From @CanGeoEdu #DYK there are > 200 First Nations in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence watershed? Explore the Great Lakes like never before with this interactive map to learn about everything from bathymetry & waterflow to water quality data
Elaine is responsible for all the items below except for the quote.
Geoscience Bulletin Board – 4 March 2024 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Three multi-million-dollar homes on oceanside cliff deemed “safe”
Sedimentary history of the lakes of Lower Geyser Basin in Yellowstone
Where are the undetonated nuclear devices that have “vanished without a trace” in the ocean?
Downward migration of micro-plastic particles in lake sediments
- Paper:
Tracing the pace of an approaching “seismic dragon king”
- Paper:
Assessing the long-term impacts of earthquakes on the environment in tectonically active regions
Slab subduction & mangle flow interact on global & regional scales
- Paper:
History of mining & heavy metal pollution in Antarctic ice cores
- Graphical abstract:
Tectonic stress drove ultrafast magma flow & eruption from 9-mile dike near Grindavik, Iceland, in 2023
- Paper:
Estimate of sediment delivery rates supplied to coral islands from the reef system
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Super-computer modeling of internal oceanic tides
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Assessing landslide risks in California triggered by heavy rains
Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging to map subsurface geology in Minnesota – searching for critical minerals
Ethnogeology – understanding Indigenous knowledge of the geologic environment
Suggesting that significant retreat of Thwaites & Pine Island Glaciers began in the 1940s within the Holocene history
Extensional fault development within oceanic plates linked to weakness associated with Ontong Java, Shatsky, Hess & Manihiki plateaus – Syn-drift plate tectonics
- Paper:
Volcanic history of Saddle Rock in Wenatchee, Washington
Assemblage of plant fossils preserved in silcrete in Australia
- Paper:
Fastest known rate of formation of ice rift calculated at 80 mph for Pine Island Glacier
- Paper:
Relationship between science & sovereignty: the Sino-American Fossil Dispute of the 1920s
Number of dry springs in Texas has nearly tripled since the early 1980s
- Link to download paper:
New maps pinpointing 36.8 million yearly ground lightning strikes in the US
- Paper:
Real-time acoustic positioning technique for precision mapping of ocean floor for seismic studies
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Two-phase development plan for Kabanga nickel sulfide deposit in NW Tanzania – expected to generate 3.4M tons of nickel annually – will also produce copper & cobalt
- Kabanga project:
US Navy commissioned first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (CVN-65) in 1961 – deactivated it in 2017 – decommissioned in 2017 – now to final dismantlement by enlisting commercial industry
Sedimentary mercury reflects history of Early Jurassic large igneous province activity
- Paper:
Challenges of finding & abandoning old oil & water wells in West Texas
Dinocephalosaurus orientalis – Mid Triassic fully marine reptile even gave birth at sea
- Paper:
Datai yingliangis – Late Cretaceous Ankylossauria had double cheek horns
2 January 2024 mine waste failure in Hpakant Mining area
Landslide activity & scenarios for landslide development at Nordic Waste facility in Randers, Denmark
Reactivating ancient landslide by reservoir construction at Hoseynabad-e Kaphush landslide in Iran
E6 landslide at Stenungsund in Sweden
Single orca attacks and kills juvenile great white shark in waters off South Africa – “intricate dynamics of predator-prey interactions in marine ecosystems, emphasizing the adaptability and intelligence of orcas”
- Paper:
Cooling Earth by reflecting sunlight to space is dangerous idea that risks further destabilizing climate system – UN could not even reach consensus on convening experts to examine benefits and risks of geoengineering
Employing “emergency” atmospheric geoengineering would not alter ocean currents – flawed scheme
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Water resources inventory of Las Cienegas National Conservation Area, SE Arizona
- SIR Report 2023-5131:
Using Landsat OLI satellite imagery to determine bathymetry
- Paper:
Stratabound scheelite-ferberite tungsten mineralization in meta-carbonate rocks at Mallnock, Eastern Alps, Austria
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Marine turbidite age calibration along Cascadia Subduction Zone
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 4 March 2024 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
“smoking gun” evidence that covid was engineered in Wuhan Lab – 2018 document indicating manipulation of virus to enhance transmissibility to humans – Project DEFUSE
Risks from newly introduced RSV vaccines – “Before the vaccines went on sale, officials were aware of the risk”
Micro-plastic particles found in human placentas
CDC reports flu shots only 42% effective this year – vaccine effectiveness estimate is about average for 2009-2022
- CDC Report:
- VE by year 2009-2023:
Nationwide recall of mouthwash due to “risk of poisoning” - lacks Poison Prevention Packaging to protect children
The Noem - $0.5 Trillion price tag megaproject in Saudi Arabia – “just because it is intended to be powered by ‘renewables’ does not make it sustainable or environmentally friendly”
Rain does not clean pollen & dirt from solar panels making them less efficient by 15% - mechanical cleaning only improved performance by 5 to 10%
Mexico City running out of water – approaching “day zero” – current population exceeds 22 million with warnings dating back to at least 2018
Plummeting demand for EVs in the US resulting in mass layoffs of workers
Master class on how to epically fail on Border Security, economy, Ukraine, energy & environment
Using camels to help restore Joshua Trees following massive 2020 Dome Fire
Sulphur Bank mercury mine Superfund site in Clearlake Oaks, California
SCOTUS to review the future of the 1st Amendment and social media
Orlando, Florida, giving away 6,000 used (at least 19 years old) solar panels from Orange County Convention Center
USDA updated plant hardiness zone map
Potential fate of US decades old buried nuclear waste on Greenland and Marshall
Before & during photos as new Indonesian capital Nusantara construction replaces native habitats with urbanization Islands – this is being called sustainable
UN told once again to “go pound sand” and stay out of Texas administrative & legislative actions
Recognizing serious adverse effects of vaxxing
Men are losing their Y chromosome
Dzud weather disaster once again struck Mongolia
Recognizing the extent and impact of nurdles – non-biodegradable & break down into micro-plastics
Risks of radon exposure greater in rural communities than urban areas
- Paper:
Pernicious & dangerous health effects of being exposed to plastics, pesticides & PFAS forever chemicals – “no safe dose” – insidious role in chronic disease
Sites stockpiling more than 3,700 nuclear warheads & 4 nuclear power plants in 28 states at risk of danger from natural disasters
The very high cost of just barely adequate health care
In Britain, “shift to high-tax, net zero, regulatory state is rushing the life our of the economy” and US not far behind
$1B is last of 3 installments of money for Superfund cleanups including 1 in NJ. 4 in PA, 3 in CA & 2 in NY – sounds like a lot of money but it won’t go very far
Water is key issue to be addressed in Mideast Gulf Nations – will decarbonization, diversity & digitalization solve water shortage issues?
Pantex nuclear weapons plant evacuated due to raging wildfires in Texas Panhandle
Wildfires cause cows to run for their lives near Stinnet, Texas
NYC no longer wants to be a sanctuary city as illegal aliens overwhelm the city – serious crimes & repeat offenders
Importance of “critical minerals” should not condone extraction at all costs – social & environmental impacts are dire
Development of a “more precise carbon footprint measurement” method – assumes GHG emissions are meaningful
- Link to download:
Utility-scale renewable energy declined in 2023 – wind power declining since 2022, hydropower & biomass declining since 2017
Visualizing last 40 years of wildfires in the US – very different graph based on data for last 100 years
- Background:
UN warns that surge of trash must be stemmed – 2.3B tonnes of municipal waste last year & will likely grow by more than 60% by 2050
- Report:
CDC recommendation in response to shortage of tetanus vaccine - Td vs Tdap
DEI hiring policies are likely unconstitutional & fails science – need people of merit doing best work
Prescribed burn planned for March at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge
Americans have begun revolting against “green energy”
Drone flown through damaged reactor at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant to inspect some molten fuel debris that earlier robots failed to reach as 4th batch of radioactive wastewater released into ocean
Under new law EU member states must restore habitats from poor to good condition – 30% by 2030, 60 by 2040 and 90% by 2050 – guidelines for improving biodiversity in agricultural systems
San Francisco voters to decide whether drug testing should be mandatory for welfare recipients (i.e., public cash benefits) – Prop F likely to be passed by voters
Democrats who supported “green energy” and pushed “green new deal” voted against streamlining federal permitting process for nuclear energy development
Legislation would “bolster” (i.e., further subsidize & promote) nuclear power production & wouod further limit legal liability for nuclear accidents by 40 years
Confirmed: 1+ billion people in the world are obese – quadrupled since 1990 – new drugs are not a solution
Strong statistically significant link between use of cannabis and increased risk of cardiovascular disease
- Paper:
90% of tattoo inks have unlabeled or mislabeled ingredients that could have adverse health effects, including cancer
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 4 March 2024 – compiled
by Elaine J. Hanford
Building 160-foot long 10- to 15-foot-high retaining wall costing $7.2M in attempt to protect trains from landslides along Orange County Coast in southern California – good luck with that
Cruise ship prevented from docking in Mauritius because of onboard cholera outbreak
Port of Los Angeles says operation of Chinese-made cranes poses security risk
CRS Report: Outer limits of the US extended continental shelf – beyond the territorial sea & EEZ
Hawaii to address island wastewater management technologies and cesspools
Singapore looking for better methods to manage storm water as part of water management system which relies on 4 “national taps”
Nova Scotia government scraps Coastal Protection Act
Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana, ordered immediate halt on Mid-Barataria sediment diversion project
Most North Carolina coastal state parks report “visitor growth” in 2023 – 20+M pose risk of over-tourism?
Retrospective on 25 years of NOAA Office of Response and Restoration for ocean & coastal resources
Coastal Resilience Master Plan for City of San Diego
Implications of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 on offshore wind
Hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil spilled offshore reaching beaches of Trinidad & Tobago – recovery in progress – cleanup & remediation to take several years
Plan to address environmental issues of Pages Creek Watershed in North Carolina
US Army COE study to assess once again raising levees in southern Louisiana – study to cost $3M
Land subsidence is more significant than sea level rise in many coastal locations worldwide
Singapore plans to suck massive amounts of CO2 from the ocean – What could possibly go wrong with that?
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