This is the catch-up list to ensure that we have all the jobs that are due before next week’s list out. So, a lot of short deadlines. Plus a few others that were submitted. A tiny list.
1) Josh's Jobs
2) Additional Jobs from WaterWired
Check out @AidJobs - Vacancies in aid, development, humanitarian & nonprofit sector (volunteers, consultants or F-T employment)
UN Jobs in Water and Sanitation
@BCWaterNews Jobs Click View Jobs
@EcologyWA - Current Openings - Updated every few days. Click here.
King County (WA)Jobs
Geoscience Job Board - go to Education and Careers
Florida Water Jobs (
Academic Jobs in Schools of Physical/Earth Sciences
Mac's List - Jobs in Portland and Beyond!
New Zealand Hydrological Society Jobs Board
Association of Oregon Counties Job Postings
Soil Science Societies Career Center
AGU Career Center for research/academic jobs
GoodWorkCanada - Canada's Green Jobs Site
How to Find Work Overseas, with Marcelle Yeager.
For the full list of Josh's active water jobs, please visit
"If you see 10 troubles coming down the road, you can be sure that nine will run into the ditch before they reach you." - Calvin Coolidge