This is a second call for abstracts for the American Water Resources Association’s innovative 2017 Spring Specialty Conference, Connecting the Dots: The Emerging Science of Aquatic System Connectivity. The conference will be held from 30 April through 3 May 2017, at the fabulous Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort in Snowbird, UT, just about 30 minutes from the Salt Lake City International Airport.
The deadline for submitting an abstract is 9 January 2017.
Technical Chair Scott G. Leibowitz and his planning committee have done an exceptional job assembling the meeting and developing its content, which focuses on hydrological, chemical, and biological connectivity in lakes, wetlands, streams, estuaries, aquifers, and oceans.
Plenary speakers will include:
· Charles Hawkins, Utah State University, College of Natural Resources – Connectivity and habitat suitability jointly influence the ecological intactness of aquatic ecosystems
· Jeffrey McDonnell, University of Saskatchewan, School of Environment and Sustainability – Hydrologic connectivity: From hillslopes to watersheds
· Catherine Pringle, University of Georgia, Odum School of Ecology – Hydrologic connectivity and ecological interactions in aquatic ecosystems
The conference will cover a wide range of topics on connectivity and should be a wonderful opportunity to learn about and discuss research that others are doing in fields related to aquatic systems. Session topics include, but are not limited to:
S1 - Biological connectivity within and among wetlands
S2 - Chemical connectivity in wetlands, lakes and watersheds
S3 - Connectivity between estuaries and terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems
S4 - Considering connectivity in aquatic resource management and protection
S5 - Connectivity in cold regions
S6—Geographically isolated wetland connectivity: Recent research advances
S7 - Hydrologic connectivity and ecosystem services across a range of system
S8 - Hydrologic connectivity within river corridors and beyond
·S9—Lake connectivity: Exploring hydrologic connectivity and its effects on lake physical, chemical and biological composition
S10—Navigating the Clean Water Act: The role of connectivity in policymaking
S11—Stream networks: Climate and biological connectivity in four dimensions
S12—Successes in integrating models and measurements into management for aquatic connectivity
S13—Tackling connectivity through cross-scale integration: Lessons learned in the Prairie Pothole Region
S14—Using GIS and remote sensing approaches to inform ASC
Your contribution does not have to fit within the 14 sessions above. If you think it does, use the session code when you submit your abstract. But the conference scope is broader than what is indicated above and can accommodate a a variety of ASC topics - click here and scroll down to see the entire list.
We encourage you to submit an abstract and attend this exciting conference at the beautiful Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort. Further information on the conference and instructions for submitting an abstract are available here.
Snowbird is an excellent place to connect the dots. Join us for an informative meeting in a region of great natural beauty and among those doing cutting-edge work in this field.
"I'm dead, but if I were not, I'd attend this meeting and seek to evolve from my present state to a more informed one." - C. Darwin
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