Water, Volume 16, Issue 15 (August-1 2024) (144 Articles)

Elaine is responsible for all the entries below.
Geoscience Bulletin Board – 12 August 2024 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Probability of hydrothermal explosions in Yellowstone appears to be dependent on the size of the event
Hidden details of the Aurora Borealis
Eruptions on Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland may involve magma formed from the deep crust rather than the mantle
Measuring soil moisture in the vadose zone using seismic technology
New model for formation of continents
Fossil evidence that interior of Greenland Ice Sheet is less than 1.1 million years old
Post-seismic deformation detected by sub-daily GPS data
Using 3D CT scan to examine the 4,000-year temperature history recorded in Bristlecone Pines
Groundwater levels in SW Europe are declining primarily in semi-arid regions with intensive agriculture and frequent drought – in other areas groundwater levels remaining essentially stable
Another “scientific consensus” theory that injecting produced water in West Texas is causing old oil well blowouts – “volume injected matched the volume of the (shallow) surface bulge 12 miles away”
Eruption of Sakurajima Volcano in Japan
Swarm of earthquakes up to M5.2 south of Bakersfield, California
Another small outburst flood from Mendenhall Glacier near Juneau, Alaska
Landslide triggered mega-tsunami in narrow fjord on Greenland in 2023 created VLP standing wave that lasted in Dickson Fjord for more than a week
JOIDES Resolution Expedition 399 recovered nearly continuous drill core from a tectonic window that exposed uppermost Mantle along the Mid Atlantic Ridge in the Atlantis Massif – peridotites with less pyroxene but higher concentrations of magnesium
Life forms in the Great Salt Lake include brine shrimp, brine flies, bacteria, algae and worms living in calcium carbonate mud within microbialites
Geoengineering the ocean pilot project – messing around with forces beyond their ability to grasp
Carcass of 14,000-year-old woolly rhino discovered by miners in Russia
M7.1 earthquake strikes southern Japan
“Megaquake advisory” issued urging people to prepare for possible “megaquake” off southern coast of Japan
Still predicting highly active Atlantic hurricane season in updated hurricane outlook
Geochronology of White Sands Locality 2 – radiocarbon ages, luminescence ages, footprint trackways
Capturing images of the polar rain aurorae
Fate and transport of nitrogen in the Arctic Ocean
Landslide at Skíðaskálinn in Hveradalir, Iceland, was triggered by heavy rainfall & geothermal activity
Isostatic adjustment in Antarctica – predictions of impact on sea level
Assessing potential impacts of O&G development on groundwater quality in San Joaquin Valley, California
Real-time graben formation in Iceland
Annan River bank collapse near Cooktown, Queensland, Australia - fisherman killed at Crocodile Bend
Sedongpu gully catchment is one of most landslide-prone locations on the planet
Examining short-term variation in volcanic activity in Italy – Stromboli & Etna
Chemical variation in magma of Fagradalsfjall eruptions due to fractional crystallization
Environmental Science Bulletin Board – 12 August 2024 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Virome - Like microbes in our guts, viruses may be absolutely necessary to healthy biological function
EPA finally issues emergency order to remove “so dangerous” DCPA herbicide used on food crops from the market – causes fetal damage – EPA issued Data Call-In in 2013 – EPA risk assessment issued in 2023
Approval for preliminary construction work (digital model) for 101 MW wind farm in Cantabria, northern Spain
ASCE changing Minimum Design Loads & Associated Criterial for Buildings & other Structures
California housing crisis driving increased development in & near wildlands posing greater risks
Planting the “wrong” trees may make air quality worse in New York City – some trees release isoprenes
Technological hazard: voter registration / cancellation
Plan to restart operations & enlarge Palisades Power Plant in Covert, Michigan
First, the US Army COE eliminates Piasa & Eagle’s Nest islands from Mississippi River – and now plans to dredge river bottom to reconstruct the islands
Biden-Harris policy putting Americans at greater risk – 250+ illegal immigrants on terror watch list released into the US
“Pause” in Biden-Harris fraudulent scheme to import 30,000 illegal immigrants to the US each month
Geoengineering attempts to alter climate (cloud brightening) could have unpredictable and far-reaching unintended effects – simulated models are not the real world
Urban areas are growing upward more than outward – will increase heat island effect & concentrate pollution
Identifying patters between breeding & stopover locations for long-distance migratory songbirds
New California law bars school districts from notifying parents if child decides to “change gender” – other states require informing parents of children asking to use alternate gender names or pronouns
Overview of fuel cell technology
ORNL created custom glass test cell to model gas behavior inside molten salt reactor
SunPower files for bankruptcy – lays off 350+ employees – received $millions in subsidies from Obama administration
UNESCO World Heritage site enlargement blocks expansion of uranium mine in Australia – Mining company files lawsuit
EPA investigating biodiesel supply chain fraud regarding used cooking oil (UCO)
New York “climate goals” could harm residents – “net zero” plan has high costs & degrading grid reliability
Mining mineral elements for “green energy” resulting in severe impact on endangered species in Africa
Facts slowly being revealed – Fauci and other covid “experts” being unmasked – defunding EcoHealth & gain-of-function research - $60M of taxpayer money from NIH, Pentagon, NSF & USAID with little oversight
DTE announced plans to build large-scale battery storage facility on former coal-burning power plant site
Hualapai Nation sues US BLM over approval of drilling for intended Big Sandy Lithium Exploration Project that would threaten aquifer & sacred Ha’Kamwe hot springs
Stupid things that humans tried: illegally connecting directly powerline in Tijuana, Mexico, to charge EV – diablito immediately incinerated Tesla and neighboring house
“green tech” startup company (Ledger8760 aka NZero) got $5.7M from Nevada – all with no climate experience and delivered “nothing” in return – hired “without fully vetting the company”
Carbon monoxide poisonings in Texas surged after Hurricane Beryl
Perspective: Biden-Harris administration pouring billions of subsidies into “green hydrogen” – 20% of such projects proposed for water-stressed areas – 11,000 metric tons of hydrogen will require at least 26M gallons
3 people hospitalized and family dog killed by bee swarm attack in Southern California
BPA exposure in utero linked to autism in boys – BPA in food packaging and can liners – 6X more likely to be diagnosed by age 11
Earthworms and a 9,000-year history of human occupation of Isle of Rum, Scotland – “ecosystem engineers”
Peer-reviewed study confirms 620% increased risk of myocarditis due to mRNA vaxx
Draconian measures & “health” interventions during plandemic cause more deaths than attributed to covid – “power-hungry WHO”
Combined sewage/stormwater systems lead to overflows and increased risk of gastrointestinal illness
Potential boom in mining in Arizona raises fears that scarce groundwater will be adversely impacted
“Sustainable aviation fuels” are rife with greenwashing claims
Seasonal sources of smog in Beijing, China
Visualizing population changes in Europe from 1990 to 2023
Coastal Zone Management Bulletin Board – 12 August 2024 – compiled by Elaine J. Hanford
Update: debris from broken Vineyard Wind turbine washed up along Elephant Rock Beach
US Coast Guard rescues 3 people and 2 dogs from boat that lost power along Texas Gulf coast
Humpback whale carcass washes ashore on Strawberry Island in Maine
Swarms of dragonflies hit coast of Rhode Island – some beachgoers enchanted, others “terrified”
Vietnam & Philippines conduct joint military training
Oysters washed up on Chinese beaches by Typhoon collected by residents – may be from aquaculture farms & may be contaminated
New Jersey DEP investigating lead contamination along Keyport Bayshore – warning issued over high levels of arsenic as slag cleanup continues
Bangkok, Thailand, initiated feasibility study to potentially relocate Bangkok Port in Klong Toey District in effort to reduce traffic congestion & air pollution while boosting local economy
Hurricane Debby washed 25 packages of cocaine worth estimated $1+ million onto beach in Florida Keys
Mapping toxic flood vulnerability in Galveston Bay and Houston
High concentrations of fiberglass (GRP) particles in marine life near active boat yards
Projected sea-level change & high-tide flooding at Big Cypress National Preserve in Florida
New hydrogen-powered catamaran passenger ferry MV Sea Change added to San Francisco Bay – can transport 75 passengers – free weekend for 6 months – hydrogen cells exponentially more expensive
Bridge failure & collapse in India over Kali River near Karwar in Uttara Kannada District
NOAA data shows coastal towns along Gulf of Mexico are sinking due to extraction of water, oil & natural gas resulting in increased flooding
DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against FERC approval for LNG export terminal & pipeline in Brownsville, Texas – insufficient analysis of environmental impacts on local communities, wildlife & environment
“Hottest oceans in 400 years” cited as potentially dangerous to Great Barrier Reef – seems like a lot of hype
But, after trillion tons of CO2, Great Barrier Reef hits record coral cover for 3rd year in a row – “60% of man-made CO2 emissions have occurred since 1985 but today corals are healthier than ever”
Seagrasses in coastal urban ecosystems can significantly reduce human bacterial pathogens
NOAA predicts fewer high-tide coastal flood days through April 2025
"You have to be odd to be number one." - Dr. Seuss