I will be flying to @SanPedroSulaHN, Honduras, via @united on 16 - 25 May. Have not been there since 2019; the Ann Campana Judge Foundation has a lot of work to do and future projects to plan.

Elaine J. Hanford is responsible for the items below.
Geoscience Bulletin Board – 6 May 2024 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Thermal metrics for infrared remote sensing at Yellowstone
Eruption of Ruang volcano in Indonesia
Climber identified who fell estimated 1,000 feet while climbing in Denali National Park in Alaska – another injured
Planetary geology: gravitational pull deforms Enceladus moon of Saturn in cyclic “tidal heating”
TorNet - Dataset containing radar returns from thousands of tornadoes may help detect new ones
Guide to mountaineering in the Cascades
On the brink of the next Ice Age?
How long will Earth exist? It will survive longer than the human species
Puentemys mushaisaensis - at least 21 individual fossils found in South America – 57 myo very large turtles
Marking 25 years of NASA Earth Observatory
10 facts about tornadoes
270-degree turn in sauropod trackway in West Gold Hill Dinosaur Tracksite
Mai Mahiu landslide triggered by rainfall in Kenya – deadly disaster
Lava flows from fissure down iguana populated slopes of La Cumbre volcano in the Galápagos Islands
Double-fanged Smilodon fatalis – permanent tooth slotted into groove in the baby tooth
Geologic evidence of plate tectonic breakup of Gondwana in Angola 130 myo to 71 myo
Debris flow building damage forecasts
New tecno-economic global model for superhot geothermal exploration
Dinosaurs may have been as smart as reptiles but not a intelligent as monkeys – previous assumptions about brain size & number of neurons were unreliable
Shoebills are large formidable ambush predators – look like dinosaur relatives
Two new species of uppermost Cretaceous Pachycephalosaurine dinosaurs – one in Dinosaur Park Formation in Alberta, Canada, and one in Hell Creek Formation in Montana
Lake tsunamis – causes & dangers
New POD approach to fighting wildfires combines local knowledge & AI
Ocean currents transport microscopic organisms to greater depths in the Mediterranean Sea
Lahar detection system on Mount Rainier is expanded & upgraded
Density variations in the mantle shape topography of the surface of the crust
Improving the detection of low-yield nuclear explosions
Understanding MCAOs and the complex nature of Arctic clouds
Reduction in strength of magnetic field of Earth 591 to 565 myo coincide with increased oxygen levels that supported evolution of some of the earliest complex organisms – was it cause & effect?
Hugh Lucius Davies (1935 - 2024) – father of geology in Papua New Guinea
Fund-raising campaign to preserve Puchegüín area in Chile - the “Yosemite of South America”
Hawaii National Park has temporarily closed some locations due to increase in seismic activity on Kīlauea
Dire warning that ‘man-made global warming’ will cause meteorites in Antarctica to disappear
Snow Water Storage – new metric for measuring the mountain snowpack
Landslides in art – 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake in Japan
Deadly Meilong Expressway landslide in China
New algorithm promises to make climate models run 10X faster – but are they any more accurate?
Analyzing changes in seismic wave velocities to track movement of groundwater recharge through the LA Bain
Weight of meltwater lakes may cause ice shelves to flex and fracture in Antarctica
Possible explanation for why North Pole region heats up faster than the rest of the world – ozone & influx of warm air
Mural in stairwell of University of Missouri Geological Science Building features tapestry of geologic time
Cave of Crystals in Chihuahua, Mexico – dubbed ‘Sistine Chapel of crystals’
Wyoming State Geological Survey added new layers to interactive Hazards map to include radon
Primer on Plate Tectonics – note: theory has been around longer than 40 years!
Madygen formation of Triassic fossil beds in Kyrgyzstan may become first UNESCO Geopark in Central Asia
Rare Earth Minerals explained
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 6 May 2024 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Abandoned railway from Alnwick to Cornhill in Northumberland, England, being redeveloped as greenway for walkers, bicyclists, horses, pushchairs & wheelchairs
California celebrates 10MW of battery storage – but that is a very small percentage of annual electric power consumption in the state (259+ TW) & governor warns that blackouts are not yet a thing of the past
Cigna measures health care by amount of time spent with doctors – pressures for quick patient reviews
EPA relying on industry-backed tests to relax regulations on toxic pesticide acephate
Final EPA rule on two PFAS forever chemicals expected to result in designation of Superfund sites
Compounding disasters – deadly tornado hits flooded region of China
Dam burst near Mai Mahiu in Nakuru county of Kenya – 42+ people have died
EPA bans most uses of methylene chloride solvent in paint stripping – but allows use for EV components which is yet another reason to ban EVs – used in making pharmaceutical drugs
It’s springtime and hundreds of climbers are willingly heading into ‘death zone’ of Mount Everest
EVs are bad for the environment & a trojan horse to end driving – failed ‘net-zero’ policy
Lesser necklaced laughingthrush benefits from mimicry despite its smaller size
Biogeodynamics is effort to understand role of plants in climatic conditions over geologic time
86% of litter in the Great Lakes is plastic pollution as particle size continues to decrease
Annual cost of PFAS remediation estimated at $26 Trillion – not including health care costs – more lawsuits to be filed and resolved as costs escalate
In a crash, EVs may be safer for their occupants but not for other vehicles and passengers
Dumb tourists, especially intoxicated ones, do not understand that they should stay away from bison in Yellowstone
Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant in Georgia is now complete – costs escalated to $30+ Billion for last two reactors – ‘carbon free’ but generates high level nuclear waste
FERC denies permit for proposed Big Canyon Dam in Grand
Congress finally figuring out they need criminal investigation of NIH/EcoHealth & NIAID/Fauci funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan Lab – experiments ongoing since 2014
TRICARE manages healthcare for military servicemen & families – case of kickbacks & false claims
Grizzly Bears to be reintroduced to the North Cascades – last seen in 1996
Perspective on our modern culture – “Virtue isn’t dead; it’s just broke down on a lonely highway”
Eastern indigo snakes released in Florida in attempt to restore ecosystem damaged by development
New FDA rule brings scrutiny to array of laboratory testing to ensure clinical validity of tests including prenatal genetic testing, certain cancer screenings & tests for rare diseases – false positives & negatives
Romancing the River: Cowboys & Indians – “paper water” versus “wet water” & the “Winters doctrine”
Vegetation Greenness increased in 2023 contrary to hype about man-made global warming & climate chaos
Multiple threats to firefly populations in North America
Devastating floods in Kenya result from history of poor urban planning and bad land management
6PPD and other chemicals in tires can be extremely toxic to aquatic life – “chemical cocktail”
El Niño – not man-made global warming/climate change – was key driver of drought in southern Africa
US Drought Monitor is a subjective interpretation with political & economic ramifications
Estimating numbers of dead birds & bats outside searched areas for wind energy facilities
Assessment of sewage contamination in streams – bacteria, human-specific viruses & pharmaceuticals
Ant pheromones may help protect against black-legged ticks that carry Lyme disease
Visualizing the most common pets in the US: dogs, cats, fish, small mammals, birds, reptiles, horses
Conspiracy theories on “chemtrails” – contrails are not ‘chemtrails’
Need for a high-level nuclear waste site - in Nevada at Yucca Mountain or elsewhere
New cost estimate for completing Mountain Valley Pipeline – now estimated as $7.85 Billion
Agreement gives Colorado River Indian Tribes right to lease portions of the allocation of river waters – how long before this ‘treaty’ is broken by the government?
US F&W seeking public comment on Habitat Conservation Plans for wind projects in Indiana & Illinois
US BLM remiss in developing & approving HMAPs for wild horses at cost of almost $500M in 2023
Annual ozone “hole” over Antarctica is persisting later into the year – concerns for wildlife
Visualizing “carbon footprint” of major travel methods – Cruise ships are the worst & EVs make the list
Fire in Diehl Metall plant in Berlin, Germany, that produces IRIS-T air defense systems & ammunition – sulfuric acid & copper cyanite – residents advised to protect against toxic smoke plume
US Circuit Court of Appeals dismisses lawsuit against the government for “climate change” filed by a bunch of kids – unrealistic remedies were political and not a decision for the courts
UK Department for Energy Security and Net Zero acted illegally in approving Carbon Budget Delivery Plan in 2023
Native forest bird population declines in Big Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex in Hawaii
Strategic science vision for integrated study of microplastics in the environment
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 6 May 2024 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
South Brooklyn Marine Terminal to get Offshore Wind Port – estimated $861M contract awarded
NOAA releases map showing Coastal Flood Hazard Composite layer prone to flooding & tsunamis- of course the article hypes ‘sea level rise’ but these areas are all undergoing land subsidence
Evolution & adaptation of the early Great Barrier Reef
Savannah, Georgia, plans to include PFAS filtering in expansion of drinking water facility – monitoring 29 PFAS chemicals
Estimated 11M metric tons of plastic sitting on the seafloor – mostly near coasts & in shipping corridors
Coral reef connectivity across the Seychelles archipelago
El Niño – not man-made global warming/climate change – key driver in low rainfall disrupting Panama Canal
Norway proceeding with controversial deep-sea mining plan
Evaluating wetland ecosystem services in Chesapeake Bay – wetland crediting
Study to evaluate adaptation of Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles at Padres Island National Seashore in Texas
Human activities account for 20 to 60+ percent of toxic thallium entering the Baltic Sea – largest human-induced hypoxic area on Earth
Kamilo Beach in Hawaii is known as “plastic beach” due to high volume of trash - plastiglomerates
Coastal geology of Chesapeake Bay by kayak – register now for May 18 or July 10 event
Miccosukee Tribal plan to stop oil drilling operations & expansion on sacred lands in the Big Cypress National Preserve that channels 40 percent of water flowing into the Everglades
"Everything in life is somewhere else, and you get there in a car." - E.B. White (in @funnytimes)
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