On behalf of the Columbia River Treaty Universities Consortium, The University of British Columbia, One River, Ethics Matter, and the North American Youth Parliament for Water we invite you to attend a virtual symposium on November 29th and 30th, 2023 from 8:30 am until 12:30 pm daily PST.
You can register here.
Please join us on November 29th & 30th for a virtual gathering to begin the process of revitalizing public education and dialogue on transboundary issues and governance in the Columbia River Basin following the pandemic hiatus. Much has happened in the Basin since the last major in-person transboundary symposium led by Columbia Basin Trust in Kimberley, British Columbia in 2019. You may register at this link: https://columbiabasingovernance.org/
At the conference convened in Kimberley, participants made it clear that formal transboundary public engagement is critical to the future governance of the shared Columbia River Basin. Since then, issues such as water quality, salmon reintroduction, and transition to carbon neutral energy have moved to the forefront, but with the limitations of the pandemic, a forum for public engagement has not been convened.
We have organized this virtual forum to provide a platform for an exchange of deliberative dialogues for the future governance of the Columbia River Basin. We have over 30 distinguished speakers from across the Basin and beyond such as Tribes and First Nation Sovereigns, not-for-profit, private, and public sectors, including youth and students who will present on topics such as Indigenous-led salmon revitalization initiatives in the basin, water quality in the Elk and Kootenai/y watersheds, global perspectives on governance models, ethical and intergenerational aspects of public engagement in water governance and other pressing issues facing the third largest watershed in North America.
This dialogue will form the basis for the organization of an anticipated in-person transboundary conference in May 2024 which will lead the Basin in a new and exciting direction, build upon the web of relationships built over the last decade of transboundary dialogue, create new, longer-term linkages, and initiate new collaborations across the Basin where the Symposium will most importantly act as a centre for dialogue and knowledge-sharing through face-to-face and virtual interaction. Through open invitations to not only Basin residents but to participants globally, this
Symposium will be designed to engage a broader public through synthesis, exchange, networking, and co-creation beyond the Columbia River Treaty.
See you next week!
The format for these weekly summaries has been changed.
Elaine J. Hanford's Bulletin Boards: 1) Geoscience; 2) Environmental Science; 3) Coastal Zone Management - 20 November 2023 https://bit.ly/3MRiaT1
World Toilet Day was 19 Nov. Here's a short video (from 2011) w/ a celebrity-model @HeleneTraasavik: 'Don't Just Swipe-Think Before You Wipe!' https://tinyurl.com/5c6r33d8 #WorldToiletDay
New look! TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary 18 - 24 November 2023 https://bit.ly/46LgfGN #globalwater
TGIF! Weekly Water News Summary - 5 - 17 November 2023 https://bit.ly/47EUd9h
It's @Water_MDPI, Volume 15, Issue 22 (November -2 2023) – 161 articles https://bit.ly/49VDlwT #globalwater
CRS InFocus Report: 'Farm Bill Primer - USDA Support for Aquaculture Operations' https://bit.ly/3QNIIp6 #scicomm
Elaine J. Hanford's Bulletin Boards: 1) Geoscience; 2) Environmental Science; 3) Coastal Zone Management - 27 November 2023 https://bit.ly/49V2wQf
From @CanadianWater - 'Great Escape: Safeguarding Our Great Lakes' https://tinyurl.com/yc892pny #cdnwater
Today's Tunes
Today's Tune - 24 Nov 2023. Here's the group Save Ferris featuring Monique Powell doing their 1997 rendition of 'Come On Eileen'. Where's Kevin Rowland when you need him? https://youtu.be/vTb5FDJol8Q?si=KBhxxAF2nLpbyi82… #aquadocaudio
Today's Tune - 23 Nov 2023. I'm giving thanks for Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs 1965 hit 'Woolly Bully'. The song's title came from the pet cat of one of the band members. Or maybe it was his gramdmother. Love the sax! https://youtu.be/KZJiGu6Gz8E?si=8aweJP9qvC6SQwZ-… #aquadocaudio
Today's Tune - 21 Nov 2023. It's Norman Greenbaum with his 1970 monster hit: 'Spirit In The Sky'. Some claim that this was the best ever one-hit wonder song. Inspired when Greenbaum heard a Porter Wagoner tune. https://youtu.be/vRFo72wuU6w?si=8mMPHYAEx0cPjU_c… #aquadocaudio
Today's Tune - 20 Nov 2023. From 1972: The Cornelius Brothers & Sister Rose: 'Too Late To Turn Back Now'. https://youtu.be/XyqxAIKZ6p8?si=jphaMzPLR3Oik8IB… #aquadocaudio
Today's Tune - 19 Nov 2023. Daryl Hall & John Oates - 'Rich Girl' Nice outfit, Daryl! https://youtu.be/MJsloJmMbis?si=B-PqnhP4imbDXzMN… #aquadocaudio
Today's Tune - 18 Nov 2023. Nick Lowe's 'Cruel To Be Kind'. The bride is Carlene Carter, the daughter of June Carter Cash and stepdaughter of Johnny Cash. Nick and Carlene were married from 1979-1990. https://youtu.be/b0l3QWUXVho?si=PmK8C7TBXTPVwA_Y… #aquadocaudio
Daily News Media Water Reports
Oregon Water News Weekly - 20 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/2zxtbpjy #ORwater
Hawaii Water News Weekly - 20 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/2s3nd9dj #HAwaii
Eugene Water News Weekly - 20 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/2p84r5fn #EUGwat
California Water News Daily
24 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/4njv3svk #cawater
23 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/3p6tzmhm #cawater
22 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/ywjk3sdb #cawater
21 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/4tvnz9z7 #cawater
20 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/r4ufybua #cawater
18 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/49hz2kzw
Colorado Water News Daily
24 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/ymj83wa7#cowater
23 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/2kcsx7tt #cowater
22 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/3w8975zr #cowater
21 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/yrmepu68 #cowater
20 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/24n5sxsd #cowater
18 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/359jjz4d #cowater
Portland Water News Daily
24 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/zkc4yt2e #PDXwater
23 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/ykacadx8 #PDXwater
22 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/mr2mtn3h #PDXwater
21 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/22tncesw #PDXwater
20 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/3kbfy7w2 #PDXwater
18 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/353hf37e #PDXwater
Florida Water News Daily
24 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/yuzkjvsd #FLwater
23 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/2s49sd78 #FLwater
22 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/2c58mudw #FLwater
21 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/mrxteaje #FLwater
20 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/3y8hjbhj #FLwater
18 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/25zmdjpn #FLwater
Midcontinent US Water News Daily
24 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/2n9x88dk #MCUSwater
23 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/2937wwuw #MCUSwater
22 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/bdfhjssn #MCUSwater
21 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/3ww6hcsf #MCUSwater
Southeast US Water News Daily
24 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/ye23zcfn #SEUSwater
23 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/yc5kj8kp #SEUSwater
22 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/5n82ej2t #SEUSwater
21 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/23s679cf #SEUSwater
20 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/3hp2895e #SEUSwater
18 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/2mj4pm4p #SEUSwater
Southwest US Water News Daily
24 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/kmewc532 #SWUSwater
23 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/crev3hpj #SWUSwater
22 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/5n7pvkhu #SWUSwater
21 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/4bbwmh8u #SWUSwater
20 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/259cfkbd #SWUSwater
18 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/37r4kb7p #SWUSwater
Northeast US Water News Daily
24 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/yp429peh #NEWater
23 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/ea23k5rr #NEWater
22 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/2p9zd9d7 #NEWater
21 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/4e9a2km2 #NEWater
20 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/52uddz4k #NEWater
18 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/3kamawpc #NEWater
Pacific Northwest Water News Daily
24 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/2j3f3z77 #PNWater
23 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/ydpxnfph #PNWater
22 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/3w4x77aa #PNWater
21 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/2c3vnznb #PNWater
20 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/25cnewhm #PNWater
18 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/2p8eprpw #PNWater
Texas Water News Daily
24 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/2dw6nkjn #txwater
23 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/a3tw5cxu #txwater
22 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/a3tw5cxu #txwater
21 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/mvthtww3 #txwater
20 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/cwkz53y6 #txwater
18 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/bdz56fjw #txwater
California-Centric Stuff
The @CA_DWR Water Plan eNews -->22 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/3hd52s2a #cawater
The @CA_DWR Water News--> 22 Nov 2023. https://tinyurl.com/mwe2h6rj #cawater
The @CA_DWR Water News --> 21 Nov 2023. #cawater https://tinyurl.com/ypvj2acv
The @CA_DWR Water News--> https://tinyurl.com/y2bx4yh4 #cawater
From @UCDavisWater: 'Schooling Fish: Behind the Scenes of Putah Creek Fish Sampling' https://tinyurl.com/mmh2xdpf #cawater
Nature Quotes
Today's Quote (@Nature11/24/23) “Researchers are simply not choosing to study health factors specific to women, which is perhaps not surprising when 80% of tenured neuroscientists are men.” (1/2)
Although women make up about 50% of people enrolled in neuroimaging studies, less than 0.5% of studies look at women’s health, says psychologist Emily Jacobs. (2/2)
Today's Quote (@Nature11/23/23) “It is a concern of mine and my scientific colleagues that whereas in the past you could make the assumption that students would leave school able to do certain practical things - cutting things out, making things that is no longer the case.”(1/2)
Surgical educator Roger Kneebone decries a decline in manual dexterity in up-and-coming surgeons in the digital age. (2/2)
Today's Quote (@Nature11/22/23): “Humanity will be faced with either cooperating in the face of those crises or competing. And what we see from Neanderthals and Homo sapiens is that the groups that cooperated better were the ones that got through.” (1/2)
Physical anthropologist Chris Stringer suggests that adaptability and networking helped Homo sapiens outlast at least eight hominind species that once roamed Earth — with lessons for those of us living today. (2/2)
Today's Quote (@Nature11/21/23) “You don’t sign up as an academic to become a media star. Most of us are super-uncomfortable, and have been very keen to get back to our normal lives.” (1/2)
Physicist Shaun Hendy experienced abuse related to his high-profile work on infectious-disease modeling during COVID-19 pandemic. He & microbiologist Siouxsie Wiles sued their university for failing to keep them safe from harassment,but Hendy settled when he left for new role 2/2
Today's Quote (@Nature11/20/23): “I believe that the scientists should be focusing on the science, because if they’re worrying about all the other things, the science comes essentially last.” (1/2)
Medicinal chemist Susan Winks got an MBA and pivoted to operations — now she’s proud that her work frees researchers to “spend until we tell them to stop spending” (2/2)
Other Quotes
"You can move from a public college to a private university, from a secular college to a religious school, or from a comprehensive regional to an R1, but you can’t escape me!" - @ass_deans
"Democracy has to be born anew every generation, and education is its midwife." - John Dewey (quoted in @TheAtlantic via @TheWeek
"The way up and the way down are one and the same." - Heraclitus (quoted in @Forbes via @TheWeek)
"The hot-blooded shall be judged differently from the cold-hearted." --Dante
"You can observe a lot just by watching." - Yogi Berra (quoted in @NewsandRecord via @TheWeek)
"There's no such thing as bad weather, just soft people." - Bill Bowerman
Water/Climate Jobs
From IISD: Climate Change Job Vacancies - 22 November 2023 - 8 Positions https://bit.ly/3QTO6Hy #globalwater
Josh's Water Jobs & More! 21 November 2023 ~334 Jobs! https://bit.ly/47Heefj #globalwater
From @IISD: Climate Change Job Vacancies - 17 November 2023 - 4 Positions https://bit.ly/47EfKPr
Journals, Newsletters, Podcasts
Colorado/Columbia/Other River Basins
From @ByIanJames: New @latimes documentary out today. It follows our journey reporting along the Colorado River, from headwaters to dry end, and examines how the Southwest is grappling w/ the water crisis. Produced
https://tinyurl.com/5av2b64b #SWUSwater cc:
Nature Briefings
The @Natire Briefing - 24 Nov 2023. Turbocharged cosmic ray spotted; ‘Treasure trove’ of new CRISPR systems; UK politicians struggled with COVID science; AI after the OpenAI drama; How to avert disasters; Podcast: What happens after polio’s end. https://tinyurl.com/48953nkc #scicomm
The @Nature Briefing- 23 Nov 2023. Nom nom nom … stop; How an astronomy centre reached gender parity; ChatGPT produces fake clinical-trial data; AI can bring back lost masterpieces; How ‘loss & damage’ works; Prejudice colors views on migration https://tinyurl.com/bdzxpmnn #scicomm
The @Nature Briefong - 22 Nov 2023. Deep-sea mining might harm wildlife; Wi-Fi for nerve signals; Iceland braces for volcanic eruption; Is it too late to keep warming < 1.5 °C?; Keep polio from coming back? Scientists toil to name Hamas victims.. https://tinyurl.com/z78t3b8c #scicom
The @Nature Briefing - 21 Nov 2023. Bats mate more like birds than mammals; SpaceX Starship touches space; Genetic link to cannabis addiction found; Argentina’s new anti-science president; AI: find research ‘blind spots’;Specks w/ enormous power. https://tinyurl.com/2s4zvth5 #scicomm
The @Nature Briefing - 20 Nov 2023. Clues to cuttlefish camouflage; South braces for summer from hell; Heat pump could transform air conditioning; Microbes mine for rare-earth metals; Yes to truly global research standards; PhD research > teaching https://tinyurl.com/3vj78mhn #scicomm
Webinars and Events
Congressional Research Service (CRS) and Other Reports
CRS InFocus Report: 'National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) FY2024 Budget Request and Appropriations' https://bit.ly/3QTLw4q
"It’s not a ‘rule change’—it’s a clarification. I want to make it clear that, no matter what you do, you lose." - @ass_deans
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