The items/opinions compiled below are those of Elaine J. Hanford
Geoscience Bulletin Board – 17 June 2024 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Underwater noise from ships getting louder and posing increasing threat to marine ecosystems
Argon geochronology of volcanic eruption in Yellowstone and elsewhere
Texas RR Commission investigating blowout of another abandoned O&G well in Permian Basin
Rock versus mineral – definitions are mostly clear-cut
The Great Oxidation Event was spread over 200 million years
Alignment of rock formations within fault zones may help explain why seismic events occur
Landslide at Teton Pass, Wyoming
JOIDES Resolution embarks on final research expedition
Mechanisms & stresses triggering earthquakes along passive margins & interior of West Africa
Winchcombe meteorite records grain scale brecciation resulting from multiple collisions
Navy Aircraft Carrier USS Enterprise set ablaze by onboard bombs in 1969 fire – catalyst for safety reforms
Inner core oscillates from super-rotating (2003-2008) to sub-rotating (2008-2023) – progression & regression
1937 aerial photos expose Antarctic anomaly & challenge modern climate narratives – revealing glacial changes over time along approximately 2,000 km coastline
Pink sands composed of garnet crystals (about 590 myo) may reveal timing of subduction of Australian Plate beneath the Pacific Plate & presence of previously unknown Antarctic mountains
Toward improved understanding of aerosols on weather – aerosol-cloud interaction
Student storm chasers
Nature on AI – but does not recognize it as a technological hazard and generated text has already been published in peer reviewed journals – all research should begin with critical human thinking and the null hypothesis
History associated with the Cumberland Gap
Sinkhole forces closure of Generals Highway between Kings Canyon & Sequoia National Parks – cause not identified
Rainfall in southern Florida identified as 1,000-year event – residents & local governments still not prepared
Haliskia peterseni – previously unknown 100 myo anhanguerian pterosaur found in Queensland, Australia
Epitornoceras baldisi – enigmatic Devonian ammonoid cephalopod in Argentina redescribed
Critical look at interpreting drill results: lies, damn lies & highlights, cutoff grades & equivalents
Visualizing acreage burned by wildfires in the US in 2023 – California tops the list
Wreck of Sir Ernest Shackleton last expedition ship “Quest” to Antarctica found in the Labrador Sea at 1,280-foot depth
Deposit of rare earth elements discovered in heart of Fen Carbonatite Complex in Norwegian volcano near Oslo
Meteo-tsunami caused flooding in Msida, Malta
Lost age of egg-laying mammals evidenced by Echidnapus
Hiker died from fall off cliff on the west side of St Mary’s Glacier in Colorado
Growing dependence on groundwater for irrigation is depleting groundwater systems – will be choice between slowing down rate of groundwater level declines and food security impacts for over-populated world
Potential drivers of global zinc cycle in the ocean
Effects of thawing permafrost on topography & periglacial environment of China-Russia crude oil pipeline
Eleven prolonged cooling events occurred in mid- to late-Holocene – IPCC got it wrong again
2021 monitoring of groundwater, surface water & soil at Ammonium Perchlorate Rocket Motor Destruction Facility at Letterkenny Army Depot, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
2020 streamflow, water quality & constituent loads and yields in Scituate Reservoir drainage area, Rhode Island
Impact of short-duration, high-intensity precipitation as trigger for postfire debris flows in US Southwest
Hurricane hunters go into the eye of the storm
Fuego volcano in Guatemala spewing gas & ash in “weak & moderate explosions”
Iceland grants whaling license for 2024 to hunt and kill 128 fin whales
Working on a plan to “refreeze the Arctic” – such hubris! – of course this will work – what could possibly go wrong?
NOAA forecasts larger than average Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico – estimated 5,827 square miles
Virginia cuts back regulations for geologists for voluntary professional geologist certification to “eliminate redundancy”
7 geological features of Appalachia
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 17 June 2024 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Birth of rare white buffalo in Yellowstone National Park fulfills Lakota prophecy portending better times but also signals more must be done to protect Earth and animals
Devastating consequences of using tranq
Massive reticulated python ate woman in Indonesia
Pandemic was plagued by egregious state & federal policies that caused people to die
Paper: Long-lasting, biochemically modified mRNA and its frameshifted recombinant spike proteins in human tissues and circulation after vaxxing
Making it sound like public drinking water supply is that much better than a private well – false assumption, just ask the people of Jackson, Mississippi, or Flint, Michigan
Perspective: human nature cannot be forever fooled - hyperinflation, spiking staple & gas prices, racial & tribal chauvinism, dangerous streets, an emasculated & politicized military, and wars abroad
Consequences and suffering are direct result of Biden open-border policies – violent crimes, murders, rapes, deadly drugs – latest Biden executive order will end these problems
Technological hazard: Large language models such as ChatGPT are some of the most energy-guzzling technologies – “guzzling resources at planet-eating rates”
Europeans realizing that “green” and “renewable” policies are too burdensome and expensive
Unsanctioned DC Pride events leave piles of garbage in Dupont Circle
BLM preferred alternative site reduces proposed large-scale Lava Ridge wind farm by 40% & moves closest turbine 7 miles further from Minidoka National Historical Site
Construction begins on next-generation nuclear power plant in Wyoming – Bill Gates has finger on the button and his motivation really is to make lots of money – problem: fuel is produced in China & Russia
High-speed rail: California “wasting stupefying sums of money” & not a single mile of installed track after spending estimated $11.2B with total projected cost now at $128B – will Texas repeat that debacle?
Environmental Working Group report suggests at least 2.5M North Carolinians drinking water contaminated with PFAS forever chemicals
India designates Nagi Bird Sanctuary & Nakti Bird Sanctuary as wetlands of international importance
Call for revamping federal farming subsidies in drought-ridden Colorado River Basin
FarmHQ being touted as cost-effective cellular technology to manage irrigation agriculture
Photo project to help document history of T Plant at Hanford Nuclear Reservation where plutonium was extracted from uranium fuel rods
Loss of topsoil in agricultural lands – difficulties of predicting the future
Another problem for EV charging stations – theft of charging cables
“Megaconstellations” composed of remnant aluminum oxide particles from old satellites (space junk) burn up in the atmosphere may pose risk to the ‘ozone hole’ by causing ozone depletion
Meanwhile, chlorofluorocarbon chemicals (CFCs) are declining in the atmosphere as Montreal Protocol phase out continues
Nitrous oxide emissions from human activities increased from 270 ppb in 1750 to 336 ppb in 2022 with 40% increase from 1980 to 2020 – but lets hype CO2 from fossil fuels despite N2O being 265X more potent GHG
Not just covid - Fauci & NIAID approved plans to engineer (gain-of-function) enhanced version of Monkeypox (MPXV) & lied to Congress about the plan
Update: FERC granted permission for Mountain Valley natural gas pipeline to begin operation
In Congressional testimony Cuomo still does not care about the deaths he caused by sending covid infected patients into nursing homes & exposing vulnerable population to the virus
Nature on AI – but does not recognize that it is a technological hazard and that AI generated text has already been published in peer reviewed journals – all research should begin with critical human thinking
Court ruling in Georgia on property seizure of business involved in catalytic converter “recycling”
How NRDC manages watershed and dams in Nebraska
Jeddah Tower in Saudi Arabia poised to become the tallest building in the world – a dubious honor
Insane threshold of EV subsidies means you are paying for them – hordes of tax rebates & credits = $1B+
California governor more than doubled number of National Guard troops along Southern Border to grapple with border encounters, smugglers, and illegal drug trade
Wind farms threated birds and bats – need to consider all wildlife
Visualizing illegal immigrant population by state based on 2021 estimates – numbers are higher now
Why rate of loss of wetlands in the US is described as accelerating
Efforts to conserve seals & ancestral way of life at Yakutat, Alaska
Biden could not even control his dog Commander when it attacked on 3 separate occasions of the 24 times the dog bit Secret Service agents
Lifetime reproductive characteristics of wolves
Method to calculate carbon credits (and offsets) to “protect” forests is flawed
Unsecured tanker hatch spilled gas in crash that destroyed I-95 bridge in Philadelphia in 2023 – human error
BLM announces availability of Final Environmental Impact Statement for Greenlink West Transmission Project Proposed Resource Management Plan Amendments – begins 30-day protest period
275 so-called “green” fuel refineries *biofuel & ethanol manufactures in the US) used federal regulation loopholes to release 12M tons of toxic materials to the air that adversely impact human health
Hog farming is big business (9M hogs) in North Carolina – BCBS declines screening “The Smell of Money”
NIH scientists raked in $710M in royalties from Big Pharma during the Pandemic late 2021 through 2023 - $690M of that went to Fauci led NIAID
Future of lightning bugs? And the Pennsylvania Firefly Festival – might it have something to do with humans destroying their habitat and using prolific amounts of pesticides? But blame “climate change”
Tribunal puts Mountain Valley Pipeline on trial – violation of the rights of nature and the rights of Indigenous people
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 17 June 2024 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Removal of Glines Canyon Dam in 2013 on Elwha River released “centuries worth” of sediment that flowed downstream bringing nutrients to the Washington coast
Outside investors & rampant development threaten coastal environment & aquifers in Baja
Now we are supposed to blame “climate change” for saturated sand pockets on the beach!?
Tropical Cyclone Ilsa killed thousands of birds on Bedout Island, Australia, in 2023 – happened before & will happen again but must be attributed to intensifying storms due to “man-made global warming”
Super-large diameter slurry tunnel boring machines launched for drilling Jintang subsea tunnel
$22M Phase II of restoring beach on 14-mile-long Dauphin Island in Alabama – but it is a barrier island that naturally erodes
Proposed $980M addition to first liquid propane gas (LPG) export terminal at Prine Rupert, British Columbia, Canada
New model intended to help ships avoid potential shipping accidents in ports and harbors
Louisiana has committed $230+M for port infrastructure projects in Port of New Orleans
South Brooklyn Marine Terminal to be “epicenter” of renewable wind energy in New York
UNESCO heritage site of Delos, Greece, may succumb to weathering & erosion
Lost utopia in the Caribbean – Eleutheria
3 of top 10 most polluted beaches are located in California - Imperial Beach is the worst & has been closed for more than 2 years – also Linda Mar Beach & Avila Beach
Censors to be installed off the coast of Hull to monitor marine conditions
If you build it, they may not come - 1.7M square-foot RaDD life science center in San Diego, California
Rainfall in southern Florida identified as 1,000-year event – residents & local governments still not prepared
$2.7B plan to “protect” Miami, Florida, from storm surge flooding
Puerto Rico restores power after massive blackout during heat wave
"A liberal is a conservative who has been arrested." - Tom Wolfe, quoted in Politico
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