From The Groundwater Project: New book f- ree PDF: 'Stable Isotope Hydrology' by Roger E. Diamond.
Here are Elaine's BBs as PDF and Word documents:
PDF: Download EJH_Bulletin_WW_Boards_2Jan2023
Word: Download EJH_Bulletin_WW_Boards_2Jan2023
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The articles displayed herein are selected by Dr. Elaine J. Hanford. I do not necessarily agree with the viewpoints expressed and the article descriptions that precede each link.
Geoscience Bulletin Board - 2 January 2023 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Using geochemistry to predict volcanic eruptions
Seiche on Lake Erie – waves forecasted to reach up to 25 feet
M5.5 Earthquake near Midland, Texas
Viking history and geology – Orkney & Shetland Islands of Scotland
Volcano Awareness Month programs
Enrichment of lithium ores
Great Unconformities – or Great Unconformities?
Climate history recorded in stalagmites
Formation of coal depends on fossilization of plants over geologic time
Remembering Clarence King (1842-1901) – first director of the USGS
Lake Agassiz – gigantic pro-glacial lake covered parts of Canada, North Dakota & Minnesota
Understanding mud volcanoes
Monitoring volcanic gas emissions at Yellowstone using new technology
211 years since New Madrid EQ sequence – threat remains of another event
Pineapple Express rains hitting Oregon increasing risk of landslides & debris flows
The Kummakivi Rock Formation
Snow cover on Yellowstone Lake
Geologic characteristics of chernozem “black soil” in northeastern China
USGS report documents over-pumping impacts on groundwater storage & Walker River flows in Nevada – 287,600 acre-feet decline in Smith Valley & 269,000 acre-feet in Mason Valley – water table declined 100 ft
- Link to data releases:
- SIR 2022-5123:
Rate of groundwater depletion in Central Valley of California is accelerating
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Modeling methane leakage in North China using GOSAT data
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Reconstruction of inner ear of Europasaurus suggests hearing ability as well as reproductive & social behavior
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Whip-crack of a simulated sauropod dinosaur tail – not a sonic boom
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Baurubatrachus santosdoroi – Late Cretaceous extinct frog discovered in Brazil
Yatenavis ieujensis – Late Cretaceous enantiornithine bird discovered in Southern Patagonia in Argentina
“The Age of Mammals” from “A Short History of the World” by H G Wells
Reconstruction of the formation of the Bering Land Bridge suggests emerged around 35,700 years ago
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Factors driving the recent decline in East Asian dust activity using DuEM model
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ORBITS Act intended to establish demonstration program to reduce space junk
Interconnected Northwest Atlantic, Part I: An historic voyage by the USCGS Healy
2022 – rock-solid year for geology and new findings
Recognizing need for spatial planning rules based on environmental geology in hazardous areas in Indonesia
Images of Earth phenomena in 2022 – monster waves, lava scar, gorgons, mine tailings …
Tectonic plate motions in the Aegean cause seismic activity in Greece
Environmental Science Bulletin Board - 2 January 2023 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Approval of new Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm deemed “rife with irregularities” – failed drug trials, FDA & Biogen did not follow documented protocol, pivoted to accelerated approval, lack of clinical data, unjustifiable price
- Report:
Nature is the true human habitat but humans have separated themselves from it with dire consequences
When the scientific review process fails papers sometimes get retracted – need for preprints
Politicians think it is all about the money (i.e., revenue) but it is not – when massive solar projects are defeated land-use is preserved, property values maintained, no new pollution, scenic value remains
Combining agriculture and conservation at Stokoe Farm in New York
1,500+ Mexican free-tailed bats rescued in Houston, Texas, from the cold
TÜV NORD uses drones to inspect concrete wind turbine towers in Europe – looking for cracks & spalling
550-mile power line in Lower San Pedro River Valley remains controversial – federal environmental review to be completed in the spring – “an ecological travesty” in home to designated critical habitat
Federal Appeals Court vacated 50-year operating license for Conowingo Dam on Susquehanna River – ruled FERC violated CWA in giving the permit with water quality certification process waiver
WRDA & MarAd included in NDAA passed by Congress – includes US Army COE dredging pilot program
Perspective: Democrats created the crisis at the US Southern Border
Southern Border Crisis gets even worse – highest number of illegal crossings ever recorded for November
Wolf dog hybrid pups “must be tracked down and shot” in Bavaria to protect local wolf population
Impurities that increase cancer risk cause another recall of blood pressure medication
Vandalism & arson damage 4 power substations on Christmas Day in Pierce County, Washington
Deadliest drug-related public health crisis in American history – fentanyl manufactured in Mexico & trafficked across unsecured Southern Border by drug cartels
Book Review: Platypus – Extraordinary story of how a curious creature baffled the World
Lake Mead hit lowest level since 1930s (Hint: reservoir did not exist prior to then) – some increase due to August monsoon as the drought continues
Gobbledy-gook on vaxxing, infections, immunity, etc. – fudge the numbers however you want – long-term side effects still to be identified – political pandemic
WH pressured Twitter to suppress information during pandemic – even when it was from CDC even though vax should be thought of “at best – as a therapeutic with limited window of efficacy & terrible side effect profile”
Fish eye lenses record lifetime exposure to methylmercury
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California population declined in 2022 - more than 343,000 and business left the state
Perspective: lockdowns were a total failure – Sweden’s refusal to impose compulsory shutdowns has been completely vindicated
When man-made materials burn in urban wildfires toxic VOC & PAH pollutants impact human health
Legacy of the Atomic Age – “demon core” & tickling the dragon’s tail
UN “Climate Experts” super-hyping of “man-made global warming” described as “atlas of human suffering”
15,700-year-old projectile points found at Cooper’s Ferry on terrace of lower Salmon River in Idaho
- Paper:
Marking the 29 December 1890 Wounded Knee Massacre by the US 7th Cavalry Regiment
“Working Dogs for Conservation” plays important role in tracking endangered species, poachers and environmental dumping of toxic wastes on Tribal lands
Are those shrunken heads truly human?
- Paper:
Desperate to link winter storms to “man-made global warming”
Pygmy elephant gores handler to death in wildlife park in Malaysia
168 new geoglyphs discovered around Nazca, Peru, added to UNESCO world heritage site
Latest scam? Startup offs stratospheric geoengineering service but cannot validate anything
Transboundary water governance & regional security issues in Asia
3M Cordova chemical manufacturing plant is largest emitter of CF4 (carbon tetrafluoride) in the county
Perspective: Carbon capture: Solution or Sideshow? – Net-zero 2050 is not feasible – multi $B boondoggle
- Net-Zero 2050 decarbonization scenario analysis:
Monsoon rains produced runoff that collected behind Coolidge Dam in Arizona under cooler than average temperatures – drought is not over with much of the state in moderate to severe conditions
Despite severe drought in Arizona desert suburbia keeps on sprawling – lessons not learned
Removal of low head dam on Big Stillwater Creek leads to road slippage – lawsuit settled by consent
US military bases that housed Afghan evacuees suffered $260M in “unrepairable” damages
Professor fired after complaints that he showed images of Muhammad in class on Islamic art
$1.7T Omnibus Bill flown to St Croix in Virgin Islands for signature – calls for Americans to reduce fossil fuel use – “green energy” initiatives should not include flying paper to St Croix while blizzards rage in US
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board - 2 January 2023 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Unexpected 10-foot wave hit tidal pool at Sharks Cove on Oahu North Shore – 10+ injured
Coastal transition zone is an underexplored frontier
Al-Shabab militants shot and killed to people in rural area of coastal Kenya – border is not secure
Washington DFW warns recreational razor clam season remains closed due to persistent marine toxin levels
Fire at Ventanas port near refinery & smelter in Chile
Sellers clearcut property to preserve their “vista” before selling to Sconset Trust for conservation & open space
Red, White & Black Mangroves planted to preserve coastal environs of Dominican Republic
WRDA authorizes US Army COE to begin construction of Coastal Texas Program – all they need now is $34B
- CTP:
Pearl River Conty CES will offer Enhanced Service in Picayune for bulk waste & green waste
Commercial & recreational shrimping season in Georgia ended on 31 December 2022 due to low CPUE
Hatteras Inlet will “go with the flow” realignment to dredge shoaled channels
Whitburn Coastal Path will be realigned in hopes of preventing further erosion
Real-time rip current identification using AI shows 90% accuracy
Rapid prediction of tsunami inundation on coastal Japan
Yellow-band coral disease in Thailand
Legal action initiated against licensing body that authorized Teesworks dredging in preparation of new £107m South Bank Quay
- South Bank Teesworks:
Call for Mexico to enforce ban on gillnet fishing in Northern Gulf of California to save Vaquita Porpoise
Shifting sands and the New South Wales coast
Nigeria has coastal litter problem – used coastal litter index
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"You can live down any number of failures but you can't live down a great success." - Austrian writer Vicki Baum in The New Yorker
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