The Director @CW3E_Scripps Dr. Marty Ralph is being recognized by @ametsoc for "contributions to understanding hydrometeorological extremes, employing new observing strategies, modeling & creation of innovative decision support tools, particularly as relate to #atmosphericrivers"
The opinions expressed in the BBs are solely those of Dr. Elaine J. Hanford.
Geoscience Bulletin Board - 4 September 2023 - Compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Geological maps are fundamental tools – surficial geologic maps provide key insights to Yellowstone
Latest footage of Loch Ness monster
The Fujiwhara Effect – will two Atlantic hurricanes collide?
Paper: Water & salt transport under different subsurface pipe arrangement conditions in severe saline-alkali land – DRAINMOD model
Calibration of isotopes in barnacle shell growing on debris from Maylasia Flight MH370 provides forensic method to outlie probable drift path
- Paper:
Submap – online atlas of subduction zones
- Submap:
Precipitation may delay recognition of lightning-ignited wildfires
- Paper:
Bunker Hill Superfund Site – retrospective on 50 years and future cleanup of lead & zinc mining baghouse fire
Enhanced chemical weather is just another Rube Goldberg scheme for the “climate crisis”
Paper: enhanced clay formation key in sustaining Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum
Scanning technology used to reconstruct Cambrian Kylinxia zhangi arthropod
Erg Check 002 stony meteorite may contain material from stars that exploded toward end of the formation of the Solar System
- Paper:
Rhabdodontidae among the last non-avian dinosaurs
- Paper:
Roles of regional structures & country-rock facies defining mineral belts in central Idaho
- USGS PP 1884:
Modeling water-quality effects to Klamath River from recirculation in drains & canals in Oregon & California
- USGS SIR 2023-5059:
Developing a volcanic tsunami simulator
New framework for oceanographic research in deep sea
Preliminary soil testing to begin for project to new passenger rail capacity between Virginia and Washington DC
Explaining the stalled trend of sea ice loss since 2007 in the Arctic – “Atlantification”
Using deep learning to forecast earthquake aftershocks – Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence (ETAS) model
- Paper:
Satellite high-spatial resolution atmospheric ozone profiles
- Paper:
New predictive model for tsunami propagation
- Paper:
Micro-plastic pollution may increase riverbed sediment erosion and transport
West Point 194-year-old time capsule contained silt….and gold coins and commemorative medals
Swarms of minor earthquakes shaking Mount Baker, Mount Rainier & Mount St Helens
Asteroid impact could affect Earth orbit depending on velocity, angle & geology
Marking 100 years since Great Kanto Earthquake – is Japan ready for the next Big One?
On-going fully erosion in Anambra, Nigeria
PGE files patent for real-time two-phase measurement of flowrate & enthalpy in geothermal wells
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 4 September 2023 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Burning Man is in the Black Rock Desert – fire visible from Space
State of Washington, one of the first states to legalize cannabis, is see cases of CUD – cannabis use disorder – smoking weed is not harmless
Only 1.7% of “covid” deaths were caused by the virus – remaining 98% had other primary causes – but they still are clamoring for mandates and vaxxing
And why mask mandates should be brought back - they never “flattened the curve”
79 arson arrests for wildfires that ravaged Greece – arson not ‘man-made global warming’
What happened to the common house sparrow? Competition from invasive species
How many illegal immigrants? DHS does not release real numbers of those crossing our southern border
NV Energy plans $1.8B for new infrastructure to convert coal plant to natural gas & add $1.56B+ solar project to power the “Sphere” light show – that is so sustainable??!!
TVA to retain ownership of partially built $6B+ Bellefonte Nuclear Power Plant for “another” use
California judge rejected lawsuit to block extension of Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant
Wind turbine failures are at an all-time high – manufacturing issues & lack of quality control
Released illegal immigrant with Mexican driver’s license forced school bus off the road & down an embankment in Ohio – child died & 26 other children injured
“Wild boar paradox” in Germany means high levels of radioactive cesium – result of nuclear testing in 20th Century but primarily from Chernobyl disaster
- Paper:
Government targeted gas stoves, dishwashers, light bulbs and water heater – now targeting ceiling fans – policy of “energy efficiency at all costs”
Visualizing global wine production by country
Marking 50th anniversary of the Bunker Hill mine baghouse fire in Idaho – became largest contiguous Superfund site for lead contamination & lead poisoning
Using GPS to track and protect giraffes across diverse habitats in Africa
Screen time is contributing to chronic sleep deprivation & disruptive mental health
Why do your fingers get all wrinkly in the water?
Seeing the microscopic world
Perspective - the proposed Ambler Mine and Roads – environmental & other impacts
Natural selection may slow rate of evolution
- Paper:
Rumors of big cats lurking in Great Britain are just rumors
Hidden cameras spot return of wildlife following 2018 Mendocino Complex fire in Northern California
- Paper:
Huge carbon footprints of EVs – need to consider complete life-cycle of all components including batteries – so the feds increase the subsidies with funding in “Inflation Reduction Act”
- Paper:
- Procurement incentive:
5 ugly truths & 5 dirty lies about EVs
Human genetic analysis suggests humans almost went extinct 900,000 years ago – catastrophic population decline led to 1,280 breeding individuals = 117,000-year bottleneck – major climate change & speciation events
“Green energy” grid in California now on dirty life support
Californina mother wins lawsuit against Speckels Union School District in Monterey County who “socially transitioned” her daughter without her consent
US DOE to provide $95M for Maui electric grid after wildfires
Social media reports that C40 Cities will ban meat, dairy, new clothes and cars
- C40 Report:
Thousands of sheath-tailed bats found in cave on remote island of Fiji – thought to be nearly extinct
Barking monkey cutouts erected to scare off cheeky rhesus macaques from G20 Summit in India – Biden will not attend, sending Harris
Devastating wildfire on Maui causes lots of finger pointing
Update – next phase of $3.2B Fargo-Moorhead Diversion Project
Conceptual idea to put a “lid” over Interstate 5 in Seattle to provide parking & affordable housing – have not yet addressed need to consider air quality within the lidded zone and venting of emissions
- Feasibility study:
Declining water reserves in Turkey could impact Iraq & Syria
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board - 4 September 2023 - compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Struggling to keep toxic runoff from Maui fires from reaching the ocean
Plan for release of Fukushima wastewater – “risk is really, really, really low”
$113M contract awarded to rehabilitate the failing seawalls around portion of Tidal Basin in Washington DC
Improving predictions of typhoon-induced storm surges
- Paper:
Mangroves, marshes & coral will survive changing ocean conditions – on-going adaptation despite global warming hype
First offshore wind lease auction in Gulf of Mexico attracts only 1 bid
Sea turtles adapting to environmental change – but puts them on course for collision with more humans
US WPTO to provide multi-million-dollar funding for marine energy research
Partnership to build seawall protecting Utqiagvik in North Slope Borough for Barrow Coastal Erosion Project
Another dire warning about wide-spread coastal habitat retreat due to “global warming” instead of recognizing that is part of the natural evolution of coastlines
- Paper:
Coastal communities in New Hampshire trying to protect limited drinking water resources
Trying to frame coastal access as an environmental justice issue
North Caroline EMC to hear presentation on new Coastal Habitat Protection Plan
New warehouses displacing residents and changing coastal landscape at Port of Savannah in Georgia
Proposed Senate Bill 423 would streamline development in San Diego coastal zone
Coastal Cat American Eagle now in service – christened at Massachusetts Maritime Academy
US Army COE blamed for erosion threatening homes in Middlesex, New Jersey
North Carolina recreational water quality officials advise against swimming in coastal waters impacted by Tropical Storm Idalia
Malta Chamber of Geologists welcomed public consultation document issued by Energy & Water Agency but calls it narrow-sighted regarding utilization of EEZ
"Being stuck at @burningman is not an excuse to cancel classes on Tuesday. And recall, we have an “In Person Only” policy, so no Zooming!" - @ass_deans