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Elaine Hanford's Bulletin Boards

Elaine J. Hanford's Bulletin Boards: 1) Geoscience; 2) Environmental Science; 3) Coastal Zone Management - Earth Day 22 April 2024

Earth Day 22 April 2024 

I remember the first Earth Day in 1970. At the College of William and Mary in Virginia, I helped build a dam. Nice, huh? Actually, it was to prevent the pollution of a stream and lake from sediment produced by construction. It did annoy some of my geology major colleagues who wanted to study delta formation in Lake Matoaka.

It's been all downhill since then.

What an appropriate post for Earth Day - Las Vegas and water! That was on Earth Day 2007.

Here is what I wrote: 

On 16 April 2007, Nevada State Engineer Tracy Taylor announced that the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA), which supplies water to the Las Vegas (southern Nevada) area, will get to pump only 40,000 AF (acre-feet) annually, instead of the 91,000 AF it had requested, from Spring Valley, which is in White Pine County near the Utah border.

A pdf map of Nevada's hydrographic basins can be dowloaded below. Spring Valley is #184, in the east-central part of the state. Las Vegas Valley is #212 in the southern part of the state.

Download gw_has.pdf

Here is a map of Nevada's hydrographic regions. Spring Valley is in the eastern portion of the Central Region (#10).

Screen Shot 2024-04-25 at 4.05.30 PM

According to a 16 April 2007 article in the Nevada Appeal, Taylor said that after the initial 10-year pumping period, the SNWA can pump an additional 20,000 AF/year, provided monitoring has not indicated any adverse impacts.

Taylor also said that the SNWA's pumps will have to be turned off if existing wells and water rights are adversely affected. Critics wondered whether Taylor would really turn off the pumps.

Some wondered whether this reduced allotment would still make for a cost-effective plan.

The SNWA receives Nevada's entire annual allotment of 300,000 AF from the Colorado River and has maintained that further growth in the Las Vegas area beyond about 2014 will require additional supplies. It does not appear likely that the other Colorado River Compact states (CA, AZ, NM, UT, WY, and CO) will provide any more water to Nevada. SNWA General Manager Patricia Mulroy has lobbied unsuccessfully for a change in the compact to allot more water to Nevada. In 1922, when the seven basin states divided the Colorado's water, who could have imagined that there would be about 1.5 million people in southern Nevada in 2007.

The SNWA already owns rights to 10,000 AF per year in Spring Valley, and so with the additional water rights granted by the State Engineer, reuse and recyling, the SNWA expects that they will be able to provide an additional 120,000 AF annually to the Las Vegas Valley. Deliveries are expected no earlier than 2014.

Here is a pdf of the State Engineer's ruling:

Download 5726r-SNWA.pdf


Best I could do for Earth Day #55. Wait''ll next year!

Geoscience Bulletin Board – 22 April 2024 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford

Geothermal currently constitutes less than 1% of global energy production

Emergence of hot springs basis for fears that Long Valley Caldera may erupt after 760,000 years since last major eruption – “Secrets of the Underground”

Monument Geyser Basin is a vapor-dominated thermal area in Yellowstone National Park

Bowling Green Parks & Recreation will present programs on early photography & geology in Yellowstone and Yosemite National Parks

Seismic rehabilitation of Oregon State Capitol – Part 2 of 3-part series

USGS to invest $1M+ to map mineral resources in western & central Nevada using electromagnetic & magnetic data – possible identification of brine & mineral systems that might contain lithium resources

New full-color geologic map of Lincoln County, Kansas

“Dinosaur Molecules:  Exploring how soft tissues and biologic molecules can persist in dinosaur bones”

Paper:  Practical considerations for using petrophysics & geoelectrical methods on clay-rich landslides

Lithium isotope data show continental clay export promoted organic carbon burial & atmospheric oxygenation in late Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic time

Geology of Mount Olympus – home of the Greek gods

Kazakhstan marking the contributions of outstanding geologist Kanysh Satpayev (1899-1964)

Aftershocks may help in identification of the fault source of the M4.8 earthquake in New Jersey

Discovery of oil in the Zagros Fold and Thrust Belt has prompted further exploration in the complex geology

The Khumbu Ice Fall on Mount Everest – still trying to find a way to cross – avoiding serac ice

Eruption of Ruang volcano in Indonesia – tsunami alert issued - evacuations

Suggesting that pyrite in mid-Devonian shales in Appalachia might be mined for minor lithium content

National Spatial Reference System reanalyzed peak elevations in Colorado – derived ellipsoidal heights & geoid model

Debris from satellites burning up in atmosphere could be affecting magnetic field of Earth

Smokehouse Creek Fire – largest wildfire in history of Texas – attributed to power lines of Xcel Energy

Primary endosymbiosis – two life forms merging into one organism – happened when archea swallowed a bacterium & when more advanced cells absorbed cyanobacteria

Plumbian orthoclase is unique to Australia – “Aussie kryptonite” with glowy green hue – mildly radioactive

Biden administration to restrict new O&G leasing in federal petroleum reserve in Alaska

Arctic Sea Ice speed paradox

Structure & dynamics of the Crust controls the release of CO2 more strongly than chemical weathering in the central Apennine Mountains

Two decades of mooring observations & hydrographic data suggest AMOC has weakened by about 12% and ‘man-made global warming” in Antarctica is causing sea level rise in North Atlantic – myopic perspective

Webcam views of Piz Scerscen rock avalanche in Switzerland

Images of landslide at Araen in Toka Tindung gold mine in Indonesia – mining activity terminated in two pits

Land subsidence along US East Coast & in China is large-scale phenomenon mapped by space-based radar – caused by groundwater withdrawal & weight of urban development

“Worst case scenario” caused by ‘man-made global warming’ is unlikely – modeling based on LGM

Mini-earthquakes triggered in the laboratory by small external shock wave

Big surprise!  Differences between experience Ordnance Survey mapmakers & novices in interpreting aerial images for mapmaking

Consecutive atmospheric river events

Graphitization may provide simplest explanation for origin of life on Earth

Basin-scale responses of groundwater resource quality to drought & recovery – San Joaquin Valley, California

Improved understanding of potential for amplified ground shaking in Southern California using analysis of surface waves & refraction tomography

Fracking-induced earthquakes in Argentina

Most extreme rogue wave recorded in the Pacific Ocean was 58 feet high off the coast of Uclelet, British Columbia, in November 2020 – Draupner wave at 85 feet high hit off the Coast of Norway in 1995 in the Atlantic


Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 22 April 2024 compiled by Elaine J. Hanford 

Emails reveal effort that “would leave no signature of purposeful human manipulation” on gain-of-function research in China funded by Fauci directed NAID

When humans attempt to “change climate” they get intense weather – deadly deluge flooding in Dubai, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar & Saudi Arabia – messing around with forces beyond their ability to grasp

Follow the scientific method – not ‘peer review’ or even structured peer review to ensure scientific literatures is subject to reliable quality control especially with the advent of AI

Time to retire the term “clean energy” – it was never clean but was always a politically motivated cover-up for all the pollution caused by the full life-cycle of alternative energy like wind & solar and promote the mythology that CO2 is causing “man-made global warming”

Now touting “green plastic” as ‘environmentally friendly – PLA blended with bioplastic LAHB

Senate voted to dismiss articles of impeachment against Mayorkas – needed to be prosecuted for abject failure to enforce the laws and to protect the US Border & Americans from the invasion of illegal aliens

Only 20% of Americans now believe the US has control of the Border to prevent invasion of illegal aliens

DOJ releases fraud enforcement task force report – criminal charges of 3,500+ for losses > $2B, 4000 settlements & judgements > $100M & $1.4B+ seized or forfeited – and that just the ones they caught – new bill to allocate $1.3B to investigate & prosecute plandemic relief fraud

Plastic pollution rapidly escalating – PVC nurdles damage embryonic development in marine life

Quietly saying consumers should not panic with avian flu tests in cows

Rangers trying to identify two men who damaged rocks on Redstone Dunes Trail in Lake Mead National Recreation Area

Update:  Federal government proposed plan to cull nearly half a million barred owls 

Plan to build massive £3.8bn car battery giga-factory in Northumberland, England, have fallen apart – may sell site for development of possible computer data center

Biden may scale back EV requirements – will not admit it was ill-conceived mandate from the start – EV market imploded

Biden administration finalized rule that cuts 80% of fees for developing solar & wind on public lands

Proposal to lease acreage on Nevada National Security Site (former nuclear testing site) for “clean energy”

Urban population migration exodus continues

Sightings reported of extinct Tasmanian Tiger

3 officials suspended in connection with collapse of Garden Reach building in India that killed 13 people – “negligence on part of the officials in supervision of the construction of the illegal building"

Children being victimized by “gender-affirming care” - “great caution” should be exercised with patients under 25 – “Dr Frankensteins maiming sexually-confused kids”

State laws mirror federal Humane Cosmetics Act in banning sale of cosmetics tested on animals

USPS decision to move Reno, Nevada, Postal Center to Sacramento, California 

With WHO efforts at totalitarianism flailing, Biden offers alternative approach to same goal on plandemics

California Supreme Court to hear appeal on CPU Commission that slashed financial compensation for solar customers generating more electricity than they consume

Three beavers tested positive for endemic tularemia (aka ‘rabbit fever’) in Utah

Fact Sheet on neonicotinoids

American taxpayers have subsidized EV purchases to the tune of $580M 

House voted almost unanimously against Biden administration misinterpretation of provisions & jeopardized educational enrichment programs like hunting & archery

Seeking accounting for “missing water” in South Texas – Mexico not paying water debt to US & other?

Iowa farmer challenging “Swampbuster” law passed in 1985 – “government cannot condition benefits on waiver of a constitutional right”

Ozempic has side effects – women getting pregnant despite also being on birth control

Arguments trying to rationalize supporting Southern Spirit interregional transmission line – decarbonization is not justified – concerns for impacts on utility customers

Americans throw away tens of millions of dollars in coins each year

15 reasons EVs should be permanently banned - environmental implications and technological challenges & economic and infrastructural hurdles

Biden giving student loan borrowers free ride teaches the wrong message & will cost taxpayers $559B – open for public comment

Unproven but potential transmission of CWD from deer to humans who consumed infected venison

Finally acknowledging the consequences of over-pumping of groundwater in California – aquifer is compacting & economic toll will be felt by $50B agricultural industry – new fees to begin in July

Biden increase in IRS funding – poorest Americans at higher risk of getting audited

Rethinking use of antibiotic growth promoters (APGs) for livestock amid concerns of antibiotic resistance

BNSF Railway expected to argue not liable for lung cancer deaths of two former residents of asbestos-contaminated town in Montana – WR Grace vermiculite mine in Libby MT Superfund site

Undercover EIA investigation of illegal HFC trafficking across Europe

Secret medical trials using infected blood products on children in the 1970s and 1980s in the UK

Strong scientific support that birds & mammals have conscious experience & “realistic possibility” of consciousness of all vertebrates that my extend to insects, crustaceous & cephalopods

Primary endosymbiosis – two life forms merging into one organism – happened when archea swallowed a bacterium & when more advanced cells absorbed cyanobacteria

Private yards defined as “open space” – invoking estoppel to make city pay compensation for removal of solar panels from Canyon View mobile-home park in LA County

Good news – Scotland has rescinded 2030 target of 75% emissions cuts to GHG – meaningless net-zero policy and exorbitant costs of trying to achieve it

Models suggest ubiquitous cancer-causing flame-retardant chemicals can be absorbed through the skin

Update:  US District Judge refused to block construction of SunZia transmission line in SE Arizona


Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 22 April 2024 compiled by Elaine J. Hanford 

$2B Lagos-Calabar Coast Highway Project expected 8-year completion schedule announced

Island state of Hawaii facing freshwater crisis – blaming “climate change” rather than growing human demand

“Revenge politics” being applied by FEMA in flood zones in Florida – rebuilding after Hurricane Ian

Proposed pier & floating marina redesigned & enlarged to etend 1,270 feet into Provincetown harbor facing environmental impact scrutiny from Rhode Island agencies, town conservation commission & business owners

Multi-year investigation of failed environmental enforcement against Rhode Island Recycled Metals for stripping away the coastline without approval from CRMC – created urban wasteland

Concerns voiced about lack of safety at Rock Harbor, Massachusetts – proposed $8.3M plan to build new bulkhead and floating docks

Inspecting alleged illegal construction within Shambhala resort in No Development Zone in Candolim, India

“High Ground Hike” held during Tsunami Preparedness Week in British Columbia, Canada

Hundreds of carbo ships have lost propulsion in US waters – many near bridges & ports

Virginia introduced blue catfish in the 1970s & 1980s – now trying to promote the invasive species as a trophy fish to minimize population in Chesapeake Bay tributaries

Deepwater Horizon cleanup workers exposed to crude oil & chemical dispersant Corexit that adversely affected their health – medical claims settlement did not fairly compensate workers

Ongoing sargassum invasion in the Caribbean Sea

In the US residents are battling to preserve some of the last pristine wetlands on the Texas coast & in Europe lobbying efforts to block importation of US natural gas – export terminals approved & permitted

Rapid drowning of wetlands vegetation leads to faster microbial decomposition & decreases in soil carbon in Mississippi River delta

$294M Plans for new pier & rehabilitation of East River Esplanade in New York City

"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time."  - Leo Tolstoy

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