic & led government messaging – inconsistent policies
Flying taxis raise concerns about land use and crowding of urban skies – orders placed for eVTOL aircraft that have yet to fly or receive production certification
Increasing reliance on cloud seeding is not a solution to excessive demand for water in the Western US
New Yorkers call for end to radioactive water dumping into the Hudson River which is already classified as a Superfund Site – Hudson River is used as a drinking water resource
In Oklahoma, Pensacola Dam causes periodic flooding – concerns that floodwaters spread toxic mining waste from nearby Tar Creek Superfind Site
Dust storm in Illinois causes pileup of more than 70 vehicles and at least 6 fatalities
Romancing the River: Is Glen Canyon Dam an “Antique”
Pandemic dictates caused major problems in the US – “No country’s performance is more disappointing than that of the United States” – those responsible need to take responsibility for their actions
- Report:
Irony: Covid outbreak at CDC event – several people tested positive so those are counted as “cases”
WHO and the US end covid public health emergency – pandemic starting from the Wuhan Lab
Visualizing the biomass of all mammalian life
Personal care and household products commonly contain known toxic chemicals – carcinogens, reproductive toxicants and developmental toxicants
- Paper:
Covid investigator fired by WHO for sexual misconduct
Yellowstone “2023 State of the Park” report
- Report:
Ubiquitous cigarette butts leak deadly toxins into the environment
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- Paper:
New report on “low carbon” nuclear energy – just have to cope with high-level nuclear waste
- Download Report:
Adirondack Road Salt Reduction Task Force reporting “success” & Adirondack Park Agency addressing use of herbicide to kill invasive Eurasian watermilfoil
Work underway on “test section” lining the Fernley Canal with concrete – residents will lose groundwater recharge that has been ongoing for more than 100 years
Uncontrolled illegal immigration at Southern Border continues impacts across the US
Destroying our education system and the current generation of children
California can no longer afford to pay reparations under prior state eugenics laws
A moral and ethical question – treating “transgender toddlers” at University of North Carolina medical schools
Spending estimated $50 Trillion in attempt to achieve “net zero” will not really impact global climate – “force feeding of an incredibly radical set of policies…to achieve…benefits…that cannot be measured”
Evolutionary origins of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria that causes cholera - Vibrio cholerae
- Paper:
Draconian lock-down measures of the pandemic have had major consequences for the economy, society and mental health leading to riots, increased crime, inflation, civil strife and meltdown of social fabric
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board - 8 May 2023 - by E.J. Hanford
The arch of Cabo San Lucas
EPA estimates cleanup of Duwamish Superfund Site will be $290M – dredge & cap plan to address PCBs, PAHs, dioxins/furans, metals (As, Hg), TBT, and other COCs – open for public comment until 27 June 2023
It is good to be skeptical of “promises” that new LNG terminals will be “green”
Pushing offshore wind has led to massive turbines breaking down - all supported by federal subsidies
Prepare for algal blooms if you plan on heading to the beach this summer
New management plan for Skmaqn—Port-la-Joye—Fort Amherst National Historic Site in Prince Edward Island
- Skmagn:
- Link to Plan:
Call for 30- to 60-day moratorium on offshore wind turbines in New Jersey – yep, that is long enough to evaluate impacts on whales
Sand dunes and coastal erosion
Washington Dept F&W approves final coastal razor clam dig season 4 through 14 May
Coastal Mississippi invites celebration of National Shrimp Day on 10 May
Newest luxury development at Bay Beach in hurricane country of Florida
Shoring up Capistrano Beach from coastal erosion in California
US DoD approves possible sale to Latvia of Naval Strike Missile Coastal Defense System for estimated $110M
Sea turtle nesting season has begun in coastal Alabama
Palm weevils (Rhynchophorus cruentatus) are infesting trees in coastal Georgia
Japanese coast ship trials of autonomous navigation & engine systems
Development of near-shore wind turbines in Connemara & Celtic Sea raises concerns
Predicting supercharged hurricanes along the Atlantic Coast
Unexploded WWII-era mortars & grenades found near popular beaches of Oahu, Hawaii – posted by Air Force as no trespassing areas
What do you call a group of pelicans?
Vessel Kuuipo that ran aground in Lahaina Harbor to be removed
Understanding dead zones
New flood plan for the Mississippi Delta – another attempt to “control” flooding in Yazoo Backwater area
Pipeline project ordered to stop work near Prince George after pumping sediment into sensitive waterways
"We aren’t just not paying your health insurance over the summer, we boxed up your stuff, set the boxes in the hallway, changed the locks on your office door, and moved a post-doc into your office." - @ass_deans