It's @Water_MDPI, Volume 16, Issue 14 (July-2 2024) – 136 articles - 27 July 2024

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The entries below are solely those of Dr. Elaine J. Hanford:
Geoscience Bulletin Board – 29 July 2024 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Small crater formed during minor hydrothermal explosion in April 2024 at Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone
Hydrothermal explosion in Biscuit Basin in July in Yellowstone
Yellowstone hydrothermal explosion is likely not indicator of larger eruption
Enhanced geothermal requires use of the same fracking technology used for O&G drilling – includes use of toxic chemicals that can contaminate groundwater
Food for thought: Does Adventist Flood Geology Make Sense? Part 2: Can a flood explain geological results? And Part 3: Of YEC & Miracles
Applying machine learning to early Plate Tectonics
First map of Te Riu-a-Māui (Zealandia)
Search for missing geologist Daniel Robinson still not resolved after three years
US DOE completed outdoor shake table testing of pair of full-scale dry storage cask systems for spent nuclear fuel – part of above-ground consolidated interim storage facility project
Seeking the future of geothermal energy in Iceland – Iceland Geothermal Conference
Re-writing the evolution of snakes – Hibernophis breithaupti – new Early Oligocene species found in Wyoming
Electroscincus zedi – 99 myo mid-Cretaceous newly-discovered species of skink found in Burmese Amber
Late Cenozoic fossil record in East African Rift System adds to record of human evolution
Deadly mudslides in Ethiopia triggered by heavy rains
Eruption of Mt Etna prompted closure of Catania Airport in Sicily
History of earthquakes in Dallas County in Texas
Destruction of Pompeii in AD 79 due to catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius & massive earthquake
Swarm of nearly 40 earthquakes centered beneath Lake Tahoe along Stateline Fault
Rocks preserve climate details at time of carbonate formation
Saharan dust regulates hurricane precipitation – dust as condensation nucleii
Investigating impact of wind turbines on intensity of lightning – Lake-Effect Electrification (LEE)
El Niño forecasts extended to 18 months in advance using XRO model
New geochronology technique now places age of Hamersley iron deposits in Australia at 1.4 and 1.1 byo
Mining sites worsen risks from wildfires by releasing arsenic
Giant armadillo-like mammals butchered by humans in Argentina 21,000 years ago during Last Glacial Maximum
Systematic changes in tectonic stress state & reduction in fault reactivation potential near salt walls in Paradox Basin
Raindrops grow with turbulence in clouds – rain formation bottleneck
Major earthquake (M7 – M8) around 2,500 years ago caused significant shift in course of Ganges River delta – seismites – liquefaction & avulsion
Magnetite and methane-producing bacterial abundant in sediment cores in South China Sea
July 2024 landslides in Gofa Zone, Ethiopia
Low frequency of rock avalanches in NE Baffin Island
Assessing potential risk to worldwide mineral commodity supplies from seismic activity
Global variability of composition & temperature at the 410-km discontinuity
Vesicularity influence on grain morphology in basaltic pyroclasts from Mauna Loa & Kīlauea
Integrating gaging station data with image archives for remote sensing of river bathymetry
Whale falls concentrated off the coast of Los Angeles, California
LANDSAT views of the pits of the Telfer Gold Mine in the Great Sandy Desert of Australia
Last Sunday was “hottest day in all recorded history” – unless you consider the geologic history of Earth which shows it was relatively cool
Elsevier investigation Geoscience Frontiers journal for allegations of “peer” review by frequent co-authors
Next “big one” could hit New Madrid area in the central US – USGS estimates 25-40% chance of >6.0 in next 50 years & 10% chance of repeat of 1811-1812 earthquake sequence – preparedness has begun
Stable mantle chemistry dates back to early geologic history of Earth and continued over prodigious evolution
Solar radiation linked to activity in deep interior of Earth
Lake Kivu is saturated with CO2 & methane at depth – potential for imminent limnic explosion
M5.1 earthquake in West Texas
Tis the season for the time-honored field camp experience at Montana Tech
Size of dinosaurs should be population based rather than using a single fossil specimen – Just how big was T. rex?
Record winter snowfall events cannot counteract human-induced declining groundwater levels in Western US
Odaraia alata - Taco-shaped mandibulate from the Burgess Shale
Note the headline is wrong – clues to disappearance of megafauna in North America around 10,000 to 15,000 years ago
Despite all the media hype, man-made CO2 has essentially no impact on the climate – peer-reviewed paper reaffirms “the madness bestowed upon humanity by a despicable cohort of greedy souls”
EV sales dropped 4.7% to 36.2% for various car brands in California
Biden administration finally recognizes plastic pollution “crisis” and wants phase out of single-use plastics by 2035 – too little, too late
Some realities of the Hyundai Metaplant in Georgia – promises already broken
Commemorating the 1979 Church Rock spill nuclear disaster in New Mexico – uranium mill tailings dam failed & contaminated Navajo Nation with 94M gallons of radioactive waer & 1,100 tons of uranium waste
Warning: dozens of illnesses and possible death linked to “microdosing” of gummies & chocolate bars
Idaho agriculture pumping massive amounts of water from East Snake River Plain Aquifer & causing water shortages – Idaho issuing red curtailment notices to pumps – 2016 mitigation plan calls for managing river & groundwater aquifer as one entity
Chapel Hill, North Carolina, outlining rules for redeveloping site containing 46,000 tons of coal ash – 2013 draft cleanup plan failed to adequately protect the public from arsenic, cobalt & other toxic metals – Brownfields site
Enhanced geothermal requires use of the same fracking technology used for O&G drilling – includes use of toxic chemicals that can contaminate groundwater
Relocated “nuisance” beavers restore wetlands and watersheds – beavers are foundation species that produce and maintain habitats
125,000-gallons of raw sewage spilled & entered Lake Tahoe – forces closure of two beaches
US District Court orders sales of O&G leases to proceed – BLM failed to adequately link tie environmental impacts to decision to hold auction – BLM has until 25 Jan 2025 to finalize environmental assessment
Variation of excess all-cause mortality during the pandemic 2020-2023 – biological stress due to draconian mandates, medical interventions & vaxxing
Global Technological Hazard: CrowdStrike software caused Microsoft Windows to crash
EPA announces it will throw another $4.3 Billion into “climate” projects – all in the name of the mythical “man-made global warming”
Outbreak of Nippah virus in India
Azerbaijan calling for $1B contributions from at least 10 countries & corporations to Climate Finance Action Fund to address “man-made global warming” – a joke? A “distraction” from COP29 – “climate washing”
US DOE completed outdoor shake table testing of pair of full-scale dry storage cask systems for spent nuclear fuel – part of above-ground consolidated “interim” storage facility project
Is cleaning up bacteria in the Seine River for the Olympics a model for cleaning up other urban rivers?
Fire is necessary for Sequoias seeds to sprout but megafires resulting from human fire suppression are killing mature trees
Fire ants are invading Montecito, California
USEPA opens investigation into ASPECT failures in East Palestine, Ohio – delayed use and misuse
Norwegian company blames milder temperatures for 4% drop in Q2 profits
Cattle painkiller diclofenac, vulture population & human deaths in India
Inflation driving up home prices – visualizing salary needed to buy a home in 50 US Cities in 2024
Deforestation to curb illegal drug activities threatens many resident & migratory species of birds
Visualizing the resting heart rates of 15 different animals
Visualizing countries with the highest adult obesity rates in 2022 – US is number 15
Understanding the complex processes that make cheese – a living, fermented food
4 other ways humans can get pregnant:
Understanding the chemical process of removing caffeine from coffee (or tea) – 3 common methods
14 cases of West Nile virus confirmed in Clark County, Nevada, so far this year
Hantavirus is endemic to the United States – typically fatal in about 36% of cases
Reality TV contestant killed and ate a weka (Maori hen) which is a protected species
Hydrothermal explosion of Biscuit Basin geyser in Yellowstone is little known hazard in the National Park
National flood risk models are not very reliable at predicting local scale impacts
Older adults want to cut back on medication – de-prescribing since many older adults are over-medicated
Ford loses $47,600 on every EV – Company on track to lose $5B by end of this year
100-year-old reservoir east of Evergreen Way in Everett, Washington, to be replace by two smaller ones – concrete cover is sinking & concerns exist over collapse during potential earthquake – estimated cost $80M
Book review: “After 1177 BC – The survival of civilizations”
WHOI releases strategy for addressing harmful & toxic algal blooms that threaten human health, economies, marine & freshwater ecosystems as well as inland waters – blaming climate change for Lake Erie
OCED awarded $27.5M for Pacific NW Hydrogen Hub – part of $7B federal subsidies
What is wrong with this picture? Squatter sentenced to 40 years in prison for taking over condo in Florida but illegals who stampeded US Border were released
Texas WDB authorized $3+B for water & wastewater projects including expanding reservoir in Brazoria County
Klamath Dam Removal project ahead of schedule
10-year $1.9B Westchester County Water Tunnel project begins construction – Kensico-Eastview Connection
New federal rule requires safety measures for storm drain openings – people were getting sucked in
Biden administration increases subsidies by $371M to accelerate permitting of 20 high-voltage interstate transmission projects
Perspective: US should pay for & help build nuclear power plants in other countries – ADVANCE Act permits exporting US nuclear technology to countries not on “123 Agreements” list
Efforts to repeal BLM Conservation Priority Land Rule
Oh, No! Federal government wants to get involved in efforts to “safeguard” groundwater supplies
Main stream media created all the “man-made global warming hype” forcing therapists to develop “climate psychology” to address “eco-anxiety” & address distorted cognition
US Bureau of Reclamation Draft Environmental Assessment says Salton Sea lake bed is not a source of significant environmental pollution
Technological hazard: impending cyber apocalypse
Add stupid humans to the ‘perfect storm” conditions in California and massive wildfires erupt
Flooded water cistern in Houston collapsed beneath luxury housing development plaza – homes evacuated
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 29 July 2024 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Memorializing WWII Port Chicago Naval Magazine disaster along shores of Suisun Bay, California, & role it played in civil rights movement as segregated workers non-violent civil disobedience – Thurgood Marshall Regional Park & calls for exoneration of workers who were court-martialed & convicted of mutiny
Promoting more structural “control” to “protect” nuclear power plants from tsunamis & severe flooding
Cocaine in coastal waters near Rio de Janeiro, Argentina, may be changing behavior of sharks – enters waters through discharge of human urine and feces by sewage outfalls, from illegal drug labs or dumped overboard by smugglers
Sunset Beach in Port Waikato, New Zealand, closed “until further notice” due to coastal erosion
Concern increases as blue land crabs sighted along South Atlantic coast in Georgia, South & North Carolina
Increasing demand of sand fuels lucrative & dangerous illegal industry – coastal sand mining destroys complex ecosystems, affects water quality & depletes groundwater
Sandy beaches succumbing to coastal erosion in Tunisia
Monster oyster weighing 5.5 pounds harvested off coast of Mersea Island, Essex
NWS conducting study to improve understanding of coastal flooding in Tampa Bay, Florida
Residents debate impacts of planned offshore wind port on Sears Island in Maine
Proponents of $3B Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion project to restore part of SE Louisiana coastline tout expected economic benefits – legal disputes have disrupted construction
Proposal to relocate capital city away from flooding, overcrowding, garbage & poorly managed Monrovia, Liberia,
Yes, there are marshes in New York City but they are plagued by sewage runoff & lack of sediment
Ongoing restoration of Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
British Geological Survey coastal erosion data
Oyster sanctuaries and restoration of Chesapeake Bay
MT Terra Nova tanker carrying 1,400,000 liters (370,000 gallons) of fuel capsized in Philippines causing massive oil spill
Media scare tactics predicting “vanishing islands” not based in reality – growth of islands has been recognized for a number of years contrary to media hype – but “fact checkers” disagreed in support of climate change agenda
"Our retention plan for junior faculty is to overburden them with service work so they can’t publish their way out of here."- @ass_deans
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